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Check my Stats

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Everything posted by Check my Stats

  1. Harris is the one good thing they have... sure the Lakers inquired but I bet it was a 30 second phone call. Besides Harris isn't even that great of a fit at all, wouldn't be enough shots to go around the entire team with guys like Bynum and Pau already not getting as many touches as they probably want. I also doubt NJ is looking to deal an all-star for a straight up salary dump. Harris is signed at a very reasonable price for his production, not to mention they only really need max cap for one free agent with having to re-sign Brook in 2 years after this season as well... they would be dumb to move him for trash/expirings. I think at the deadline dealing expirings for Kirk is more realistic of a scenario, as Chicago seems desperate to get max money in time for 2010, if they cannot find a suitor for Salmons then Hinrich could become available at a cheap price maybe. In all honesty though, I expect the Lakers line-up to remain as is until at the earliest the off-season, they have the same team that won it all last year so I doubt management is in a rush to add on more salary at this point, to already the best team in the league.
  2. Shaq. I know you said not to give one worded responses, but I just felt like this was way too obvious.
  3. Haven't been watching very closely, it is on but I am doing other things... our effort on the defensive glass seems pathetic though.
  4. It will depend how we come out in the 2nd half as well, I feel like we come out decent on back to backs in the first half, but after halftime our legs just are not there.... need to get Demar, Sonny and Marco lot's of minutes, unfortunately. Get the young kids lot's of minutes...
  5. We better smash these guys after the game last night, tough night on a back to back though, hopefully Jennings is cold tonight from the outside... if he is we should handle the Bucks tonight.
  6. Why does everyone still love KG? He has been practically irrelevant this season and is still nearly top 5 in jersey sales, wack. Chris Bosh not being in the top 15 is a damn shame.... if he goes to NY in the off-season he will be top 5 though.
  7. Alonzo Mourning (Yes he was a Raptor for a couple hours <_< ) Mike James Rafer Alston Aroujo Then probably a combined Ukic and Solomon or w/e his name was last year.... such horrible backup PG's -_-
  8. Robinson is their best wing , if D'Antoni is seriously going to force him out of town to make a point then he is a complete moron. Anyone who lands Nate is getting a potential 6th man of the year caliber bench player.
  9. I am almost sure Amare wants to go to NY, I don't know why he would ever want to leave Nash though. If he goes to NY he is reunited with his old coach, gets to play a system where he can chuck, and gets to play in one of the biggest markets....
  10. Does Stern ream your [expletive] out if Cleveland/LA/Boston lose?
  11. Oh well, we had a chance to win the game, that is all you can really ask for when you are playing a top team on their own court... we just didn't take advantage of the opportunity.
  12. His hand is mangled, it is a wonder how he can still even shoot, well actually by those numbers he can't lol....
  13. Fans will always be 'fans' when their team is good, and when they aren't they will just be there.... Raptors consistently have fans, especially an internet presence, whether their team is good or not.... I wasn't on the internet that much when the Lakers and C's sucked, but I expect their fans were a lot less prevalent. Nice to see Raps having a die hard fan base even though we have never been more than mediocre, and even at that we have only been decent a couple of seasons. It will be interesting to see what some of the fan bases, like the Cavaliers, diminish to if they lose LBJ and are back to 20 win seasons again.
  14. I hate that commercial on RapsTV. "yes coach"
  15. Lol at Boozer pretending he cares about winning. I wonder if his 'keep this team together, we are clicking' attitude will remain of someone else offers more money than the Jazz in the off-season.
  16. Lol I wanna see that every game. I definitely do not think we are going to get smashed tonight, if we come out and play our game and play hard we should be able to stay in this game and possibly give ourselves a chance at winning.... I am curious how the Cavaliers intend on handling Bosh and Bargnani after they both pissed in our last meeting. A nice test, we have been playing the top teams well lately, we just need to play solid D and work the ball on offense, make LeBron a jump shooter and hope he isn't feeling it from the outside. Also need to play real good transition D, try and limit the easy buckets LeBron and Mo will try and get in transition. Last contenders we have played: Dallas (W), Orlando (W), San Antonio (W).... hopefully we can continue to play well against good teams.... a win would be huge tonight, wish it was in Toronto though
  17. This is exactly how I feel, Aldridge is basically the same player he was 2 years ago, whereas Bargnani is getting better each and every game it seems...
  18. Ya our pick is lotto protected until like 2014 lol...
  19. Haven't read yet, but lol at Amir only getting those grades, easily an A- or higher, biggest surprise and most consistent bench player all year.... one of the few players who knows and plays well within his role most of the time. Hedo should have the lowest grade seeing as he has provided us with basically nothing more than Anthony Parker has done the past 4 seasons, Jose should be right there too but he has picked it up lately, he was a big reason why we were so horrid early on.
  20. People, or the American media really, thinking Toronto is basically Yellowknife. I don't know if this applies, but it bugs me how people act like Toronto is the great white north, I mean there isn't even any snow in Toronto lol... sure it isn't Miami but how much worse is it than Boston or New York? Lol.... Also I hate when people call Bargnani a bust still or call him a scrub, he is far from a complete player but he is at least a competent player now. I hate when people say Bosh is can't rebound, or only gets his rebounds because how crappy everyone else on the Raps is at rebounding.
  21. Basically just a pot up shooter though, if they had Shard at SF and VC at SG they would be so much harder to match up against on the wing. EDIT- Not to mention D12 wouldn't be playing PF and C at the same time basically.
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