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Check my Stats

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Everything posted by Check my Stats

  1. Maybe, maybe not... all that matters is he could just about any night he wanted to. It might be harder for him this year though, seeing as how he is avoiding taking 3's so much. If I had to bet, I would probably bet no, but with LeBron, you never really know.
  2. Miami in the east and no one else... a couple teams might have an outside shot, but in terms of favourites, no, no one else. The west I think OKC is the major favourite, with LA a ways behind, all depends on Bynum and Kobe really. I am becoming a pretty big fan of Portland as well.
  3. Sounds like Jonas will be starting again tonight. Haven't shaved during this little win streak, and have said I won't until they lose, so here's hoping they go on a nice streak here lol. Still waiting for a power move from Burke, feeling more and more like there isn't going to be one this year. I think I would be okay with that though. If we miss the playoffs that will suck, but I would be fine, because we are going to keep getting better. I always forget how young our team is, and with Colborne, Kadri and Gardiner getting better each passing day, I would be fine if we just held onto them... besides, finishing in the lottery might be better for us, as it gives us a very attractive piece to move on draft should we choose to do so.
  4. I'd have given him 10 games personally. No place in the game for taking someone out low like that. It is one thing when there is incidental contact to the head, or when the puck carrier is (often) skating irresponsibly prior to contact to the head, but in this instance Marchand went out of his way to execute an extremely dangerous hit. It is lucky Salo didn't get hurt on the play. How Marchand doesn't get muffed after that play is beyond me, absolutely no accountability. Shannahan can do all he wants with suspensions, but it is the players who are going to have to police the game. Players rush to jump in when someone gets smashed cleanly in open ice, but when a class act like Salo gets clipped like that, no one is breaking Marchand's face? A disgrace as far as I am concerned. If the Canucks weren't Canadian, they might quite possibly be my least favourite team ever. To be clear I'm not on the Burke crybaby bandwagon... I have no problem with the Colton Orrs of the league being gone, but you don't need to be a designated fighter to keep the "rats" in line.
  5. Anytime a professional basketball player, especially someone who isn't a typical big, cannot shoot a competent free throw, it aggravates me greatly.
  6. I would like to see them add another quality big to their rotation.
  7. You aren't alone. I think the new playoff format would be absolutely terrible.
  8. http://www.therichest.org/celebnetworth/wp-content/uploads/2011/06/Pau-Gasol.jpg
  9. First Odom the past 5 years, now Pau... someone's always got to be the whipping boy in LA.
  10. I expect Toronto to route NJ tonight and unfortunately go above .500... I hope I am wrong though.. just hoping Demar can continue to get better each game, and hopefully Ed can get back on track.
  11. This team's success begins and ends with John Wall... if he wants the team to play different, make it happen. He is the point guard, the franchise player and supposed to be a superstar in the making. This team needs to trade Blatche and Nick Young asap as well.
  12. It's really not that bad, seen a lot worse trades proposed by Laker fans... still won't happen, or come close to happening.
  13. Westphal is a shit coach, this should have happened, just sucks that Cousins was the reason why... sends a bad message, especially to Cousins.
  14. Manu has probably played through worse, dude always seems banged up.
  15. I describe myself as "almost 6 feet" and it is pretty much fine... really as long as I am taller than most girls than that is fine.
  16. Which season would you consider better?
  17. Also, am I the only one who feels like an OKC-MIA finals is inevitable barring injuries?
  18. Nice to see LeBron regain(ing) his throne as the undisputed number 1 player in the NBA so soon... not that he ever should have lost it (some of you may have never stopped recognizing him as the best). Looking like an early MVP candidate right now, though he obviously isn't going to shoot 60% all year, and everyone is going to be desperate to put the MVP trophy in Durant's hands no matter how good a year LBJ has. Dwight is being a pouty bitch (not really surprising). Say what you will about LBJ, but Melo and Dwight have both behaved far worse despite playing on better teams during their times there. Just frustrating for me, especially after all his talk saying how he isn't LeBron and all this shit. Magic need to deal him, now. Contact every damn team and start a bidding war, before it's too late and all you get is two shit firsts in the off-season, or nothing. I have hated D'Antoni for years, dating back to him leaving Phoenix, especially during the Marbury situation, as well as Nate... dude is simply a bad to mediocre coach who looked awesome in Phoenix thanks to Nash... sorry but Amare and Melo aren't going to commit defensively because of an assistant coach (Woodson), this team needs a new voice as far as I am concerned. Seeing Nash right now makes me sad. Dude got shafted by his organization, quite possibly cost him a ring, or at the very least a couple more chances at one. Hopefully he can get out. Raptors look like absolute shit... Casey is sick in that we are playing better defense than ever, but it is like the O'Neil days minus Vince Carter, so yeah... looking forward to hopefully adding the franchise player this team needs in the off-season. Also is anyone else pretty surprised by the low scoring numbers so far? I know it's early, and a shit training camp, but take a look at the top scorers: http://espn.go.com/nba/statistics/player/_/stat/scoring-per-game/sort/avgPoints/year/2012/seasontype/2 Bargs, Jennings, Anderson, Lou, Thornton? Just weird. C/s the Pacers hype... wasn't sold on them at first but I like what they're doing out there.
  19. Meh, will probably only get to watch the first quarter of this one.. hoping Demar breaks out tonight though, if he is gonna do it against any team it might be New York.
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