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Check my Stats

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Everything posted by Check my Stats

  1. He is the Shawn Avery of the NBA, but even less useful.
  2. I kinda feel bad for Kobe, sucks when you show up for the game and no one else does, welcome to LBJ's old life.
  3. I really did not expect this at all coming into the playoffs, it's shocking really. LA should have walked through the West, they are better than all of these teams, easily. Pathetic showing by Pau Gasol, he should be embarrassed, I know it's not over yet, but still. Pathetic.
  4. Throw in Odom too and have LA take Hedo, also firsts. If I am not getting a nice young prospect for Dwight, I want the contender, in this case LA, to be bending over and giving up everything to get him, just like New York did for Melo, also I want both Hedo and Arenas gone.
  5. Maybe you can get Randolph and Conley for him from Memphis.
  6. I was speaking in general about players making other players great, it doesn't happen, and I was giving props to Amare so why are you being a little bitch about nothing?
  7. Kobe does none of those things, LeBron does the first one, but I don't think any player really does the 2nd one. If a player is great, he's great. I would have said that about Amare maybe last year, but he proved he is good on his own now. EDIT: Nash turning Amare great.
  8. According to your presumed qualifications: minimum wage/slightly above, or get an education to one day have an actual career, hmmm lol.
  9. Well this is really something else....
  10. Are you serious? Shaq's presence alone will make a huge difference. For one, Bosh will probably never take it at him, I know he hardly does now, but with Shaq there he never will. And for two, Wade and LBJ will be thinking about him when they take it to the hole, not because he will block it (he could though) but because Shaq won't hesitate to put either of them on their asses. KG is a good man defender at the 4, and JO is a good weakside shot blocker, but they don't have the same presence that a guy like Shaq does in the middle.
  11. That first single is pretty cool. The EP is apparently being titled 'Hell: The Sequel', pretty cool, continuity from the song off the SSLP when they say see you in hell for the sequel. Comes out in mid June, should be cool to hear some new material that isn't just leaked shit.
  12. Really excited to watch the Tampa-Washington game tonight as well as Nashville-Vancouver, been missing way too much hockey these playoffs, I might even turn my phone off so I can watch them both uninterrupted lol. Also, what is the deal with Washington and Tampa having back to back games? Horrible.
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