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Check my Stats

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Everything posted by Check my Stats

  1. I like this pickup for them, quite a bit actually. Anytime Boston can add offense, it helps.
  2. Ferry has already done a better job in his short time in Atlanta than his entire time in Cleveland.
  3. Davis is going to struggle offensively early in his career. He doesn't really have a niche offensively, and the Hornets don't have a true point who can get him the ball where he wants it, or spoon feed him on the pick and roll. Valanciunas has a chance to have a better rookie year statistically than Davis just due to having a competent pick and roll point guard. I think Dion Waiters, Harrison Barnes, Bradley Beal, Thomas Robinson all have a shot. They are on teams who aren't really going to have them on tight leashes, and will have a chance to take quite a few shots. I really think, statistically, the rookie of the year this year might be one of the worst in a while, which makes sense seeing as how people consider this a pretty weak class. If I had to guess, I think I would take Beal. He is going to probably be the number 1 offensive option immediately, and plays with a really solid point who is getting better and better (well, hopefully). And Davis may not be Hakeem like ESPN keeps shoving down our throats, but if you think he's going to "bust" already, well that's just stupid, unless you have outrageous expectations. When you have a guy who can be Tyson Chandler defensively, and not incompetent offensively (can already stick a 15 foot jumper), you have a legit piece on your team.
  4. I have been a huge Colangelo advocate through all these bad years, but its time. This move has pushed me over the edge. I am ready to fire this guy. Horrible, just horrible. Hopefully Knicks somehow match, but even they aren't that stupid.
  5. I've run a league before (not here). Whoever runs it needs to be online a ton and fully committed or shit just won't work. Could be fun though. I used to have access to a bunch of rosters online that I could probably hook a simmer up with if I could find them. Probably wouldn't be too hard. They would need editing but just having the player names already there would be half the battle done already. Has draft files too. A new FBB is in development too. Probably won't be out anytime soon in the short term, but something to think about.
  6. I hate how badly Bayless is shitted on by our team. He was our best player last year. I realize that doesn't say much, but god damn.
  7. Drummond and Monroe for me. I see less role clashing between Drummond and Monroe. The post game will definitively run through Monroe, while Drummond will be a legitimate NBA defensive anchor from day 1, albeit probably in foul trouble often. Talent wise there is no argument, Sacramento is better, just because of how much more polished Robinson is than Drummond, but I'm just unsure how it will work offensively, and Robinson still has question marks defensively, I realize he measured well, but he still looks almost like a big SF than a legit PF, to me at least. Honestly I just am so unsure of Cousins, it makes it so hard to pick him. And I think Monroe has potential to be really good, and people tend to overlook how well he did in just his 2nd year this year, with a rookie point guard at the helm. The Kings are going to wreak havoc on the boards, especially Robinson, since that is probably the only way he's going to get the ball on the offensive end. Also I really don't think Cousins is THAT much better than Monroe, if at all. If Monroe was as black hole-ish as Cousins, and if his usage was at LeBron James levels like Cousins (smh/lol) then he probably would have had as good of numbers as Cousins, or probably better.
  8. Interesting. I expect him to generate significant interest. I think he's worth taking a chance on. I think a team like Minnesota might be a good fit.
  9. It will be interesting with Wade and Bosh out. Wade beasted in 08 and US was already thin up front. Love will replace him admirably but he will make Bosh look like KG defensively in retrospect.
  10. Mo Williams > Lamar Odom at this point IMO. It all depends on how Odom approaches this season I guess. Mo is as solid a backup point/combo guard you'll find in this league, and I consider myself far from a fan of Mo Williams and his undeserving all-star appearance!
  11. This whole Justin Schultz fiasco is just retarded. Good thing his salary is capped out to a rookie deal, I could only imagine how much more retarded it'd be if he could get offered anything.
  12. I was shocked for a second too, then I realized this is the NBA we are talking about.
  13. I think there is about a 90% chance it happens. I also think if he comes, we make a major push for Andre Iguodala or Rudy Gay or Luol Deng, or someone like that. If we get Nash, I would be willing to bet money Iguodala is traded for almost immediately after.
  14. Still have this feeling Iggy will be a Raptor before the season. I think it all just hinges on Nash.
  15. Feel like there are gonna be a lot of guys in the 2nd round of this draft with a chance to contribute if they are given a shot.
  16. A locker room like OKC is exactly what a guy like Perry Jones needs.
  17. Sounds like Zeller will be going to Cavs. Wonder what is going back. Hopefully Cleveland's first next year or something crazy.
  18. Kill me please. If he was our guy, why wouldn't we have just traded down with Houston? So [expletive]ing horrible.
  19. If you think Barnes is going beyond Toronto, you're crazy. He is the one guy they want, and if we had 2nd pick, I wouldn't be surprised if we took Harrison Barnes at that spot.
  20. Oh yeah for sure, by no means do I think Monroe is a franchise player, but I think he is definitely a piece the Pistons, or any team, can build with moving forward. He is only what, 21 years old? He is no franchise player, but he is a core piece for any team moving forward imo.
  21. That would be amazing if they did, for the Raptors at least.
  22. My mock is gonna be butchered. I think a lot of them will be. This draft is just insane, literally outside of the first pick everything else could go any way.
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