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Check my Stats

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Everything posted by Check my Stats

  1. The demo is up I am downloading it right now, finally get a chance to play it. From what I have read from people who played it, the game sounds like it is meeting most expectations.
  2. http://www.easports.com/blogs/nhl/inthecrease/post/slug/so-you-think-youre-hardcore Click the link for a lot more info including videos, also more raw gameplay videos. This game looks absolutely amazing, they are tending to everyone from hardcore fans to casual fans. Never been this excited for a video game -_-
  3. I heard Roko was complaining about his playing time last year, or lack there of -_- Anyways we already have like 5 PG's under contract but all we really did here is push ourselves closer to the luxury tax. This was an unnecessary deal IMO. This only makes sense if Pops isn't coming back.
  4. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LNC8-DKYkfc
  5. What is awesome is your voice is actually heard for this game. These guys actually check the forums, they care what people have to say. All the stuff getting fixed is people are complaining about, they hear and care what people have to say. This game will be consistently amazing as long as they are giving everyone what they want. Honestly though this sounds amazing, but I'm not sure the casual fan will enjoy how realistic this is, some people don't like all this work so hopefully they can tend to that by turning off salary cap and [expletive] like that. Anyways the demo should be out soon, this is the only game I am waiting on can't wait.
  6. If you ask me it was Primeau(SP?). Anyways I never particularly enjoyed watching him play but he is a great person and his press conference to end the year was really good... where he was explaining about why he played/acted the way he did.
  7. Is he stupid....? He's always been kind of a selfish guy, I'd be a role player on the Pens rather than a 2nd liner on the crappy Islanders. He was sick in Buffalo though, was one of my favourite players.
  8. Bosh is a better player and a WAYYYY better person overall, Boozer has already proved all he cares about is money. Bosh is the better player and the guy I want on my team. Neither is really a franchise player on a championship team though, Bosh is a questionable franchise player on a contender.
  9. We'll need to to be 4th or 5th seed with him averaging at LEAST 20-5-5, probably a bit higher who knows, the F spot is always so competitive for all-star games.
  10. http://insideblog.easports.com/archive/2009/07/31/nhl-10-more-gameplay-videos.aspx More gameplay videos. Nothing special but an update nonetheless.
  11. Should see him on the sim league forum he is at :doh:
  12. http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i310/rolotamasi/420Thumbs20Up.jpg
  13. The Em seen is funny as hell. I watched the movie online and I found it hard to stay interested.
  14. My friend was driving at night with another person in the front and me in the back. We were on a back road that was hardly lit besides the lights from the cars and we were going either 160 KMH or 180, pretty sure it was 160 and we hit a [expletive]ing fox. The fox was plastered all over his bumper, his bumper was halfway torn off and dragging on the ground on the drive home. [expletive] was wild, I have an old Chevy Cavalier so it's hard to get any higher than like 140 KMH before it get's all shaky and [expletive]
  15. Jerseys looks siiick. This deal still seems wack to me though, especially on the Bobcats side. I wasn't so sure why the Hornets wanted Chandler gone so bad he seemed to work perfect on those alley-oops with Chris Paul. At face value this is definitely a W for the Hornets.
  16. I wonder what kind of money LMA gets then. And yeah I heard the Blazers were gonna wait till next year since the cap goes down so will the max contracts. Good to see they are treating the franchise player right and allowing him to get as much money as possible, it's not like the team or owner is hurting for money anyways.
  17. Damn I didn't know he averaged almost 6 assists that is nice, T-Mac style. Anyways this would be good for both, JJ can get more money this way before cap goes down and the Hawks can lock up their franchise guy. I really like Johnson and I like the Hawks team they should be fun to watch this year.
  18. If Deke says it, it must be true. What is anyone going to say about Artest ON THE RECORD? Like that guy said in the article on ESPN the Rockets did a good job of hiding Artest's behavioral issues and stuff like that so it just seems like this is another case of that. Frankly I'm sick of all the speculation and just want the season to get underway. Also Deke, to me at least, seems like the last guy who is going to bash another NBA player. He just seems like a genuinely awesome person.
  19. Going .500 in that first stretch would be an ideal start to the year. There are a lot of tough games right there, 5 of those games are against legitimate NBA contenders. It is tough, but at the same time it's a good early test to see how we measure up against these teams.
  20. Congrats, definitely thought I had this on lockdown though.
  21. One game? Honestly how is this damn team/city ever going to get any respect -_- whatever I just like when they get on national TV because the players definitely get up for it.
  22. I've always been a huge fan of JJ and I can't explain it but I'm just not sold on Roy. I know the results speak for themselves but I think Johnson is a more talented player than Roy. Joe is one of the most underrated players in the NBA IMO. As much as I hate it though the results speak for themselves, Roy has a pretty young inexperienced group of support but wins games, the Hawks aren't even that great in the less deep conference. I don't think either guy is capable of leading a franchise to a championship though.
  23. What other render effects are there to do, what other things are there? Can you kinda point me in the right direction? Also lol at you being able to tell what I did with my stock just by looking at it ^_^
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