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Check my Stats

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Everything posted by Check my Stats

  1. Even without Bosh, there is absolutely no excuse for this team to not be in the finals this year. His 15 and 7 with competent defense is pretty replaceable. This injury only becomes a major concern for me if they meet LA in the finals, even then, it's not like Bosh is going to make a major difference against Pau or Bynum other than make those two work on defense (if he is getting touches). Time for Wade to get going.
  2. Durant is a pretty mediocre playoff performer so far in his career, and Artest locked his ass down last time they met in the playoffs. If Durant is content shooting 18 foot step backs all series, LA should have a good shot in this series. Kobe is going to need to make sure his big men are happy and getting lots of touches against OKC. Try to let RW take over when Durant is clanking 20 foot step backs, and just get everyone on OKC pissed off. Honestly I think the key comes down to the Durant-Artest matchup. You can probably take a solid guess at the production everywhere else (other than maybe Kobe/Bynum), but if Durant is content taking those tough step back jumpers, this team could be in serious jeopardy. I think Harden is going to have to step up this series to be honest with you. And if LA won, I wouldn't call it an "upset" at all. I honestly think LA is still one of the best teams in the NBA when they are clicking on all cylinders. And if Bynum is as motivated as he is making himself sound, then things could get interesting. We will see I guess.
  3. Dale Hunter resigns. One of the most bizarre things you will ever see in sports I think. I wonder where Washington goes from here, they've tried so many systems, goalies, coaches, etc and none of it has worked. It will be interesting to see which coaches they go after; if they continue the defensive shotblocking system they used in the playoffs, or go high octane offense again.
  4. LA-NY finals should be pretty big for the game of hockey. I don't know what is more surprising, how lackluster LA was during the regular season, or how utterly dominant they have been in these playoffs.
  5. I think the majority of goalies look better in the playoffs just because of how teams play (save Bryz lol). Holtby was very good don't get me wrong, but the way those teams were playing, there wasn't a lot of high percentage scoring chances, but at the same time he did a good job not giving up many weak goals. It will be interesting to see what happens with him, it's going to be hard to not give him the starters job next year after how he and Washington played these playoffs. It is clear the players believe in him. I just wonder where Washington goes from here. In the past 4 years it seems they've tried everything. Roster shuffling, new goalies, new systems, Ovie trying to commit defensively, etc, and it just hasn't worked. Ovie is 27, which isn't old, but he isn't getting any younger and his production continues to decline (though a lot of that was a product of the system as well as linemates this year). I just don't see how you can come into camp with the same roster next year.
  6. Yeah it is pretty incredible how far New Jersey has gone this year, definitely didn't expect it. I definitely looked at them as a playoff team this year (they should have been last year) but in no way did I expect them to be in the ECF. Kovalchuk has come a really long way and deserves all the credit in the world for his play this year. It sucks since it definitely increases the chances of Parise of re-signing (not like Leafs had a shot at him). And can you really blame me for having doubts about New York when they have been perennial goats year in year out lol. They have looked okay through the playoffs but with the style they play they are going to be in a lot of close, 2-1 type of games, that will surely stress you guys out. NJ is going to be a tough out, should be a good series though. Hopefully lots of fights. For the record, I would love to see Lundqvist get a ring. The guy deserves it and he absolutely needs it to shut everyone up.
  7. I didn't mean New York to be bad, I mean the team on the back to back (that night being New Jersey). The point I was making was that beating a team like New York was a waste if you were just going to throw it away the next night to a team who had a worse record (at the time I am sure New Jersey did, though I can't be certain). Despite what you may think, I'm not a New York hater. I thought they might be "pretenders" this year, and though they haven't entirely convinced me, they are half way to where they want to be. Do I think New York is the best team in the NHL? No, didn't then and still don't now. That doesn't mean I think they suck though, they are clearly elite and were clearly elite then. Why would I call New York shitty on December anyways? They were on fire around that time from what I recall. Use your head lol.
  8. That would be so gay if he coached Miami, honestly. If they don't win the title, I think it is possible. I don't think he comes back at all, but I think LA and MIA are the 2 spots I see him going. I see Brown getting fired if LA doesn't win this next game.
  9. Don't think anyone is saying LBJ plays like MJ, if they are then they are idiots. I think they are saying he is the closest thing we will see to MJ in terms of sheer dominance and effectiveness, which is a fair thing to say IMO (though still well below, just closest). Congrats though. It's tough to give a guy who plays with 2 other stars the MVP, not a fan, but he was just so much better than anyone else he couldn't be deprived of this award. Plus, statistically, Wade didn't put up superstar numbers so it was easier to give it to LBJ. Also, if you are going to hold Wade/Bosh against LBJ, then you can't really justify giving it to KD. Russel Westbrook and James Harden are incredibly comparable (if not better at this point, let's not sell Harden short), not to mention the other quality players on their teams.
