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Check my Stats

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Everything posted by Check my Stats

  1. Nah honestly I can admit when I am/was wrong. I am a Raptors fan and excitement often clouds my judgment. The other fans and Chuck brainwashed me into thinking Jose was a beast mostly because of his ast/to ratio. I used to think Jose>TJ and I was oblivious to the impact TJ had until he was gone, told my friends I wanted to trade Jose for TJ but they said I was crazy lol. Now they hate Jose too. But also Jose was never as exposed defensively until this year and last when he was playing starting PG's all night. I am wondering how long until Jose starts getting booed, because people are starting to make note of his defensive incompetence. Even Leo was calling him out all last game. But as much as I liiked Jose at the time, he was never EVER worth nearly 10 mill per season. Would rather see him guarding SG's because even if they can take him in the post at least we can have our athletic guys like Wright on the PG's which will be more effective then brick footed Calderon. Before last year I was arguing with someone how Jose is as good if not better than Rondo, now don't I look like an idiot
  2. I find it funny when he gets mad when he gets called for a foul. Or when he has the nerves to start shouting or get angry at his teammates. There isn't a single good thing he does defensively. I remember I was rattled when Jalen or Kenny or someone on TNT called Jose a backup PG, but I have now seen the light since he has become a starter. TJ Ford prior to Horford pwning him >>>>>>>>>> Jose. It is a shame too because we probably would have gotten better value for Jose if we traded him instead. I don't get why Brian was willing to admit the JO experiment failed but can;t admit this one failed. They need to trade him for a shorter contract because he is not worth 10 million dollars.
  3. I think all Raptors fans want to hear from VC is a heart felt apology. Not him looking for forgiveness but apologize for quitting on the team and leaving us in a hole the way he did. Depending how you see it management screwed VC almost as much as he did us. I wasn't following the Raptors big at the time, but that is when I started to get heavily into basketball and I remember all his requests being ignored and not even considered such as the hiring of Babcock. I don't get why Babcock was hired and I guess VC didn't either. There is no excuse for him quitting on the team the way he did, but there is a chance that something lead to him behaving that way. Maybe management telling him they won't trade him? Maybe telling him they signed him to a contract and he is playing it out? I think him telling his side of the story is something best saved for the time his career is over. It really is a damn shame the Raptors best player ever went out this way, I wish we could celebrate Vince Carter but unfortunately this situation may never allow that. Vince will have played more years away from TO than in TO, but he will always be remembered as a Raptor. He deserves an awesome send off but probably won't get it until he mends his ties with not only the Raptors organization but also it's fans.
  4. Amir played really well against Miami too, great job of BC saving face losing Delfino but getting Amir in return... same with getting Marco for nothing. I hate Sonny Weems.
  5. LOL at Jack Armstrong commenting on LeBron retiring 23 or whatever. "I thought it was a ridiculous concept, just looking for a reason to sell jerseys. Give me a break!" Honestly wouldn't be surprised if he got fined lmao.
  6. Why are we playing Amir on Dwight, isn't Amir like 6'7? This is ridiculous.
  7. Has Jose been practicing his alleys? He has thrown 2 good ones already, too bad Demar couldn't finish that one. Vince is playing really aggressive, seems like he is trying to force it and the call aren't going his way, being a real ball stopper on offense. Really don't like Sonny Weems one bit, why is he trying to break down his defender? He is making Antoine Wright type of plays. Demar is actually doing a solid job on defense. Bargnani and Jose are horrible on D right now as usual. EDIT- This is the first time I have enjoyed Leo's commentating, watching him call out Jose has been quite enjoyable.
  8. I don't know why anyone would be surprised, they were a good team last year and adding Marion is a good addition. This team is also really deep too if they are 100%.
