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Check my Stats

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Everything posted by Check my Stats

  1. It seems like every year at least one role player says something stupid in the playoffs, Mo, then Jameer, etc. I might be the biggest Amare critic around, but he is nowhere near easy to defend, especially with how good his face up game has become.
  2. I can't believe some of these calls on the screens, it's pathetic, put your whistles away for a bit and let the teams [expletive]ing play.
  3. 1. Griffin 2. Wall 3. Monroe 4. Davis 5. Fields 6. Cousins 7. Neal 8. George 9. Bledsoe 10. Crawford
  4. Pretty awesome for the Cavs, even after LBJ leaves he is the reason they sold out so many games. Once that chip on their shoulder was gone though, the fans stopped showing up, their capacity was 100% for quite a while I am pretty sure. Raps still in the top 2/3 after a shit season, these fans is just dying for a quality team.
  5. Dwight will be a Net at the draft, especially if Hawks bounce Orlando.
  6. Yo clutch quit +1ing like a bitch and post your thoughts.
  7. Man, I hate the Habs, but for some reason I just don't want Boston to win at all. Bruin fans can call me a bitter Leafs fan since they have raped us numerous times, but I just don't like their team at all they annoy the shit out of me lol.
  8. Umm, it has nothing to do with offense over defense, it has to do with money. Some players are just oblivious I guess. EDIT: I mean seriously, they can either pay Tony Allen 3M for 3 or 4 years whatever it is, or get someone on the vets min, or a bought out player, either way someone quality to fill in his 15-20 minutes.
  9. Matt Carle a beauty 2 point game tonight, big bonus for my hockey pool team. Now if only Pronger would come back, those two could be sick late round pickups for me if Philly moves on a round or two, people stay sleeping on those big minute defensemen in playoff pools. Hoping the Sharks can bury the Kings early tonight, other game was too long, hopefully Quick isn't that good again.
  10. Missed it, but relatively lackluster games from each of the big 3 and they still won by 8, pretty good sign for fans of the Heat. Nice to see Bosh show up on the boards in game 1, LeBron too, looks like that was a big difference in the game.
  11. Yeah and he was 6 away from matching Derrick Rose's game. EDIT: 7, excuse me.
  12. He is trying to teach the triangle to a bunch of idiots. I have no clue about the guy, but I doubt it is his fault as much as it is a personnel problem. So long as management is content collecting rejected assets they will always be shit, even if Phil coached the team.
  13. I don't think anyone would say anything besides LA-Miami now that Perkins is gone in Boston.
  14. If Kevin Martin ever makes an NBA-team (without improving his all around game) I might consider stop watching. Horrible.
  15. Your rep is hollow son. You're the Kevin Love of this shit, enjoy your reps while the L's pile on. Them ponies is HILARIOUS, fall back.
  16. The Blackhawks biggest strength last year was their depth, they could roll 3 lines no problem and all could give you a couple goals any night. In the off-season, they lost an entire lines-worth of players in Dustin, Kris and Ladd, and all 3 were key last year, they lost Niemi too ( who I think is meh anyways but whatever). I think the Hawks are still a threat, but they have to roll their top 2 lines a lot more if they want to get enough goals to win, their 3rd/4th lines are shit now. But yeah, 97 points is still a good year, they could have easily wound up 3rd seed with a couple more OT wins or something. Also thank God the Sharks won last night, can't believe how the game turned out after the first 30 minutes. Quick was amazing though, if he gives up a couple goals in that first this game might have been a blow out, but he held on long enough for the Kings to pop one in. Patrick Marleau sucks though, dude just seems so disinterested out there, maybe it's just me... I picked up 6 pts on 3 goals, so if the Sharks make a run to the WCF, I should probably win the pool. Big if though.
  17. Jesus Christ, does anyone make albums with less than half the songs having features? Anyways, I don't really give a shit, dude's act has been old for a while, and no one cares anymore.
  18. http://www.theglobeandmail.com/sports/first-up/bargnani-the-door-is-to-your-left/article1985621/
  19. I don't like that Korver and Deng are comparable.
  20. Well the Sharks better at least go to the WCF this year, I have their first 2 lines pretty much in my playoff pool, kinda went all the way, if they do it I'll win, if they don't I'll lose. I figure that they have at least a 2nd round appearance locked up with how banged up LA is, and everyone in the pool (11 people) were passing on em, so I figured I might as well since I was picking 10th. Nice to see Vancouver doing well though, and Washington get the first win, I was staying far away from those series, just too scary for me. It would be amazing if Pittsburgh won and Crosby came back, not holding my breath, but it'd definitely be awesome. These next 2 weeks are the 2 best weeks in sports, NHL double headers every night, baseball is starting up (not a big fan, but still) and the NBA first round (kinda boring but oh well) to boot. My night is set watching Boston-Montreal then San Jose-LA after,
  21. Leave it to the Wolves to have 3 points on their rookie contracts on their roster. Irving is probably the BPA, but I'd be looking to trade down (or trade out entirely) if I am the Wolves, the last thing this team needs is another project/rookie. See if Dwight is interested in playing with Love, and if he is package that pick up with some other assets and see what Otis says.
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