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Check my Stats

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Everything posted by Check my Stats

  1. I hope so. Not a big Rose fan (probably has more to do with him having 1 more MVP than he should more than anything, but whatever) but can't deny the work he puts into his game, and he clearly wants to be great. I will always respect guys like that.
  2. Still think this is kind of idiotic. Offense hasn't been, isn't, and never will be an issue for Amare Stoudemire. Could he add more to his arsenal and get better? Of course he can, anyone can, but it isn't what he should be focusing on.
  3. Post 'em up here. Pretty safe to say that most teams are pretty much done for the summer, with all the main trade chips having fallen into place. This is your chance to be able to say that you can see the future!
  4. If there were still any doubts about who the best in the league is, well there shouldn't be anymore. No one is even close.
  5. 1. Nets 2. Celtics 3. Knicks 4. Sixers 5. Raptors I have the Nets pegged to win over 50 games this year. The Celtics are pretty hard to predict since KG is probably certain to miss 20-30 games if/when Doc is unable to properly manage his minutes. They are deep as hell though, but that is a lot of new, and young faces. They are as big a question mark as any team in the NBA if you ask me. Losing a guy like Ray Allen hurts a lot more than just losing his stats, having the stability of a veteran like that is huge. I love Jet, but he is no Ray Allen, I don't care what the stats are. Since I am counting on the Celtics to be a bit worse than last year, and they projected out to just under 50 last season, I am going to have the Nets winning the division. I think a lot of people are sleeping on them. Are they a threat to the Heat? No, of course not, but no one in the east is. I get that Johnson is overpaid, but he is a very good player and a lot of people seem to forget that, he is finally going to be in his proper element as a number 2 option. He was out of place as the best player on Atlanta, or the leader. Its crazy that this division could have all 5 teams at or over .500, or even in the playoffs. Raptors are obviously a longshot, but that would be pretty crazy.
  6. What else is he going to say? We all know LA is the best team in the west now, on paper. Anything less than 65 wins and a title would be utterly disappointing. But then again, Mike Brown IS their coach after all. How hilarious will it be if they somehow aren't top 5 offensively?
  7. I would be absolutely shocked if the entire season was cancelled. It would be devastating for the league. But it is sounding more and more like we might get a late start on the season, which would suck, but it would make sense. Unlike 8 years ago, there is no reason to lock out. It will be interesting to see the counter proposal by the players association. I think that will give us a better view on the situation, if both sides are actually ready to negotiate or not. I hope they get a term limit on contracts sorted out though. If that is all that comes of the new CBA, i would be ecstatic. Wouldn't mind seeing something similar to bird rights, where the re-signing team can offer 1-2 years more than offering teams can. Would be helpful for small markets I think (think Nashville). But yeah, once the revenue situation gets sorted out, which will probably wind up being a 50-50 split or close to it, I think it will be pretty much smooth sailing from that point. I don't think there is really a whole lot else that is an issue in the CBA (owners are [expletive]ed if they think players will agree to being restricted until 30 years old or whatever it is.. thats just nuts).
  8. I don't care if he's hungry, he is still softer than Chris Bosh, and a worse player too (where you at ECN?). The last thing Amare needs to be worrying about is his post game, honestly, so stupid. Please, make your offense even MORE isolation-based. This team needs structure, an assassin to take out JR Smith, and a coach that will demand his players to give 110% effort. If Amare being 'hungry' means he isn't going to take plays off, and he is going to crash the boards like a maniac... well lets just say that has me a lot more interested than if he has added a cute new drop step to his arsenal. Today, Tyson Chandler is this team's best player. Amare and Melo should be spending a summer with him if anything (yes I realize Melo is on team USA).
  9. I would be shocked if a Kevin Love-led team ever won a playoff series.
  10. This will go down as one of the worst trades in NBA history, especially when you consider the context in which it happened (Dwight being a cunt), and even more so if it directly leads to LA winning a title or two. I hated on the Houston offers, but it was infinitely better. Jeremy Lamb and that Raptors guaranteed lottery pick is >>>>> everything they came away with... nevermind whatever else Houston was sending. Even Brooklyn's was much better, getting a serviceable (albeit overpaid) center and a decent prospect in Brooks along with FOUR UNPROTECTED firsts would have been much better. I realize their hands were tied, so if LA was the only suitable destination I guess it would be easier to swallow. What is hard to swallow is the fact that they took the worst of the 3 offers that they could have, for no explainable reason. The fact that those 3 picks are all so heavily protected, they literally traded a hall of fame big man, and the best big man post-Shaq, for literally nothing. Its unbelievable. Like I said in the other thread, its the only word I can think of to describe it. The NBA has serious issues.
  11. The NBA is so [expletive]ing corrupt man. Well I owe my apologies to Real Deal, Mitch Kupchak, and any other Laker fan I offended by suggesting that this deal would be impossible and they were idiots for thinking it was. I should have known that Orlando would take the worst of the 3 offers they had received. Just unbelievable.. literally can't think of another word to describe this. Either way, the Heat-Lakers finals is going to be [expletive]ing incredible.
  12. I hope for Portland fans' sakes he doesn't wind up being a Billups. That would suck. Don't really see the comparison though.
  13. I barely even watch/follow football but how can it not be Moss? Red zone...
  14. Harden and you don't look back. If they lose him, they will regret it big time. A lot more than if Ibaka walks away.
  15. I don't expect JV to ever be the sort of player we throw the ball into and let him operate. If he is, great, but I don't expect that out of him... hell even the Anthony Davis will probably never be that type of player. Any big man who can run the floor, play defense, rebounds well, blocks shots, has good hands, can effectively player the pick and roll, and can hit a jumper, has a chance to be an all-star in today's NBA. Also, at this point, an elite help defender is pretty much more valuable than a good man defender when you're talking about a big man. Its why Serge Ibaka is going to get paid 12 million next summer. Just saying this in light of people questioning JV's post D. I think Valanciunas is going to be a good one. Obviously haven't gotten to watch him as much as I'd like, but even if he can only stay on the floor for 10-15 minutes a night for us, he is going to give us more in those 15 minutes than a stiff like Gray does in 25-30. I don't think there is an effective comparison for JV in the league today (don't buy the Noah or Biedrins comparisons.. feel like they are based mostly of size/build), but lets just hope he can be a good player for us in a few years.
  16. No team in the entire NBA should take a chance on Blatche.
  17. Don't be surprised if New Jersey wins 50+ next year. If Kings win over 34 games I would be stunned, Hornets won't be over .500 either, thats just absurd. Do they realize Austin Rivers is going to play significant minutes for them?
  18. You can make McDonalds burgers if you buy the proper meat. Search it, I'm sure most shit you can make if you find directions online. Comparing Warren and Shaliq is deserving of a -1 rep if it was ever possible. Watch your mouth.
  19. Hes so full of shit. Not in regards to ring chasing (he already has 3 'tainted' rings apparently, and he ran Shaq out of town already for not getting enough credit.. why would he want more?) because I am 99.9999% sure he never plays outside of LA, but in regards to retiring by the end of this contract.
  20. Well he was clearly drunk during this conversation. Sorry Rajon.
  21. The only thing the Suns have a chance of winning this year is the lottery.
  22. I like the pickup. Semin is what he is, and at what 1 year (who cares about the amount, especially since they were below the floor I think) its not much of a risk. At the very least he is going to help their powerplay.
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