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Check my Stats

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Everything posted by Check my Stats

  1. Cuban calling out the lazy analysis of Skip, I love it.
  2. Going to be interesting to see how the draft shakes out tonight. Hopefully Leafs somehow land Gally, Murray, Yakupov or Forsberg... it sounds like Yakupov might actually fall to the 3rd spot so we'll see. Also lets just pray that we don't give up anything significant for Luongo, smh.
  3. Hopefully instead of shitting on him and bitching about him, people can finally start and just enjoy the fact we are getting to lay witness to one of the greatest players of all-time and hopefully one of the best careers of all-time. Dude is still only 27, its incredible really if you think about it. Its going to be interesting to see how he comes into next year. If he is going to still have that same hunger he clearly did this year. I hope so, because surely he knows 1 ring isn't going to cut it. Hopefully he continues to put in work this summer on his post game, and hopefully Wade practices shooting spot up jump shots.
  4. Its incredible how dominant he was while having his worst shooting performance since 07 outside the paint. Hopefully the Durant-LBJ argument can be put to rest for now.
  5. Honestly I don't know why anyone would trade anything significant for him. He's paid like a franchise player when he is getting closer and closer to being a complimentary player, 3rd option seems ideal for him, but at that pay rate? He is coming off a series in which he was invisible, and is 32 years old. Like RD said, somehow LA manages to convince teams to do stupid deals (has a lot to do with players forcing their way there, but thats not the point), but I just don't see why anyone would trade for him. He has so many things going against his value right now. If I was LA, I would take a starting caliber C who can protect the rim, as well as a starting PG or SF who has age on their side. You can't trade him for a prospect or a pick, otherwise Kobe might want out. So its really a tough situation. If I bet money on it, I bet that they come back with their same big 3, which I think is the best idea, since I think Pau is more valuable to LA than he is to other teams. I guess we will see. If I am LA my priority is bringing Dwight to LA for Bynum, not trading Pau.
  6. Don't see how they could move up without dealing Jennings. Unless they move a first next year with it, in which case that is entirely possible, and stupid of them. So yeah, I guess its possible.
  7. If JO could be an all-star back in the early to mid 2000's, I see no reason for why Cousins can't be a perennial all-star. Shit attitude though, gives off somewhat of a Bynum vibe to me, but worse.
  8. The 2-3-2 is horrible. The fact that if both teams take care of home court the team with home court ADVANTAGE plays down in the series, well thats just stupid. This is the only league with this format (I believe), and it is probably to make for easier media travel. So stupid, and something they should seriously consider changing. This series is a perfect example, even if OKC wins one back on the road, they head home down 3-2, so dumb.
  9. I didn't see this game unfortunately, but if Miami continues to relentlessly attack the rim, OKC has no chance. If Wade goes 8-22, LeBron shoots under 50%, Bosh shoots 3-12, and you still lose, well you should be incredibly worried. Durant needs to be better defensively. I don't care if I missed the game, I read on twitter that he fell for that Wade fake (again) and was in foul trouble again. The Thunder won't win if they have to work their rotation/gameplan around his fouls.
  10. 1. I don't think anyone has called him a superstar in the making. All-star? He already is an all-star caliber player, or just a shade below one. 2. It is his first finals 3. It is his 3rd year in the NBA 4. One bad series shouldn't define you. Where were you when Harden was eating out San Antonio's heart with clutch shot after clutch shot? This what have you done for me lately attitude is the same reason people were calling LBJ Scottie Pippen last summer. Its hilarious to be honest.
  11. Can someone please explain how you go from being a 19-4-3 rookie on nice percentages (for a rookie), to being bench fodder and almost dealt for an 8th man like Josh McRoberts, in the matter of 2 seasons? I don't watch the Grizzlies hardly ever, and I just want to know what people think about him. Is he a lost cause? Need a change of scenery? He is 24 years old now, due up for a new contract, what the hell should Memphis do with him?
  12. Draft isn't horrible, Harden is just that good. Why take the chance when you'd just be hoping to get someone as good as Harden eventually anyways?
  13. And if so, will you roll your eyes/smh at the sight?
  14. I am not even sure he is an MLE player at this point. He is coming closer to being a spot up shooting point guard.
  15. I am so indifferent to this ppv it is incredible. Hopefully something happens, but I'm not going to hold my breath. WWE is just so stale right now (more than usual), they gotta take a chance on something and kick of a good storyline. Would love to see Ziggler pushed to the moon but we know that won't happen.
  16. Maybe today, but 3 years from now? Doubt it. You act like LBJ left right after his rookie contract. He left after 7 damn years, you act like he never gave the Cavaliers a fair chance to build around him, when the fact of the matter is that he gave them more time than he really should have. He wasted 7 years there because management was too incompetent to make the necessary moves. JJ Hickson and firsts for Amare Stoudemire, you get that deal done, and LeBron is a Cavalier today. I strongly believe that. Its not like Cleveland was THAT far off from winning a title, they just needed a player who could do something without needing to be spoon fed by LBJ. LeBron left for a chance to win, he stays in Cleveland, he probably never wins a championship as long as he is there. Believe it not, despite being the best player in the NBA, he still needs some help to win, just like anyone else who has ever been in the NBA. I don't like that he went to Miami, but at the same time I don't hold it against him that he wanted to get out of that incredibly mismanaged organization.
  17. If Durant, or anyone for that matter, played 7 years and the best player he ever played with was Mo [expletive]ing Williams, then yes, they would certainly leave. Albeit in a much different fashion, they would leave nonetheless. Also, so based on your stance, you wouldn't want to build around pre-Gasol Kobe? He wanted out of LA after just a couple seasons playing without an all-star, so why is it so bad LBJ wanted out after 7 years of playing with mediocre players?
  18. I personally love how these finals have been reffed so far.
  19. People keep asking this, and until LeBron turns 31 or 32, it is going to be him.
  20. Break up a dynasty for the chance at drafting a player who will 99% be worse than Harden? Sure why not.
  21. Wasn't Mullin one of the team's leading scorers?
  22. I think no matter the pick, in this league, you swing for the fences. I guess the context is pretty important, a team like Toronto can afford to take on a prospect and be patient with them a lot more than a team like Miami or Oklahoma City, for example.
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