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Check my Stats

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Everything posted by Check my Stats

  1. Seriously. Especially with this Ottawa teams, guys like Karlsson, Gonchar, they don't want to get hit. Pressure them, force them to make mistakes.
  2. Way too many games IMO. Don't get me wrong, Torres is a shit head, but Hossa cut across with his head down, and put himself in an incredibly vulnerable position and didn't even brace himself for the hit a little bit.. i don't care if he didn't have the puck, it was off his stick less than 2 seconds, it is the playoffs, always expect to get hit (why do the players getting hit have no accountability?)... and lets be honest with ourselves, if Hossa doesn't leave on a stretcher, this is what, 5 games at most? I don't think Torres was even targeting the head, and the contact was incidental (it wasn't even a direct blow to the head from what i can tell, could be wrong though), he did leave his feet though which is definitely a no-no. Shanny is just so damn bi-polar... i honestly think the Asham incident was worse than this, by far. If you are going to give Neal 1 game for an identical hit at lower impact, how are you going to give him 25? Horrible.
  3. Malkin doing everything he can to [expletive] Pittsburgh over tonight. Also that hit is not suspension worthy... hope no one was thinking it... the dudes on TSN mentioned it might be worth looking at... so soft. Oh yeah, Jordan Staal is a stud.
  4. I wish he was playing in the summer league. I know he will be playing better ball, but still, I wanna see him dominate in the summer league. Really anxious for this kid, but I think it is going to be important for all fans to be patient... if Davis is any sort of indication, Casey will probably be bringing him along slowly, very slowly.
  5. It is like there is more to playing basketball than just getting assists or something.
  6. I agree with BFT, except i have said for 2 years. The whole highschool thing is so dumb, and the whole problem with it (taking raw talent based on upside) still applies even after college... if it didn't Drummond and PJ3 wouldn't be surefire lottery picks this year. 42 highschoolers have been drafted nearly 25% of them went on to become all-stars. Those aren't bad numbers. I honestly think one of the biggest problems is that once these highschoolers get drafted, there is nowhere for them to play since the d-league is practically pick up ball and they aren't physically ready yet to play the pros. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NBA_high_school_draftees Honestly look at that list and tell me with a straight face that kids coming out of highschool was a problem... shitty draft picks will be made regardless of where they come from.
  7. The definition of pretenders. Got matched up with the first round with softies, and are one of the worst teams to be a home seed, or even make the playoffs, in recent memory. They will get bodied by Philly/Boston/Rangers or whoever else they might face if they make the 2nd round... good for that franchise to get in though, maybe they can get some traction as they move forward, they have a really good cupboard of prospects right now. To everyone else who is thinking it, no I am not bitter (well maybe a little bit lol).
  8. Other than 06, has Kobe ever really been wronged by not winning the MVP?
  9. Whoever took Giroux in the 1st round of their playoff pool looks like a genius 3 days into the playoffs. Crazy game, didn't watch too closely but whenever I did it seemed Malkin's line was getting scored on. Just got continuously burnt on the rush it seemed.
  10. I get it if a 36 year old Wade (or however old he will be next time) doesn't want to play, but because of money or something? God damn that is incredibly annoying. Every player thinks they are a god damn businessman these days.
  11. Why? Because their management is horrid they deserve something to be handed to them? You don't see me sitting here saying the Leafs need something to be handed to them even though they have been horribly managed for over 10 years now. Their fanbase might deserve better, but that franchise is an absolute joke, even if you ignore the whole Nash fiasco, or the fact they insist that Steve Mason is legit and wasn't just a 2 month fluke, they have just been so poorly managed over the years.. I mean really how many lottery picks can you botch? Picard, Brule, Brassard, Filatov, Johansen (juries still out), trade Couturier for Carter. They pick top 10 yearly but are still shit years later. On a side note, Schenn+5+another pick or something like that for first overall? What do people think of that, shitty trade for EDM? I think that is something you could work from depending how you value Schenn.
  12. Praying we don't deal that pick for Rick Nash... dude just isn't worth it... we have more pressing needs.
  13. Honestly I just think there is so much wrong with this entire generation of players, not so much just James. Sure there are exceptions like Durant and Rose, but even look at Kentucky.. all these kids are content going and playing with all the other best recruits instead of trying to forge their own path, and making their own name. I would respect a guy like Shabazz incredibly if he went to a team like UCLA instead of Kentucky, because quite honestly you don't see shit like that anymore. Instead of people going and TAKING the hardware, they all seem to be waiting for it to be handed to them. A player in LBJ's position has the right to want to play with better players than he had in Cleveland (Kobe and MJ would have left too, lets not fool ourselves), but where someone like Kobe or MJ would want to beat the top players (like Wade), LBJ is joining them? All this superteam shit is just so retarded, and it isn't just LeBron.
  14. Why would Rock and Brock be for the title? Lmao. Some of these dirtsheets are just so bad.
  15. I think he is doing an okay job. He recognized early that to be good in today's NBA, you must first be very bad. He shipped of Wallace and everyone else that was eating up cap space, and is losing a lot of games. It is all going to come down to whether or not the team drafts well (if he takes Drummond well that would just be incredibly ironic wouldn't it? Kwame 2.0?). Then again he also completed a trade where he got fleeced by Toronto for Chandler, then nixed it after agreeing to it because his coach flipped his lid.
  16. How can you go wrong with Pekovic? The guy went from bench fodder to a near double double guy, probably is in his per 36 adjusted numbers.
  17. Lol SVG is a grade A coach. Dwight is such a jackass, honestly he is worse than every single one who has come before him (LBJ, Bosh, Melo)
  18. It's pretty close. Also, you can't not mention Perkins and Ibaka (huge factors when you consider Miami's interior defense is non-existent). Top to bottom, their teams are pretty close to a wash in my opinion. Also, at this point, just comparing the 2nd/3rd best players on each team, I don't think it would be insane to say that Westbrook and Harden are close to as good, or just a bit lower than Wade and Bosh.. and Harden is a better 3rd option than Bosh (not necessarily better player, but 3rd option)... then you add the superior tole players that OKC has... I don't think the "worse team" argument can really apply this year. I agree with you that the team with the better record should have the MVP... but if their records are only a game or two apart, give it to LBJ, because he is having a better season, this is something that cannot be disputed.
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