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Check my Stats

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Everything posted by Check my Stats

  1. Can't believe we are still in this game. Feel like Bosh is phasing back into too many jumpers which worries me. At least they are falling right now. Our interior defense is absolutely pathetic. Once you get past our guards there is either no help, and even if there is help they aren't hard to get by. This team needs a big man who is committed to the defensive end, I wish Reggie was the answer but I honestly doubt a guy who plays 15 minutes a game will fix this team. Bargnani has to go, he can't rebound and aside from a couple blocks he just displays a complete lack of effort or commitment on the defensive end. For crying out loud he ran into Bosh going for a board and turned it over, I forget if Utah scored but I wanted to kick a hole in my TV. This has been an extremely hard game to watch, especially on the defensive end. We honestly have to call Golden State and inquire about Biedrins' availability, hell I would ask for Monta too even though I doubt we have enough. Probably wouldn't even have to give Demar that organization is so pathetic lol.
  2. I honestly can't believe we are paying Jose near 10 million dollars, he isn't even worth the MLE.
  3. Please put someone on the floor who actually wants to play. These half [expletive] plays, and half [expletive] lob passes aren't going to cut it. Get all of these guys off the floor, Boozer is out rebounding 2 guys taller than him right at the basket. This is the most frustrated I've been watching a game in a while, absolutely zero effort, get all these guys off the floor.
  4. Knicks would be a win-win for both. Would allow AI to showcase his talents and show he is still a top scorer in the league and could be a valuable asset. The Knicks would immediately improve considerably adding a guy like AI who can win games on his own. People forget he was a top scorer only 2 seasons ago on good percentages.
  5. I wish Utah was our first game and Denver on the 2nd. This is going to be a grind it out game which sucks having played the night before. This is a team we should beat by double digits without Deron, they don't have many three point threats so we should be okay that way. I don't see many creators on their roster so their offense will hopefully be relatively stagnant in the half court, if they run the ball it could hurt us. Even on a back to back this is a game we should and I think need to win.
  6. I can just imagine what he'd been saying after the game had we won. "Anything is possible, but I love it in Toronto and the fans love me." Honestly getting tired, wish he would stop answering or being asked these questions because it feels like the results correlate with how our team played in their last game.
  7. If Suns win 60 and have the best record he will win MVP. I pretty much figure the best record will get the MVP, no one is putting up absurd stats. If Suns win 63 and Lakers win 62 Kobe would probably win, same with LeBron. Suns would probably need to be first in the league handily for him to win it. He will definitely be in the discussion as long as the Suns are near the top of the conference.
  8. Would you trade Monta and Biedrins for Calderon, Bargnani and Derozan? EDIT- Maybe if Raps gave a first too?
  9. It should be Beasley but sadly it is JO or Haslem which isn't anything to be excited about. I thought Beasley would be dropping 20 a game this year, boy was I wrong.
  10. I think he will go to NY once he realizes no contending team actually wants him. Would love to see him as the 6th man on Phoenix since their bench is terrible and he could carry those scrubs while he is out there.
  11. I would like to see us add a good wing defender. Would love to see a deal like Biedrins and Monta for Bargnani and Jose and Demar or something. We can't win as long as Bargnani is on this team, sorry.
  12. How come it is as if Bosh has lost the respect of the refs? He isn't even getting obvious fouls called for him at this point.
  13. There is a reason this guy has spent more time off of roster than on them. He just isn't a good player, I don't want him here because he is our worst big man even behind Rasho. We already have guys who are superior to him that bring the same things to the table. Kind of a waste of the roster spot.
  14. Why are they rushing him back? They don't need him right now, they could wait 10 more games if they wanted to, there is no reason for him to come back if he isn't at 100%. If he is limited then there is no point because he could just re-aggravate something and it could last all year, they have so much talent they can get by without him for a bit longer.
