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Check my Stats

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Everything posted by Check my Stats

  1. John Cena is as good, or probably even better, than the Rock technically in the ring. Rock might have more exciting of matches, but all he could do was punch and kick, and his finishers, which is fine, but he was a horrible wrestler. Also Randy Orton is a really good wrestler, one of the best in the business in my opinion. Rock could put on an excellent show, but he could not wrestle. Same can be said about Austin, to a lesser extent, after he broke his neck. Those guys could tell a story and were athletic, but they were not Kurt Angle, Shawn Michaels, Bret Hart, Ric Flair, etc, in the ring. Also let's get serious, Flair and Hogan are both top 5 more likely than not if they aren't in that other wrestling company tits and ass.
  2. Barnes will not get better playing another year in college. I really hope for the draft's sake, as well as his own, he declares this year so he can work on his game with and against the best players in the world.
  3. I was mainly trolling with my initial post, although I don't think it would be far fetched to suggest once Kobe declines/leaves that LA residents may jump ship as Griffin develops into a superstar and Gordon in the all-star boat, but all things considered Sterling could [expletive] everything up. I don't even care who you cheer for, it feels like topics like these come up every month or so and it is pretty annoying. You pick a team, and you stick with them. If you have a favourite team because of where you live, because you like their jerseys, or your favourite player plays there, then fine, but you support that team unconditionally so long as they are in existence. I don't even have a problem if you are an LBJ fan (for example) and support the Heat now, but don't act like you've been there all this time and will be the first one at the parade. Also don't act like LA's fans have faced or gone through some sort of adversity. Sorry but I don't consider a couple 30-40 win years low points. Talk to me half a decade from now when LA might be forced to rebuild and the Clippers could (BIG IF) be contenders and tell me that it isn't even a remote possibility that fans will jump ship. You've had Kobe a decade and a half, so of course the building has been full, but you are going to sit here with a straight face and tell me once he is gone there isn't a possibility the Lakers lose a chunk of their support? My point is that there are a ton of Kobe fans in this world, and all I WONDER(I don't even declare it as fact at all) is what will happen once he is gone. I am not directing it at you, or even anyone here for that matter, it will just be interesting, at least to me, to see how the franchise's support is when the team doesn't have a top 5 player or a superstar on it, if we get to that point.
  4. Eventually the Sixers are going to need someone who can pour in 25 points or close to it a night. It is really cool what they are doing, winning with no one over 15 PPG, they've been a solid-ass team. But come playoffs, solid doesn't cut it, especially with how top heavy both conferences are right now. They win one game against any of the teams they are slotted to face, period.
  5. I don't hate Wade, not sure what makes you think that (I may often call him overrated but that is in comparison to LeBron, people calling him Batman and shit, I often acknowledge he is a top 3 player without a doubt), in fact I think I am one of the most impartial posters on this entire site when it comes to anything not Raptors related, but okay.... you often go out of your way to shit on LeBron, it is kind of pathetic really, bitterness ain't a good look. I don't even think Wade is childish, but neither is LeBron, they are both competitors, I was trying to make a point with my initial post, LeBron has handled this 'adversity' better than anyone. Everyone hates LBJ and acts like Wade is a saint, if you want more explanation just read what BFT said since he basically summed up what I was thinking. I'm not going to sit here and exchange subliminal insults with you, you hate LBJ and your opinion won't be swayed, and that's fine, just don't spew bullshit around like it is a matter of fact LBJ is a child. Cocky? Yeah probably.. Unprofessional? You could make a case. Childish? I just don't see it, especially not this season.
  6. Horrible foul. I have no problem with a good, clean hard foul. But that was just not a safe basketball play, he should consider himself lucky he only got 2 games.
  7. When I see Barnes play he just doesn't seem assertive enough to me.
  8. The Sixers are a guaranteed 5 game or less series in my opinion, meanwhile there is a legitimate possibility New York wins a series these playoffs (against any team in my opinion).
  9. Ask this question in 5 years and just about every Laker fan will be a Clipper fan depending on what happens with Gordon/Griffin and company.
  10. Being a baby on the podium after a few losses certainly doesn't make Wade a good person either though. You never said LBJ was a bad person, you said he was a child, which implied Wade was not, when really Wade is the one behaving more like a child than LeBron. I know you hate LBJ, but shit bud...
  11. Weird how the good person pouts to the media after losses while the child shoulders the blame like a man.
  12. The whole response to the LBJ thing was terrible, but Gilbert IS a great owner, regardless of what you think of him. He is willing to spend, and that Clippers deal was awesome, a lotto to take on a contract? Sign me up.
  13. I think it would be better for LA to hire internally rather than bring in an entirely new coach and probably implement an entirely new system. I mean maybe it'd be okay if they plan on overhauling their roster some, but otherwise, I'm really not so sure.
  14. Thankfully Demar poured in another great game, otherwise this win would have been pointless. I just want to know when Barbosa's 'wrist injury' is going to flare up and have him shut down? I wouldn't mind if Andrea got injured too.
  15. I would love if this team could be owned privately or by an individual. You put someone like Dan Gilbert (deep pockets and wants to win) as the owner of this team it would do wonders for the organization.
  16. It would be nice for Iggy or someone to get on the defensive team rather than someone like Wade or Kobe who really only play defense for half the season (even then, that might generous).
  17. They are a good supporting cast, but not close to 60 win good. Not to mention all the injuries they've had. I know you will defend LBJ unconditionally, but he simply is not the MVP this year. Best player in the NBA? Yeah, but those are two completely different things. Only way LBJ will EVER win MVP with Wade on his team is if the Heat win close to 70 games or Wade falls off and looks more like a 2nd option instead of a superstar. Might not seem fair, but that's just the way it is going to be from here on out.
  18. DPOTY simply CANNOT got to a wing player, ever. Big men alter entire defenses. Iggy might shut his man down, but Dwight's shot blocking presence (for example) alters the game of all 5 players on the opposing team, that is why he will always win MVP. Not to mention his team's stats back him up
  19. Seems like a lot of players are having big first games, this tournament could really overhaul the draft moving forward.
  20. Didn't read thread. He is leading an inferior cast to LeBron to a better record so LBJ isn't even in the discussion. He has good enough stats which is all that matters. MVP has never gone to the player with the best stats, otherwise LBJ would be winning his like 5th straight this year.
  21. Maybe he just ain't as good as everyone thought.
  22. Why does everyone love Wade so much and hate LBJ? This idiot is talking about getting rest when his team is playing like they are? I mean if the Heat were rolling then alright, but come on.... Wade is talking about wanting more rest, and LBJ is talking about his these last games are a chance to improve for the playoffs, yet LBJ is public enemy number 1 on the internet?
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