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Check my Stats

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Everything posted by Check my Stats

  1. No one should be a threat, but if anyone is going to be (as a result of the damn media) it would be Durant. It will take a team winning 65 games, and putting up pretty incredible numbers to be LBJ. Especially when you consider that LBJ could very well improve this year, which I am sort of expecting, with his confidence probably at an all-time high now. But really, no one is even close to his realm right now. Unless the Heat somehow implode, LBJ blows out his knee, or an LA team develops a time machine and pull 2006 Kobe/2009 Chris Paul out of it, I don't see how anyone could very well win it, or even be close. And rightfully so. Until Durant shows me he can dominate, or at least impact the game on the defensive end, as well as facilitate consistently for others, I just can't put him in that conversation with LeBron. We all know he can drop buckets better than anyone in the world... but it takes more than that to be MVP. It will take damn near 70 wins for Durant to steal that MVP from LeBron.
  2. A) Tim Duncan is still a top 5 center in the NBA when he is on the floor. B)Al Jefferson is a center... you know this right? C) Bargnani and Bogut belong nowhere near this list... maybe Bogut from 2-3 years ago... but not now. 1. Dwight 2. Bynum 3. Duncan 4. Chandler 5. Jefferson Something like that seems a bit more reasonable to me. No offense but this list is questionable as hell. You could stick guys like Hibbert, Noah, Gasol, Monroe (will be top 3 soon I think), Gortat, etc right in under Jefferson, or maybe in that spot depending how you feel about him. Duncan gives you more in 30 minutes a night than a lot of guys could in 40+.
  3. I am probably more desperate for one title than anyone here besides fellow Toronto fans, and even I am saying "uh no, wtf?" to this.
  4. Damn I must have slept through this because from what I remember of that period in time is everyone thinking Miami would dominate and it would be like the world trade centers being taken down again if they lose 2 in a row. People hate(d) Miami, sure, but people sure as hell didn't think they wouldn't dominate.
  5. I love the potential of this frontcourt. I think Drummond is gonna be a solid one. Seems like a good kid, I think being a pro will do him well for development. Another year of college would have been a waste.
  6. No offense, but any heat player or fan saying they aren't worried about LA is either delusional or lying.
  7. This year is going to be a lot harder than last year (OKC a year older... LA if they mesh...). The east is going to be a cakewalk which is definitely huge for Miami since OKC-LA will be an absolute slugfest. I don't care that Boston is deeper, losing Ray Allen hurts (love Jet but he is a totally different player) and getting relying on so many young guys/rooks is a huge question mark. It will be interesting, that is for sure. LA has so much potential, but right now that's all it is, potential. EDIT: for the record, I hope Miami wins. I wanna see LBJ continue to add to his resume as one of the goats. I don't know if his resume can take another finals loss, even if LA is a potentially better team.
  8. 2K's gameplay may have its flaws but their franchise mode and ratings system is beast IMO.
  9. Solution: weed out the OT fiends who contribute nothing to the sport discussion and stir all the shit up.
  10. So I'm waiting for my pair of Kobes to come in. Got the 5's on ebay the other day. I wanted a pair of low cuts/. Did a lot of reading before buying (100+ bucks is a lot for me to spend blindly) and everything I've read about the Kobe's makes them out to be awesome. Anyone here got any experience with em? Just curious to see what people think. I could have gone to the store and picked up the new ones (7's?), but it really sounds like the 5's are the best out of all of them. Excited for em to come in. On another note, how unreal is black friday? I live like 25 mins from the border so I am thinking about going over. I want a TV bad. Nothing gigantic but a solid 40 incher or so. Would going on black friday be worth it? Basically I am just waiting until I see an unreal deal before i buy one, since there really isn't a rush.
  11. I LOVE this example. 08-10 version of Granger is exactly what I think of for Love.
  12. I bought way too much into that drew league shit last year. He even did well in the pickup games with the select team (read he was the leading scorer for the, don't quote me on that though, I could be wrong). I don't give a shit what he is doing in any jersey besides a Raptors one.
  13. So if we are throwing titles and accomplishments out the window, how come Duncan keeps getting mentioned and KG doesn't? Lets not act like Kevin Garnett in the early 2000's wasn't putting together some of the best individual big men seasons ever, playing with a pretty poor supporting cast mind you. Not to mention could Tim Duncan bring the ball up the floor for your team?!?!?!? To me you have the main 4 (MJ, LeBron, Magic and Shaq, in no order) with a bunch of other guys who you could probably stick into that 5th spot - . I think it is damn near impossible to stick anyone in that 5th spot and not have them look like a step below those 4.
  14. That's pretty close to 'best player on a team' money, and if he is your best player, then you have problems (hey he'd be the best Raptor ). Definitely overpaid, but that's just market value I guess. Actually probably below market value. After this contract I don't see what the holdup is on Harden. For OKC to potentially suggest Ibaka should get more is hilarious, and they must know he is going to get the full max in FA anyways. No sense in dragging this out and potentially hurting feelings. Get it done OKC.
  15. It would depend on how he got those rings. I think he needs at least one more as the definitive best player on the team, which I don't think he is anymore. Lets say he wins 2 more, but Dwight wins finals MVP both times, then what? Because honestly, unless the voters [expletive] up utterly (entirely possible), or Kobe somehow stops shooting 11-26 every game, I really don't see Kobe being more productive than Dwight. But to answer your implicit question, no, he would not be ahead of MJ. EDIT: Didn't read your entire post, my fault. If he wins 2 more, and is the best player on the team somehow, then the I don't see how you keep Kobe out of your top 3. I don't think we have to worry though, because I really don't see how Kobe is going to get 28 a night seeing as he will probably need 22+ shots for that, which there really aren't that many available for him. Even in your suggested scenario, he still isn't ahead of MJ.
  16. I've never been a fan of looking at things position-by-position like that, at least as a way of comparing 2 teams. That said, I still think LA has the potential to be better. Obviously they have a ton of question marks, but that roster is just oozing with potential. They have the potential to kill Miami in their weakest area (inside) and have competent defenders on the Heat's 3 best players. Potentially, they could absolutely work Miami in a 7 game series. However there are still a ton of question marks for LA, and the Heat still have the best player in the league (by a mile), and have 2 full years under their belts together, where the Lakers have 2 new players in the starting 5 and their whole offensive philosophy is going to change with Steve Nash in the fold. On paper, sure LA has better players. But Miami has the best player in the world, 2 straight finals appearances, and LA has yet to play a game with their starting 5, which believe it or not, is a definite concern, especially when your coach is offensively incompetent. Needless to say, I'm really excited to see this LA team play, because of the potential they have to be the best in the league on offense and defense.
  17. You gotta change your avy asap. Keep seeing your posts thinking its Nitro. Shits retarded.
  18. These new lux tax penalties are even more beneficial to the big markets. Only teams like LA could possibly foot a bill like that, you've got to imagine. Still wish we could have got some form of a hard cap in the NBA. Oh well.
  19. I'm not mad. I actually would like to see New York do well, believe it or not, even though I do despise players like JR Smith.
  20. LOTR is way more of a niche movie I feel like, in the sense that while the people who love that move absolutely LOVE it, but with Batman and Star Wars I feel like you reach a wider audience; it could just be me but thats how I feel. I for one don't like the lord of the ring movies whatsoever. I love Batman and Star Wars both, but the old Star Wars are classic so I guess I'd give them the edge. Lets see how the Batman movies stand the test of time. This thread not having Toy Story and the Godfather movies is kind of a slap in the face to those movies too.
  21. Am I the only one who wants to smack those glasses right the hell off of Westbrook's face every time i see him?
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