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Check my Stats

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Everything posted by Check my Stats

  1. He said bold not impossible. I don't necessarily think Deron is going to win MVP, but I think he might be in that conversation. I guess I would make that mine. I've never been a fan of making a bunch of random predictions and hoping one sticks.
  2. I would like this contract a whole lot more if that 2nd year was a team option rather than a player option (he is picking that shit up for sure). AK is a player that can help a team, but god damn 10M a year is hefty.. but at least 2 years isn't bad, that 2nd year he is a solid expiring considering he is a starter in this league. Kahn has got to be one of the worst GM's in the NBA though, hands down. The fact that this is far from his worst transaction says it all.
  3. I don't understand what you mean by this. Explain please? Curious now...
  4. Uh, then what the hell would Orlando be getting when they deal Dwight? A Cavaliers pick that is practically useless when they have the best center in the east with Dwight gone? A bunch of shit that they could get from Houston if they just dealt with them directly anyways? I just don't see how LA can get Dwight when Bynum is seemingly reluctant to sign an extension anywhere. And why would he, he should see what is out there when he is a UFA. Whatever, this whole fiasco has gone on long enough. Send him to Houston, then we can all watch the introductory presser, which would probably be the most hilarious/awkward introduction of a player EVER to a team, they could probably even charge 5 bucks to watch it... it would easily be worth it to watch him pout like a bitch while Morey sits so excited thinking he's pulled of the heist of a lifetime (well he will have for one season since all the shit they would be sending to Orlando is garbage, but its only for 1 year).
  5. 2x2 is insignificant to us as fans watching the game. It only becomes a problem to me when there is a huge Pepsi logo right underneath the symbol on the front of the jersey. Definitely fine with instant replay being in the final 2 minutes. Sure it might kind of muck the flow of the game a little bit, but getting the call right in the last 2 minutes is incredibly important. Flopping needs to be addressed. I don't know how they'll do it since "flopping" is so subjective depending on who you are talking to.. but somehow they have to do something about it. I would probably be fine with guys getting a technical for flopping.. might seem harsh but guess what, it would definitely stop them from doing it.
  6. I am to the point I really don't even care where he goes, just [expletive]ing go somewhere, and shut the [expletive] up. I hope Dwight gets his ass booed in literally every single arena he goes to, and I hope the boos rain on him in Orlando 10x worse than they did on LeBron in Cleveland. He is a grade A bitch, and him acting like such a good guy through it all makes it even worse. You Laker fans are spoiled as hell though, damn you all to hell. LA with Dwight vs Miami in the finals would be incredibly intriguing though. EDIT: I still don't see why Orlando would do the Bynum deal without him committing. Sure Houston's offer sucks nuts but at least they get to keep all those firsts (a future Houston pick could be gold) and a bunch of B-level rookies for 4 years. Better than Bynum for a year then jetting.
  7. I'll prob flip back and forth between this and whatever else is on.
  8. Always nice to have some new fans. Kind of dry on the C's fans it feels like.
  9. Multi-year again for another player? honestly... why? Would rather just have an unhappy Jose.
  10. Honestly once both people are out of high school its all fair game. My girlfriend's friend is 21 and is dating a 28 or 29 year old. Yeah its kinda weird but shit man who cares, shit is only awkward when dudes out of highschool are lurking around the school looking to smash 16-17 year olds.
  11. Lol at anyone who thought Mike Miller would walk away from his 5 million dollar + salary. He'll rot on the IR before he retires, anyone would.
  12. http://i55.photobucket.com/albums/g122/MainEvent5/619576929.jpg Apparently that is a recent picture.. my stance slowly changes... lol.
  13. I wonder if the Heat take a flyer on him. I can't believe he is 34, I had no idea he had been in the league so long.
  14. This is only 2 seasons too late. Imagine they started putting together actual professionals around John Wall right when he got into the league? He might already be an all-star.
  15. Safe decision. Chances are Jeremy Lin isn't worth 15 million in 2015, let alone 45. He also is taking the ball out of Melo's hands (yes, this does matter, especially in Woodson's supposedly iso-driven offense - I wouldn't know), and Felton and Amare had chemistry apparently before he was shipped off. I 110% agree with this decision, surprisingly.
  16. It is always horrible when teams outbid themselves. Oh well, not like this is crippling, it is only 2 years. He is serviceable, but holy shit man, this is crazy. I guess if you're gonna pay Wallace 10M, Lopez 15M, you just get to the point you say oh [expletive] it. Billy King's got the easiest job in the NBA. Big market that superstars want to play in despite management's incompetence, and an owner who doesn't give a [expletive] how much money you spend.
  17. MLSE's biggest problem isn't that their cheap, its that they care more about making money than winning games. Anyways, not amnestying Jose is the right thing to do (better off just cutting him outright, why amnesty an expiring when there are no FA's?). We are going to have a ton of cap next summer, even with Derozan getting a new contract (probably). Then if you consider that we could amnesty Kleiza, well there's another 4.6M off the books, or even Amir's 7M or whatever it is. We could have somewhere around 20M+ in cap room. A guy like Josh Smith is a guy who could maybe fit here (him at the 3 is interesting, considering Bargnani is our power forward, and Terrence Ross might be our 2 by then), or maybe Taj Gibson, Paul Millsap, etc... all depends on what we are doing with Bargnani (who am I kidding, he isn't going anywhere). There was nowhere to put Mayo or Brook right now. Brooks is way worse than Lowry and wouldn't want to be a backup, and there is nowhere to put Mayo either. He is maybe marginally better than Derozan, who we are clearly committed to, and we just drafted another shooting guard. Also, Jose could legitimately be a 6th man of the year candidate (well not really, but still) if he shuts up and buys into his role as the backup point guard. I'm sure him and Lowry will see some time in the backcourt together, and Casey seems to like him, so his minutes probably won't be too too bad. Jose's best years were when he was sharing the point guard position with TJ Ford, and his best year ever (his 2nd year) he averaged his best per 36 numbers of his career as the backup point guard (15 and 9, averaging 9 and 5 in just 21 minutes.
  18. Like this pickup for them, but still think he would have been a terrific fit in Chicago.
  19. This organization is a bigger mess than the Raptors.
  20. If Johnson ever buys into the fact he is a role player, and can learn to hit a corner 3, he will be a very, very useful player in this league.
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