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Check my Stats

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Everything posted by Check my Stats

  1. Jack is a bonehead, such a dumb play.... swing the ball.... Magic are still right there, we just need to fend them off for 4 more minutes.
  2. Howard was the DPOTY last year? He is playing horrible right now. The Magic just do not look like a team that we are supposed to consider contenders right now. It isn't over yet but this would be arguably our biggest win of the season if we pulled it out.
  3. I was very happy to come home from work to see a double digit lead with the Raptors. I am very nervous, this 14 point lead could evaporate quickly, especially with these questionable passes trying to be made.
  4. Jose is back tonight apparently, this will likely mean the return of the two PG backcourt -_- . I expect an L tonight, an ugly one at that.
  5. Good, there will be literally no minutes for him if and when Reggie gets back. Was kind of pointless to bring him back in the first place really.
  6. Lol honestly I don't follow football die-hard but I still consider myself a relatively casual fan. But to suggest that a team that has dominated and earned a top seed be forced to play their best players, and at the same time risk those guys getting hurt for the playoffs, is absolutely absurd. These teams have dominated and earned the right to not only rest their guys but to also protect them from a potentially season ruining injury. This is like suggesting if a team's best player got hurt in the NBA and the team should offer to refund their tickets. Absolutely silly IMO. Honestly, who cares about the fans. If they can't see past their own selfishness of what is best for the team and are actually mad that they can't see Peyton Manning play (in the assumed example), what kind of fans are they?
  7. He should be a shoe-in (if that is how you spell it). If Melo makes the team then Durant should for the exact same reasons, he might not be a starter but he should be there for sure.
  8. Wow top 15 is pretty unreal for only being 30 or whatever he is. It is amazing how fast LeBron is goign to get there really because he on a similar pace as Kobe but he came out of the gate at 18 dropping 20. Imagine if Kobe came out of the gate and got those types of points his first two years? Damn..... Also was just looking at what he is on pace for this year, could wind up passing Alex English at this rate, didn't even know he was averaging 30 a game this year. Looking at the entire list Kobe will definitely be pushing for top 5 all time by the end of next year. Kobe will definitely surpass MJ as the 3rd all-time leading scorer though, all he needs to do is average 20 a game the next 6 years (not even including this one) for all 82 games and he will be past MJ. It will be interesting if he becomes the all-time leader, will definitely make the MJ-Kobe debate that much more interesting and controversial. EDIT: Here is the all-time leaders in case you are interested: http://sports.espn.go.com/nba/alltime/leaders
  9. Jose will provide a nice scapegoat for our loss to the Magic lol.
  10. Open jumpers just aren't falling for either team right now. Raptors have been playing pretty decent defensively though, Spurs offense is kind of stagnant. One more bucket for Bosh to be the all-time leader.
  11. Those are all role players besides Rondo who is not a guy you can count on to be an offensive catalyst IMO, at least in terms of scoring.
  12. Should be Crawford, don't even mention Andy in this award please. He is NOT a game changer like guys like Manu, Crawford, Terry etc.
  13. I think the Celtics will because once Rondo is expected to be an actual integral part of the franchise they will be disappointed IMO, and you have to wonder how much the guys there really have left in the tank. Spurs are another team that come to mind. I think the Suns will struggle as they used to once Amare and Nash are gone, the Raptors will continue to be mediocre at best. Ummm, Cavs will be just -_- if LBJ leaves same with Miami. I think the Mavs will always be there because they have a committed owner willing to spend as much as needed to put a winner out there.
  14. Would be so dumb if he didn't get in. Though I wouldn't be surprised, it is time for the gimmicks to step aside (D12 and Nate) and allow the actual dunkers in the competition. I would like to see a dunk competition with strictly SF and SG's.
