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Check my Stats

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Everything posted by Check my Stats

  1. I will be the first to admit we are awful, I just find it funny that you seemed to be basing it off a game the Knicks gave up 118 to a putrid offense, it is pretty much unacceptable, but then again I guess that is the culture that D'Antoni is establishing in New York, I guess the fans are just embracing it.
  2. The great teams do not have this mindset. But I agree, Derozan's potential was terrific tonight, probably is what got us to within 10.
  3. I have never seen players put up hollower stats on a team than in Minnesota, ever.
  4. Derozan: 36 pts (48%) 10 reb, 1 stl, 1 blk and 3 ast Davis: 22 pts (71%), 13 reb, 1 stl, 1 blk [expletive] anyone else. EDIT: Toronto is God awful? You just gave up nearly 120 pts to an injured, and absolutely shit offensive team missing their first offensive option and starting point guard. The Knicks are almost equally as sad when considering their expectations/roster.
  5. And being arguably the best wing in the league at one point...
  6. He would be an absolute moron to stay, he might not be a lotto pick next year, this year he is probably going in the top 8.
  7. He doesn't deserve anything for that season, it just goes to show what a pathetic human being he was at that time (just look at the splits between Toronto and New Jersey that year). And this is coming from someone who is actually somewhat of a VC fan/defendant at least relative to other Raptors fans. For the record, I think he should be in the HOF.
  8. Cena will be the heel that match whether he wants to or not, just like Rock got booed when he faced Hogan. It is the exact same thing, the exact same.
  9. Wow I am honestly shocked that Rock is coming back for another match. Will certainly be huge, it will also be interesting to see if Rocky is around much and when he'll come back, probably not back for a while.
  10. The irony lies in the fact that Kobe won his first MVP (shouldn't have been his first, but that is beside the point) for the exact reason Rose will, that being the fact he was an MVP virgin.
  11. I've said multiple times on this board he is the key to this franchise moving forward, he needs to become the 2nd option offensively, and he is capable, unlike someone like Jeff Green. That trade opened everything up and gave them a starting 5 (once Harden becomes a starter) that is probably the most complete in the NBA moving forward.
  12. Of any superstar, LeBron probably gets the most non-calls because you can't even tell he got fouled. But for him to complain about it, meh, pretty soft of him. He gets his fair share of phantom calls as well.
  13. Rock-Cena anywhere except Wrestlemania is a huge waste
  14. Great match. Year in year out the 40 year olds continue to put on the best matches at Wrestlemania. Some time soon these young guys are going to have to step up. Hopefully this shitty match isn't very long and Morrison/Ziggler control most of it, then we can get onto Cena-Miz (which I think will be better than a lot of people think) along with The Rock.
  15. Both these guys are putting it all on the line holy [expletive] some hugely painful spots for a couple 40+ year olds so far.
  16. If only WWE put as much effort into their product as they do their production maybe Raw wouldn't be so inconsistent.
  17. Great match, as usual Punk makes his opponent look great and lays down. Sick spot to end the match too. It'd be nice if they let Punk get a big win for once, but kinda like Jericho, he doesn't really need it. EDIT: These backstage segments are pretty annoying/corny.
  18. I am completely fine with us winning a game where Jose and Bargs are out, hopefully it leads to BC realizing Bargs uselessness.
  19. Kinda crazy a few months ago Barrett was the hottest heel in the company, now he is jobbing in 2 minute matches.
  20. Honestly not watching the game, but we are holding tough against another elite team tonight, what the [expletive] else is it going to take for BC to realize Bargnani does not help this team? At best he has a neutral affect, then you factor in his huge salary, trade him for expirings.
  21. Mike James averaged 20 PPG one year for an absolutely shit team too.
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