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Check my Stats

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Everything posted by Check my Stats

  1. Pre-season or not, holding a team under 20 in the first quarter is something to get excited about if you are a Toronto fan lol.
  2. http://www.hornets247.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/12/new-hornets.jpg
  3. What a hard game that was to watch. [expletive].
  4. This is an extremely encouraging article. I have said it before, but we have all the pieces in place right now except for the franchise guy, or first option scorer. We just need to hope for a lucky bounce from the ping pong balls this year, and we will be in terrific shape. Demar should be a great 2nd offensive option, Davis is a great glue type of big that I think every team needs, I picture him being a walking double double with close to two blocks, Jonas looks like he will be a legit offensive option with solid defensive skills... I really like how our team looks if we can nab a top prospect in this draft, we have a ton of nice young supporting pieces, just need that alpha player.
  5. First from the Clippers if they are looking like a middle to high playoff seed?
  6. It will change every night. We don't have a clear cut 3rd, hell, we don't even have a clear cut second. If you are asking who I think will finish 3rd in PPG, I am going to go out on a limb and say Ed... I picture double digits from him and I don't picture more than 3 guys averaging double figures..
  7. Amir is listed at 6'9 and I honestly feel like that is generous, he is a PF, not a C. Obviously the best of the group, but I figure it will be Gray or Magloire, probably Gray. Wouldn't be surprised if the Raptors went to a Bargnani-Davis frontcourt early into the season though. Davis can protect the rim better than anyone on our roster I think, and even though he isn't a C, he is our best defensive big and should get a bulk of the minutes.
  8. Don't make any rash moves, take your time, you have 2 years with CP3 and should be a playoff team regardless of if you make any moves or not. Bledsoe and picks should be enough to fetch another significant piece either at the deadline, or in the off-season. This team is pretty set, the last thing they need to do is rush into a short term fix using their few remaining assets... they need a legitimate 2 guard moving forward, one that can knock down shots and d up
  9. Rose better work on his stand still catch and shoot game lol.
  10. Sounds like Pronger is out for the season and playoffs. Horrible break.
  11. So ignorant to think that Stern shot down the LAL deal because of the "big market" shit or "because it was the Lakers", he shot it down because it was an absolutely horrible deal for the Hornets... Odom's value: a first in the 20's... Pau's value at this point, probably not much higher... that deal was absolute shit... that is why it was shot down, not because it is the Los Angeles Lakers.. Hopefully this deal sets a precedent for the future trades of stars. Shitty firsts and veterans IS NOT enough for a star player. This is probably more than a player like Paul should get given the circumstances, but you should get a player with legit all-star upside, as well as numerous other VALUABLE assets. Also, for the record, Gordon is NOT a franchise player... but he is definitely someone you can build WITH... there are only a handful of players you can build around in the NBA, but players like Gordon don't grow on trees either. Gordon is a weak first option, sort of like Bosh, but a terrific second option in the future... the Hornets are going to be in great shape with their own top pick this year, as well as that Wolves pick... really they could package it to move up and get that guy to build "around". This move fast forwards the Hornets rebuild 2-3 seasons.... the LAL deal pushes it back. The right decision was made, and as a neutral party in this situation, I am very happy with what has happened.
  12. Not going to happen. LA is still a 50 win team, easily.
  13. I still think he has potential as a starting point guard in this league, he just needs to be given a shot. He will get that shot when Jose inevitably goes down for an extended stretch this year, especially considering the condensed schedule. I also think he has potential defensively; obviously he is way too aggressive right now, but again, the physical tools are there, and he just needs time no the floor to improve. I am a big fan of Bayless, and we need to know what we have with him sooner or later, so soon it will be time to throw him to the wolves and see how it goes IMO.. because soon we will have to decide if we are going to have him here long term or not.
  14. Detroit is throwing huge money at him, he probably won't get more than the MLE or around 7M on the open market, but if he is desperate to get out, which I would applaud, then this is the way to do it.
  15. Absolutely terrible for Clippers... could have just signed CP3 outright this off-season, now you give the Hornets quite possibly the best young core of assets in the NBA (after this season, Gordon and 2 top 5 picks probably)? Terrible, just terrible. Without Gordon, the Clippers are not a championship team moving forward. CP3 and Griffin is nice, but I feel like it might not be enough to keep CP3 around long term.
  16. Wasn't he fined at the time? That is probably what it means.
  17. Connolly gets 2 in a game the leafs probably should have had 4-6 goals or so.
  18. And the LAL pipe dream continues. You aren't getting him, spare yourself the agony.
  19. I think Vince has been giving less of a [expletive] each passing year since around 06.
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