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Check my Stats

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Everything posted by Check my Stats

  1. I realize LBJ had an extremely mediocre finals, but he is still a top 3 player for sure, probably the best. Kobe is borderline top 5, it's easy to say 'when he is 100%', but will he ever be 100% again? I agree with Wade being better (or maybe more effective is a better word) now, and Dwight probably too. Durant and Melo are still criminally overrated and guys like Deron and CP3 are still criminally underrated.
  2. Em's yelling flow is getting very annoying. Em is inconsistent, while Royce pretty much shows up on every track.
  3. Really sucks that he thinks this way. Could have been one of the greatest if basketball was more than just a hobby for him.
  4. It'd be nice if they had a coach who would force LBJ to play at his best. It is obvious LBJ doesn't respect Spo, and he clearly isn't self motivated like most superstars.
  5. You deal Wade before you deal LBJ, but I would definitely entertain offers for both of them. It's the first year guys...
  6. Should they? No, of course not. Will they? Probably, their fans have no class or maturity and their owner doesn't have much more.
  7. They won because LBJ is still waiting for his championship(s) to be given to him. He'll grow up and realize he needs to be much better soon, hopefully.
  8. Must be an amazing feeling. Definitely didn't think the Mavs would win, or even have a chance. So happy for Dirk, for Kidd, for them all. And happy to see some fans who actually deserve a title, rather than the majority of the Heat 'fans'. I hope one day I can be in a similar situation as you guys are today with the Raptors. Savor it guys, doesn't get better.
  9. They don't NEED anything. LBJ just needs to sac up and become the player he should be.
  10. So what does he call rigging for the first pick?
  11. Are you basing this off recent drafting? Really hope not.
  12. CM Punk. Christian before his push, but CM Punk is criminally underused. His look is horrible, but he can do it all, and can bring money to the company for sure in his feuds, and make people huge stars, or bigger stars (see Jeff Hardy).
  13. All I'll say is that it is pathetic that Wade has gotten a pass all year long, he's as big a dick as LBJ, he just has better PR.
  14. I've been expecting a huge game from him every night, and I am still waiting for him to deliver. He needs to be aggressive tonight.
  15. LeBron>Kobe, the sooner ya'll can accept it, the sooner we can all move on and have educated basketball discussions.
  16. Kobe was mentioned for the same reason LeBron was, to make an irrelevant point.
  17. He shouldn't be going on dates until he learns to play basketball. Surprised any woman would want to be seen in public with him.
  18. With McGee I'd need at least 6 as well, if not more. With Pau I'd say hell no, defensively the Wolves would still suck dick. Monta maybe, but idk I'm not huge on him. Just use the pick, cut Beasley, and go from there.
  19. We should make a Kobe challenge where you have to shoot as many times as points you score every playoff game, 2 layup limit allowed per game.
  20. I don't really care how old Allen is, he is still better than Jeff Green, and P probably can't play the 2 for extended minutes anymore.
  21. I just wish there were more no calls overall in the NBA.
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