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Check my Stats

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Everything posted by Check my Stats

  1. 1. LeBron 2. Kevin Durant 3. Dwight 4. Chris Paul 5. Derrick Rose 6. Kobe 7. Kevin Love 8. Dwyane Wade 9. Russell Westbrook 10. Deron Williams 11. Dirk 12. Rondo 13. Bynum 14. Blake 15. Gasol 16. Tony Parker 17. Melo 18. Chris Bosh 19. Steve Nash 20. Aldridge Thoughts? I actually think that they did a surprisingly really solid job this year. I think the top 10 is pretty much perfect (tried to think of any reason possible to kick Love out of the top 10, but couldn't find one) in terms of those guys all being the top 10, the order could probably be fixed a bit; ie- put Dwight 2 where he belongs, Wade should be top 5, Deron moved up.. I'd probably move Rose down... we're not talking about a sprained knee, we're talking reconstructive surgery... people did the same shit with Wade when he blew his shoulder out. But at that point I feel almost like I am nitpicking. Post what you would change, and who you think got shafted out of the top 20 (Manu???)
  2. why you hating on him? he's a nice kid. don't be a dick.
  3. I think JJ Redick is a stud (for what he is). He knows his role, plays within it, maybe even too much to a certain extent at times, and is excellent at what he does (spreading the floor, defending, not making unnecessary mistakes. Really good player at an MLE-type of salary (maybe even a bit more like he makes right now). JJ Redick is the type of player you win with. I'd rather pay him 7M a year than JR Smith 1M a year.
  4. If it were possible I would use a years worth of +1's.
  5. Yeah ours are 3 years, shits insane. What is your guys, 2? I don't really care anymore about the 'upgrades' or lackthereof. I would consider getting one of the androids or whatever but I'm not a tech geek and the reality is the iPhone 5 is cooler and its what I am used to, so its probably what I'll get. I don't care if Androids load 44 milliseconds faster.
  6. Raptors: 1. Jonas... know he's gonna struggle, but some glimpses alone would be awesome. 2. Lowry. Best player on the team (sadly). Hope he continues to make strides this year as a floor general. 3. Derozan. For what seems like the 3rd year in a row I hope he makes a leap. Not holding my breath this year (sorry Demar, you made me look retarded last year), but I do still think he is a talent in this league. NBA: 1. Best player in the league hopefully continuing to carve out his legacy as top 5 all-time. 2. LA-Miami finals. going to be awesome if we are so blessed. 3. Everyone trying to ignorantly rationalize KD or Deron for MVP over LBJ in the spring.
  7. My contract has been up for almost 2 years, still on that iPhone 3 shit. Still not sure if I want to lock into the 5 for 3 years. Probably will but we will see I guess.
  8. Honestly every single time I see Westbrook pull up on a jumper I just imagine what I would do if I was Kevin Durant. Probably like 70% of the time, in KD's position, I would literally kick him right in the sack. KD shooting a 37 foot contested jumper > RW's shooting a 17 foot pull up.
  9. We were never a pop family. Never intentionally kicked it and don't go out of my way to avoid it really. I loved root beer and still do, and can have one here and there but I just generally don't like the taste. I'll usually get it on dollar drink days at mcdons, but I hardly ever eat there so its kind of irrelevant. I absolutely hate coke and pepsi though.. it almost hurts my teeth its so sugary. Its almost like the equivalent to beer for me. I wouldn't drink beer if it didn't get me drunk, but there's the occasional time where it just tastes really nice when I want it... same thing with pop. The fact its bad for you is just a bonus. I hammer water, 3-4 bottles a day on average, nevermind if I am doing any activities. I love milk but my parents used to give us shit if we drink it all too fast lol. Shits expensive(ish)! Iunno I've always just liked water more than anything.. at a restaurant or anything I will just order water probably 90% of the time. People who drink loads of pop and bitch about their weight and stuff is a peeve of mine. I know there are worse things in the world that negatively affect your weight, but damn thats probably the easiest thing to cut out, so unnecessary.