  15. We don't 'go' to Bargnani he just hits spot up threes most of the time lol. Bargnani is just a mismatch monster that is pretty much it, he doesn't do much out of his comfort zone which is shooting jumpers. He shows glimpses but you can see he is still most comfortable taking jumpers. His rebounding is terrible, there was a point last night it was a rebound on our glass and he didn't even go up, luckily it bounced out of Amare's hands out of bounds, I was yelling at my TV, that doesn't usually happen, his lack of rebounding effort drives me insane. I agree on the Hedo comment, with him and Jose out there together it almost seems awkward, neither does anything but stand at the 3 point line when they don't have the ball. Our defense is definitely a work in progress but is getting better game after game. While we surely will never be a great defensive team, hell probably not even good, I think we can be tolerable. We played solid D last night, if you compare last night to the game vs Memphis you can see that we are getting better each game, still terrible off the pick and roll on defense though, our defensive rotations are improving, players just have to take note that they can't help off of 3 point specialists, that burned us last night with Frye. Jack has been horrible, I thought he played well last night at times, I hate how he is being used as a shooter when he isn't. He gets into the lane well and one play I remember he drove and kicked it to Marco wide open in the corner for a 3, would like to see more of that. 10 games in, I am hoping/expecting him to get more comfortable and play his game, but while we say it is 'just' 10 games that won't be an excuse much longer. TAKE NO MORE JUMPERS JARRET. Wright needs to start playing within himself, no other bench player confuses their role more than him, we don't see Amir calling for post ups, we don't see Demar calling for Isos, there is no reason nor excuse for Wright to be trying to create for himself, especially off the dribble, it is cringe worthy when he tries to and often results in a turnover, or disrupts the flow of the offense. Bosh needs to remain aggressive, the refs weren't calling much last night but he needs to continue to try and draw fouls. I felt like we stopped going to him quite a bit in the second half, took a lot of jumpers instead of giving it to the big fella. We finish the month against Denver, Utah, Denver, Miami, Orlando, Indiana, Charlotte, Boston and Phoenix. That is a tough stretch, if we could come out of that 4-5 that would be great, going into December one game below .500 playing lots of good teams to test our new players together. After that December is a really light schedule with only 3 or 4 tough games everything else would pin us as the favourites unless I am missing something. YOu hope by December everything is figured out and our team hits it's stride, December is a crucial month because we will have to finish well above .500. To be honest, at this point I just hope we can escape November still in the playoff picture or at least close to it, I don't want us to be playing too much catch up in December, I would rather see is establishing ourselves in the playoff picture. I am anxious to see what kind of impact Reggie will have, not just rebounding but he will demand the best from our players, especially on the defensive end. He is sitting on the bench and getting in the huddles, talking to the guys, I feel like if someone isn't pulling their weight he won't be afraid to let them know. All in all, I think 5-5 is what we expected and hoped for, if we can come out of November close to or at .500 you have to be happy as a fan. I didn't vote because I didn't 'expect' them to be anywhere, I had hoped for .500 or above, but I would not have been surprised if we'd been worse, still an inexperienced coach, new system, new players. Still working out the kinks, at least I hope so. EDIT- Holy [expletive] this turned into a rant.
  16. It is because the way the game is played now. You can't play the game unless you are in tip top shape, you have to be able to get up and down the floor.
  17. It is sad this guy isn't willing to take a back seat. If only he could understand how effective he could be off the bench. He would be better if he was playing with all the crappier players, a team like Phoenix would be amazing with AI on the bench.
  18. I didn't even know the Raptors were involved in this topic. Cavs would probably be better against an offensive team like us without Shaq, playing small against us is the way to play unfortunately their coach didn't understand that. To say Atlanta couldn't beat them in a playoff series is absolutely ignoring how they have played so far, maybe 60 games from now things will change, but if the playoffs started now the Hawks are one of the best teams in the East right now, they are better than the Cavs right now. If they ran the floor they would give the Cavaliers fits.
  19. Yeah well his best option was Phoenix like 4 years ago but he wanted the pay day so he came to Atlanta. Just because those teams might be better the Knicks might offer him the complete max and those 2 can't afford to can they? And I was under the impression the Knicks were one of the teams that could offer two maxes? Maybe with the cap going down they can't. For Amare I can't explain it, I just feel like this guy wants out of Phoenix or something, just a hunch I guess. Also to play with D'Antoni, Nash has turned this guy into JO 2.0, he will get a max deal and 4 years from now will be immovable because of his contract, along with all his injuries and all the holes in his game, especially in the defensive end. Guess you could call me an Amare hater. Amare would realize pretty quick that playing with Nash makes you 10x better than if you are playing with Duhon. If the Suns are willign to give Amare the full out max, which is more than the Knicks can offer, perhaps he would stay. I just imagine the Knicks walking out of 2010 having overpaid for 2 2nd rate stars just to save face. Hopefully that is the case because that would imply Bosh is still a Raptor
  20. Got it off RealGM, also saw it on ESPN. How long before he signs with another team? 1 or 2 weeks? A month?
  21. Looks like he does at the start of his time with the Knicks. Even in great shape he can't play defense and doesn't rebound and is paid as if he is a top contributor. Good luck finding a suitor for him, because that is all the Knicks are doing is trying to showcase him. D'antoni couldn't even incorporate Shaq, the most dominant Center of this generation, into his offense. Curry will average like 13-4 lol.
  22. Actually people say once you hit 32 typically players begin to decline, especially big men. That is when you start losing your legs and what not.
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