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Check my Stats

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Everything posted by Check my Stats

  1. Lol honestly this is the same [expletive] Raptors fans have been dealing with for the past 8 months, but when the American media says it about Bosh it MUST be true, seriously lol. This speculation is the same as Bosh, neither player has decided if they are leaving or not so you shouldn't even worry about it until they come out and flat out say they want out. We can speculate all we want but no one really knows what these players plans are. It is funny how the tables have turned though, early in the year it was Bosh to Miami, but now that the Raptors have caught fire it is somewhat the opposite. No Wade isn't rumoured to Toronto, but Bosh is apparently staying now and Wade wants out. Honestly these writers are just speculating and giving people something to talk about, don't even bother with them.
  2. Idk how I feel about the Celtics dealing Allen. I know P has been fire from 3 this year, but I still would prefer having both Pierce and Allen out there with Rondo as their 3 point shooting compliments Rondo perfectly. Celtics should just stand pat and focus on getting 100% healthy. They can still win the title with their roster, their biggest problem is probably just depth.
  3. Lol Shaq acts like Dwight says he is better than Shaq ever was. Shaq needs to deal with the fact he isn't an elite player any more and needs to step aside for the next generation of bigs. Whether he likes it or not Dwight Howard is the most dominant big in the NBA. He is also a clown like Shaq is, but at least D12 doesn't give off the same douchebag vibe that Shaq does. Shaq is an idiot, should just shut his mouth.
  4. Dirk is arguably the most difficult guard in the entire NBA along with LBJ, Wade, Kobe etc.... Pau is not. Both are probably average at best on D, neither are anchors at least.
  5. I think Haywood is going to be an amazing pickup for the Mavs at the C spot next to Dirk. A banger who can play a good hard 30 minutes a game and strong defensively. Wizards trade a serviceable big man just to cut a year off of a contract, just pathetic. I love the make up of this Mavericks team now.
  6. How is that possible when all anyone does these days is call him a soft [expletive]?
  7. Lmao. I agree wholeheartedly. Have you been drinking tonight Warren, you seem upset.
  8. Frankly I don't care how he wins it, as long as he wins it lol ^_^
  9. Seriously. Kidd is suspect, Ellis should definitely be in over him, I guess hometown is an excuse to get another undeserved all-star into the game
  10. Everyone's play should improve statistically with 20-25 more shots available each night lol...
  11. That is like a d-league game, honestly -_-
  12. I heard that the Heat are aggressively perusing Amare because they believe that they won't be getting Bosh in FA this year.
  13. 82 games or not this team is definitely making the playoffs with or without Kobe. I don't know how important home court is to the Lakers but Kobe should take his time and be as close to 100% as he possibly can when the playoffs role around.
  14. 6-1 on the stretch now I think? Time to put our foot down, winning the last 3 would be insane. Celtics lost tonight so that puts us only 4 games back of them. Happy days
  15. Thank God we were able to hold on, I might have lost my mind if we blew this game. Heading into the all-star break with our best record in history at this point (I think?).
  16. HOW DO YOU BLOW A [expletive]ING 23 POINT LEAD AT HOME?!?
  17. Definitely would rather have a deadeye shooter playing 15 minutes than an athletic swing man who is good for flashy dunks and streaky play otherwise.
  18. LOL at Reggie, seemed like he was trying too hard and anxious to score, but great to see the hustle nonetheless. Haven't been watching closely, nice to see us up handily so far, hopefully we can keep our foot on the gas and head into all-star weekend with another W at home.
  19. I am cracking up at 3 awesome lob passes from Jose in 2 minutes. Jose is playing amazing right now, unreal bench guy. 6th man of the year
  20. Can't wait to hear the ovation for Reggie lol.... Sixers look a lot better with Thad out of the starting 5, I really think that kid is overrated.
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