  10. Got a huge contract after being a 20-8-4 type of player (solid numbers). Then playing for almost 20 years helped. Howard was solid. I'm sure worse players have made more undeserved money than he has without looking at that list.
  11. I could see the argument for Deron 2 years ago when he was beasting (CP3 was still better, but it was at least debatable), but after last year? No. Don't feed me any stats if any somehow exist in his favour, Chris Paul is a better player. Its not even up for debate as far as I am concerned. He's also one of the most dangerous clutch players in the league too... there aren't many times he is making a play that you are going "wtf.." or "?" to... he's a beast, a top 3-5 player, and a legit superstar. And no I'm not a Deron hater. I literally said I won't be surprised if he makes a run at MVP this year a few weeks back. Chris Paul is just better, not even debatable.
  12. L3 actually did supposedly give you a bit of speed in the old games, but not hugely noticeable. Its a lot more noticeable now.
  13. best sports game out there hands down. sorry fifa lovers.
  14. I like Mario Chalmers and think he is a real solid role playing point guard (perfect on one of those teams with a ball dominant non-point.. Derek Fisher role like mentioned).. Very solid defender, great shooter, can bring it up when necessary and isn't afraid of the big shot. But to say he is an above average point guard is hilarious.. You can find guys all over the league, and probably in Europe, who can competently do what he does.
  15. Dwight easily. I don't care if Kobe drops more buckets, Dwight is going to help you win more games. Dwight was dropping 20 a night playing with incompetent point guards for years... Steve Nash now? The offensive potential is insane for Dwight this year. Lets say he averages 19-13-3 on his usual 57% or higher, LA has a top 5 defense in the league and wins 55-60 games... Kobe is even able to drop his usual 28-5-5 on 44%, how can you tell me Dwight isn't the better player? Dwight Howard is a top 3 player in this league. Give me a break.
  16. Seriously... no idea why anyone gives this bum a chance. I wouldn't even sign him when he was at his absolute best way back when. He was never good. Waste of size and skill.
  17. Last year Kobe Bryant was not the best shooting guard in the NBA, Dwyane Wade was. People act like Wade was horrible last year. 22 points a game on 50% with 5 boards and 5 assists from your shooting guard (who is now a second option playing just 33 minutes)... what more can you ask for... sure in the playoffs he was a bit worse (but statistically still probably as good as Kobe, if not better). I realize Kobe is banged up, and was relegated to a role that didn't suit him at times last year, but Wade was a more productive player... I don't see how its even up for debate. It could change this year (I doubt it... but I really don't know how serious Wade's knee is), but right now I don't see how Kobe is better. Honestly you could argue that since around 09 Wade has been better... he was a [expletive]ing beast 2 years before LBJ, and very good the year before as well and a monster in the playoffs that year before LBJ.
  18. Duncan has been listed as a 5 for over half a decade now it seems. Garnett is not a top 5 power forward anymore. Dirk and Pau are the cream of the crop as far as I am concerned. People act like it was 05 when Dirk was the best player (by far) on a championship team... it was like 450 days ago.... Pau was the 2nd best player on a championship team 2 years in a row and is still that same player... probably the most skilled PF in the game, the issue is between his ears. I think I'd go: 1. Dirk 2. Pau 3. Love 4. Griffin 5. Bosh/Aldridge Griffin is still raw, but even being raw he is more productive and more skilled than Aldridge. I agree Griffin is overrated at times (not a superstar, yet), but he is still a very good player. He can score in a variety of ways, is a terrific ballhandler with massive potential as a playmaker, he is a force on the glass, and has defensive potential (admittedly long ways to go). A good coach would go a long way in a lot of the regards that Griffin needs to improve I feel. If anyone is overrated, its Aldridge. Chris Bosh > Aldridge. People act like Aldridge isn't a worse version of pre-Miami Bosh. His production right now as the best player on his team is barely better than Bosh's right now as the 3rd option... Bosh could easily drop 23 and 10 again if Wade missed the entire season this year.
  19. Sounds like the season starting in September/October hangs in the balance tomorrow.
  20. If DeAndre Jordan ever becomes more than just an athlete and VDN gets hit by a car... well they might stand a chance.
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