  10. Why is the NBA so full of punks these days. Battier should have slapped the taste out of his mouth after that.
  11. Dude is wicked, been a huge fan since last year. I just think he is the type of player you win with, does a little bit of everything and doesn't really have any glaring weaknesses. Elite level talent imo.
  12. Via twitter: "Jeanie Buss about Phil Jackson on 710AM ESPN radio in LA: "He's got the energy back."" https://twitter.com/#!/SI_LeeJenkins/status/201076971088777217 Let the Phil to New York rumours begin, even though that team's problems run a lot deeper than coaching (now with D'Antoni gone who was horrible and should never be hired in the NBA again).
  13. On a side note, how hilarious is it that we give no accountability to Mike Brown either in this situation? Mike Brown is such a little bitch, honest to God it is almost pathetic.
  14. Here's my whole thing, I just don't like when a guy, especially your best player, complains about other players to the media. It is just bullshit to me honestly. There is no excuse for Bynum behaving like that, I'm not saying that. But at the same time, if you were in Bynum's position, how would you feel? You have Kobe Bryant shooting minimum 25 times a game, when if he is HOT, he is maybe shooting 55%, meanwhile you get 11 or 12 shots despite the fact you are your team's most efficient scorer? Then you are also expected to lock down on defense, be the anchor, hold the responsibility for losses, but then back on the other end number 24 is probably jacking up a contested 17 footer? I'd be pretty annoyed too. Listen, I don't watch the games as often as you guys so obviously you know better, and I'm not trying to bait anyone or piss anyone off, and I'm not even defending Bynum for being a little bitch, but that doesn't mean it is okay for Kobe to whine to the media. If Kobe ripped him a new one on the bench, fine, by all means, no problems here with that. But to go and bitch and moan to the media? Nope, not a fan at all. Bottom line: Andrew Bynum has the potential to be the number 1 offensive option on LA (or a 1 a/b type thing), we all know it. He clearly wants it, and they need to give a little to keep the kid happy. You give him touches, he's going to play harder on defense, be more invested in the game. Kobe has to hand that torch over eventually, and him being reluctant to do so might honestly kill this team. Like I said, I don't watch the games often, and I am going mostly off box scores here so I could be totally off base. But still, no excuse for Bynum's behaviour, but I don't like what Kobe did either. It's a bitch move as far as I am concerned. Talk to him yourself.
  15. Because literally any team can win any year and the playoffs are better than any other sport bar none. Saying anyone can win isn't just a cliche in the NHL. Football you could probably put ahead if you wanted but obviously I am biased as a Canadian without a team, and without that same emotional attachment... NBA, MLB, in my opinion aren't even close. I might be biased but I put an incredible amount of value into parity. It is one thing for your commissioner to say they want a system where every team can compete, it is another to deliver it. That is why I think more highly of Bettman than most. Like I said, I don't think it is the best sport, that really depends on what you like. But for a fan, the NHL, and NFL as well, are definitely the best leagues as far as I am concerned.
  16. The NHL won't blow up rating wise until they get a deal with ESPN again. It isn't even about the games being broadcast there, but as long as the NHL is seen as a joke by ESPN, and gets barely any broadcast time during their highlights, it won't blow up there. But the league keeps generating more and more revenue each year, and ratings keep going up, but they are just so far behind the other 3 it seems (tv wise), and one of the main reasons is because it gets no credibility in the states, despite the fact that it is the best league of all the main 4 (not best sport, best league).
  17. Other than the 1 Grizzly fan on the entire internet, I don't think anyone will care.
  18. This will increase the credibility of Canada basketball. That is a pretty big role though for a guy whose main priority is the NBA right now... would have expected to see him in more of a figurehead position until he retires, but still, this is nice.
  19. I expect DKR to be a better movie (which says a lot because the Avengers was sick), but those numbers will be hard to break especially since the Avengers hits pretty much every demographic you could want. Those two movies make for a very good summer of movies though, anything else is just gravy at this point to be honest.
  20. What are your guys' thoughts on this? I've heard it a few times now, and I wanna know what everyone else thinks. Is this really an asterisk season because of the lockout? Really?
  21. A New Jersey-Phoenix final would be utterly hilarious.
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