  9. Yes because you shooting .390 taking the bulk of the shots when you are supposed to run the offense is always the recipe for success. Arenas is an idiot, if I met him I would break his fingers so he can still dribble but can't shoot anymore. Arenas will never be on a good team because he isn't a PG, the Wizards need a guy who will actually run the offense. I think it is hilarious how Arenas thinks he has sacrificed anything, unless he means he is sacfracing PPG which is his own fault. He is taking 1 less shot per game then his last full season. Either he is delusional or just talking out his [expletive] because he is mad after a loss. Trade this buffoon. EDIT- Pretty pathetic that his 6.3 APG thus far ties his career best for a full season.
  10. Trade Jose for an expiring. Letting jumpshooters go off for 30.
  11. Celtics lookin old. U MAD? EDIT- This Magic team is serious, most talent on any single NBA roster.
  12. That Chalmers kid beasted last night. As I expected it is 100% on Wade, the Heat have NO ONE else who can create for themselves. Got some good spot up shooters but you have so many no name big men playing with Haslem out. Wade needs help, at least LeBron has Mo who can create on his own a bit, Wade has nothing. JO was horrid last night, don't know if that is how he has been playing all year but Bosh made an absolute fool of Jermaine last night.
  13. It his hilarious how Jose actually can't/won't throw and alley-oop. Demar was wide open for one but Jose just goes in for the lay up. WOW Demar went UP AND GOT THAT ONE.
  14. This would be awesome if he could come back for an actual angle. Be part of the show for a month or two and do an actual storyline with Jericho or John Cena. He could definitely save wrestling and make it popular again IMO.
  15. Can drink anything but Coors is the easiest to drink lol. My favourite beer is the free kind. If I am looking to get sick the next morning then Carling it is. I also like Carona but that is a cruising beer really. Kinda like Kokanee too but whatever.
  16. I don't know why BC is so insistent an standing pat with this roster. Our pieces don't even really complement each other at all. My position could change on this after this loss marinates, just a really frustrating game to watch.
  17. Eric Maynor>Jose Calderon lol. Legs are just gone Jose had to jump his highest to make that three.
  18. 5-6 is dismal for Sixers? Who expected them to be above .500 this year? lol
  19. Can't believe we got Marco for Devean George, he is our best bench player lmao. Why is Sonny Weems playing? I know Wright is out but we can't give the minutes to anyone else? Demar, at least he gives the ball up if you give Sonny an inch of daylight he puts it up, he took 14 damn shots against Denver. I don't mind Sonny playing in garbage time but we are within striking distance we don't needs this nub on the floor.
  20. Lol at Jose trying to take that charge. Sonny Weems pisses me off, stop shooting idiot.
  21. Smh Andrea is practically crashing the glass right now that I have said all this garbage about him. Our team is playing a lot better out of the second half, got some pep in our step. Nice to see like they actually want to play, Jose is still going to be the end of honestly. How come every time a defender bites on Bargnani's pump fake he puts once bounce on the floor and still takes a deep jumper?
  22. I know, that is why I said thankfully they are falling. I just prefer he is attacking but I feel like when a call or two doesn't go his way he reverts back to his jumper. That isn't a bad thing if it is falling, I am just saying I am more comfortable when Bosh is taking it inside like he did in the ladder part of the first half. Real Deal, are you watching the game right now? There is no effort, he doesn't even jump off the floor for a board. I don't care if you aren't a good defender or rebounder, if you are 7 feet you jump up and box your man out. Like Bosh said, to get a rebound you simply 'go get it', while Bargnani lets the ball get him on his rebounds which is so damn frustrating. The only boards he gets are ones that come right to him. I agree with you on offense though, Jose only has eyes for Bosh. I have never hated Jose more until this year, it sucks that Jack sucks so much we have no one to go to on the bench to really pick it up since Jack isn't even an upgrade right now when Jose is being an idiot. Our interior defense is absolutely pathetic, not only does it give our wings no cushion if their defender happens to get by them which is a lot, but when penetration occurs our defense is completely broken down so fast. Denver made us look absolutely silly last night and Deron is doing the same.
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