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Check my Stats

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Everything posted by Check my Stats

  1. I don't even think Graduation was that good. College Dropout was/is >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Graduation is still a good album compared to stuff getting dropped regularly. EDIT_ What makes Wayne good in people's eyes is the beats he gets on, and how catchy his songs are. People don't care about what he is saying in his raps, they just care about the chorus and the beat.
  2. I don't think Relapse was great lol, in fact I think there are more classic Em songs on Encore then on Relapse. But I agree that you could make a case for all those guys being better than Em, besides Wayne and iunno about T.I. All I'm saying is he is the biggest rapper in the industry along with Wayne and Kanye and Jay-z, not the best but the biggest, in terms of sales he is basically in a class of his own. He set the bar this year going 600k first week, I am interested to see who can top it, don't look like Wayne will and I doubt Jay will. Kanye has the best shot at topping it IMO.
  3. Thank you. This move was made so obvious to address Dwight. LeBron would be at his best with jump shooting big men IMO. Would have rather seen them use that expiring to bring in a legitimate second option scorer, a Robin to LBJ's Batman so to speak. I just can't imagine Mo as a second option on a championship team, but I guess Shaq can be that 2nd option, he's gonna have to be. EDIT- To the above, are you comparing MVP nominated Shaq to 36 year old Shaq? I hope not.
  4. The only rapper on the planet who would have a chance at outselling Em is Wayne, and probably Kanye. But you can't honestly sit here and tell me all his albums that have been number 1 were because of "timing". And "timing", wtf? I mean how often do 2 artists drop on the same day anyways? Anyways, Em dropped on the same day as Red and Meth as well as Busta, and not to mention I think it was Green Day who dropped a week later? Don't sit here and tell me about "timing" lol, Em is moving records regardless. Anyways, I don't know if you are confusing quality with mainstream success, because Em is still moving units as good or better than anyone out there, and just because it ain't his best [expletive] doesn't mean he doesn't have the mainstream on lock. Em and Wayne are on top with Kanye close behind, but Wayne could be on the brink of falling off unless he drops a song like Lollipop or A Millie pretty soon and get people talking about this album.
  5. Can you please define a wannabe white boy? lol Em made a concept album that he probably knew wouldn't go over well. Do you think he expected an album talking about rape and serial murder would go over well? The majority of those songs CAN'T be played on the radio. But then again the radio isn't the only way to determine mainstream success, in fact the best way is itunes downloads IMO. When you got people paying for your [expletive] you know you've made it big. So let's take a look: "We Made You" #9 US #4 UK #6 CAN "3 a.m." #32 US #56 UK #24 CAN "Old Time's Sake" #25 US #61 UK #14 CAN "Beautiful" #17 US #38 UK #8 CAN So as you can see his first single was obviously his traditional mainstream, try and remind people he's back, his "radio" single basically. It was pretty crappy to say the least, especially after 5 years off, but regardless it went top 10 across the world. His disturbing second single '3 AM' had disgusting content, and it still cracked the top 40 in North America. His last two singles, 'Old Time's Sake' went top 20 in Canada and 25 in the US, and Beautiful, the 2nd best song on the record IMO, went top 10 and top 20 in the US, making his 5th straight top 40 single. How can you actually sit here and tell me he isn't a successful mainstream artist? In fact you'd be hardpressed to find a SINGLE artist who is more successful mainstream then Eminem.. Are there better rappers then Eminem right now? Yes, of course, Em is definitely not on top of his game right now, at least not in terms of content. But Em is obviously just being himself, he doesn't give a [expletive] about sales, if he did he'd just give everyone what they want, instead he makes [expletive] that other great rappers, Jay, Kanye etc respect. He is the only artist in the world who can rap over a beat, make your head bop, and be talking about rape and incest. Em is on top of the mainstream world, and as far as I'm concerned people will continue to eat that [expletive] up, and if you know anything about rap then you'd know Em was lyrically back on his game on Relapse, I am expecting Relapse 2 to be the album the people want. EDIT- Those rankings are the billboard hot 100, if you don't know what that is then -_- lol. Just posting this because it isn't solely download rankings, it is radio play and overall the hottest songs in the world.