  15. I wouldn't compare this to the game against the Spurs, as I feel a lot has changed from our team's performance standpoint especially. Though I don't expect us to win as handily as we should, I fully expect us to win this game as we should. Charlotte > this lineup. EDIT- Though if Hedo is out I am not so sure how we will fare. Still, this is a game we should win to extend our streak, we have been beating up on inferior teams for 5 games now so I see no reason why that should stop now. (this line up is definitely inferior to ours). A loss and I will be a very unhappy fan
  16. Why would the Sixers even entertain this beats me.
  17. Bosh is playing great this year, Jack said it in the post game, 8 months ago Bosh probably doesn't make that pass. We definitely need to look to the big fella more in the 4th, too many times Marco and Antoine tried to create off the dribble. Every time we put it in Bosh's hands something good happened. Missed almost the whole game though, got back for the last 5 minutes though, when CHA went up 1 I was very worried. Thankfully Raps closed it out, without Hedo as well. Things are going good, hope it can continue when we play some high level competition like Spurs and Celtics.
  18. You are telling me a team with two 7 footers who can average 20-10 and a shut down wing in Artest, would not make the playoffs? I don't need to watch the team nightly to know they are talented enough to make the playoffs, not to mention they have a superb coach while the Cavaliers coach is nothing special at all IMO. He is great at instilling defense into his team but the offense is just -_- I can't imagine their offense without their only 'watch LeBron' play. I am not saying the Lakers would be contenders, but their coach should be fired if they didn't win 40 games, that team is basically as talented as the Raptors are, if not mores so..... On the other hand the Cavaliers have Mo Williams who is at best a 3rd option player on a normal contending team, Shaq is actually not that good anymore, and a bunch of role players. Sorry but I am confident the Cavaliers would not be near the playoffs, they were horrible pre-LeBron, and if he leaves, they will be horrible post-LeBron. Who on the Cavs can create their own shot off the dribble? Mo Will on occasion, that is probably it. Mo is a good player but he was an all-star because the best team in the league only had one, he should not have even been in the game. He is a 15 point or so scorer. I would be curious as to how many of the Cavaliers buckets, in a percentage or something, come as a result of LeBron. I bet it would be around 75%. Sorry but if you are trying to tell me the Cavaliers would win 40 games with Mo Williams and Shaq as their best players then you are sadly mistaken sir. The Cavs have 3 players above 10 PPG right now, take LeBron out of the mix they have two. Who is going to step up? Varejao? Z? Delonte? AP? All role players, can't be relied on for 20 a game. All the Cavaliers have outside LeBron and Mo really are spot up shooters, spot up shooters and defenders won't win you 40 games.
  19. A portion of a game is not nearly enough of a sample size to grade or evaluate their cast. Again, this team would not be anywhere near the playoffs without LeBron James. The Lakers would easily be in the playoffs without Kobe, probably not a high seed but they would still be right there, but the Cavaliers record is still comparable. I say this only for the sake of the LBJ-Kobe argument for MVP.
  20. Love these kids, been a while since we have had a line up that could get out and run on the fast break. Weems has been playing amazing since getting consistent minutes, he is definitely better than Wright.
  21. I know we have been playing worse teams which helps our record obviously. But we are also playing better too, it's not always in the numbers, but we are hustling and going for loose balls. The young guns have been playing great. I think the problem is against the veteran teams, the contenders, the young guys get exposed. When we play the lower level teams the young guys are more effective. At least this is what I am thinking, I am anxious to see how we play against the Celtics and Spurs if we win again tonight and take our streak to 5.
  22. Lol at Dirk not being in the top 5. As far as the MVP goes I don't even think much of it anymore. It consistently goes to the best player on the best team, not the most valuable player to their team. Anyways, LeBron is easily the most valuable player to his team, he practically plays PG, everything is run through him. Pretty much no one else can take the pressure off of him, and they are going to win 60 games again. So LeBron gets the nod from me. Also lol at Cavaliers making the playoffs without LeBron, honestly. A team with Mo Williams as their best player would not win more than 25 games.
  23. I wish the Raptors could trade for him. I think he can still be a contributor as long as he doesn't expect to be the top guy anymore, and his stats most likely won't be great anymore. He is still talented as hell, even if he is a step slower now. People forget he is 12 years pro already, so he isn't 'only' 30, he is an old 30, a lot of mileage on those legs. I am curios for what the Rockets are looking for, they were offered Arenas I heard and they decline. So I guess they don't want to take on any longer contracts. Don't know what they expect to get for a 30 year old on the decline who is the highest paid player and also expiring, lol.
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