  6. Yeah lmao, I mean if Rock came back once in a while then I'd be more interested. Just for a little one month storyline or something. I mean he is still like 35, and is probably the best WWF/E wrestler of all-time besides maybe Stone Cold or Hulk Hogan. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Attitude_Era Once this ended the WWE started to suck, also the splitting of the athletes and having so many titles kinda took away from the value of a guy even holding a belt IMO. It was better when they were all striving for that single belt, now there are 2 championships? Wtf.... I try watching it to pass the time lately but the only guy I have any interest in watching fight is HHH smh, and HBK.
  7. Are you kidding me? His garbage singles still go top 50 on the charts. He could releases trash and it would get major radio play. Notice how many albums he sold compared to anyone? He is the best selling artist of the decade lol. If he isn't mainstream I don't know what is.
  8. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k50okhTmGF0 I remember my parents getting the special box and buying PPV so we could watch this. [expletive] probably cost them like 100 bucks lol.
  9. The Wayne era is ending. Kanye is coming back to rapping, EM is back, Jay is dropping BP3 this year, and Wayne's new album keeps getting pushed back, haven't heard a single hit off his new "rock" album or whatever it is. Drake is taking over, and I don't even like Drake. Em and Kanye got the mainstream on lockdown though, but I think Nas is the best rapper right now.
  10. Evans will average like 11 PPG next year. I don't think he is going to be an immediate impact player.
  11. WWE sucks now, I am trying to get back into it but without The Rock and Stone Cold from when I was a kid, it is just so boring. Gonna try and watch Raw tomorrow, we'll see. Maybe I've just grown out of it iunno.
  12. What has Sacramento done that will get them more than 20 wins this year?
  13. Damn I don't even notice a difference smh.
  14. I was alluding to his reputation as a slasher. When your PG is a slasher he is creating more wide open looks for his wing players compared to a guy like Calderon who's offensive arsenal is basically limited to pull up jumpers or running the pick and roll, two things he does do very well though. I'm not disputing the fact that Jose is the better player, but it all really depends how we are going to play this year for whether or not Jack would be effective. I mean in 06 the Raptors were amazing in terms of ball movement, I didn't see that last year at all really. If we can get back to our consistent habit of swinging of the ball around the 3 point line and always making the extra pass, then yeah Jose is the guy because he is an amazing 3 point shooter. But if we are going to be stagnant on offense again, it's easier to create when your PG has the ability to get where he wants when he wants. Not to mention the fact Jose is a terrible defender, although he tries he is simply horrid. Hedo is a bad defender and Delfino, probably our starting SG is not a great defender either. That means if Jose is playing big minutes again then basically all 3 of our wings will be getting blown by and our big men are pretty bad on D too. Having Jack on the floor couldn't hurt at all. What I am hoping is that this lights a fire under Jose's [expletive]. I miss when Jose was getting pumped up off little plays, I miss when Bosh was finishing plays that Jose was starting. Hopefully with some actual pressure behind him, Jose will play aggressive and remind people he is NOT a backup PG in the NBA. Also I am hoping Bosh improves his passing our of the high and low post this year. We can be a really good team if Bosh isn't such a black hole, if Bosh could become an above average or even average passer for a big man, we'd have 5 guys starting who are capable of making smart and competent passes consistently.
  15. Even after they were part of a deal where Dallas got Orlando an 8 million trade exception?
  16. Even though I agree with you when there is an all-star on the table for a role player at best, you take the deal. Worry about getting your rotational players later. They could deal either Terry or Howard for a VERY GOOD big man IMO.
  17. They just got Hump and Jawai from the Raptors, 2 big men, they currently have 6 big men under contract (if you count Marion who can play PF and Gortat). Trading Damp would leave them with a rotation probably of Gortat and Dirk starting with Hump off the bench probably with Marion getting run at the PF. Hump isn't a stud but he can give a few solid minutes off the bench. Or they can go small with Dirk-Marion-Howard-Redd-Kidd and have an amazingly deep bench. ALthough I don't think this is a legitimate rumour, the Mavericks would easily be owning this trade.
  18. Lol at Cavs trading their big expiring for Shaq when, if this is true, they could potentially have gotten Redd who is what they need right now imo.
  19. Superbowl because even though I don't watch football I can still appreciate and watch it. And I like that it's a 1 game final, so you put everything on the line for a single game, and even if you win the 18 previous games it means nothing.
  20. Corey Perry is probably my fav player right now, he is on the Ducks. They have the 2nd nicest jerseys too.
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