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Check my Stats

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Everything posted by Check my Stats

  1. The utilization of Chris Bosh offensively has been borderline pathetic.
  2. Run Demar off a screen in the mid range and let him shoot a mid range jumper, cash.
  3. The league is so competitive right now that this team (and any team really) will be lucky to win 1 or 2 titles.
  4. If Weems wants to be a player in this league he is going to need to become a very good spot up shooter. There are tons of athletic wings and his reluctance to get to the line holds him back. He also needs to be committed defensively. He could definitely be a good role player in this league with the tools he has. He just has to realize he isn't going to be a high volume scorer and needs to carve out a niche in this league as a defender/shooter.
  5. Why? He is our 3rd best PF. Ed Davis is already better and so is Amir.
  6. Play him 30 minutes a game for 5 games as an audition, then shut him and Barbosa and company down for the year.
  7. Cena's response better be [expletive]ing decent since I wanted to have left by now, they also better not overrun too far.
  8. Just like LeBron I consider myself indifferent. I hate his fanboys, I love his swagger, he isn't the best player in the NBA anymore (hasn't been for a while) and it gets annoying how his fans tend to unconditionally defend him.
  9. The problem is, while New York at least had mediocre assets like Chandler and Gallo, the Magic have NOTHING that would appeal to the Hornets, literally nothing. They can't even provide salary relief since they are burdened with a bunch of big contracts themselves. The Magic are positioned almost identically to the Cavaliers in terms of their lack of wiggle room and a cast that isn't going to be good enough to win a title. I would be utterly shocked if the Hornets traded Chris Paul to Orlando at any point in time. The only way things start looking up for Orlando is if they find a time machine and stick Richardson and Arenas in it.
  10. http://popsop.com/wp-content/uploads/budweiser_fifa.jpg
  11. LeBron used to say the same thing during all those successful regular seasons... but you can only come up short in the playoffs (with a non-championship cast) so many times before you realize it will probably take you leaving, in order to win a championship. I hope Orlando can get the pieces around him so he can win there, I really do. I just don't see it happening and I feel like he'll be a Net a year from now (so long as the new CBA allows it possible). After they get bounced 2nd round this year either Magic need to land a legitimate star to play with him, or start shopping him, because this core isn't winning a title this year or next, and 2 playoff exits (probably both in the 2nd round, 3rd at best) will not leave Dwight very satisfied.
  12. Can someone hook up some links? PM if we're not allowed to post them. I'LL REP YOU!
  13. Uhh wtf, do you live in a movie? Just ask here lol. Maybe it's just where I come from but asking a girl to prom isn't really a big deal, she probably won't say no unless she is already going with someone else.
  14. At what point do we (and the players) stop focusing on all this extra curricular stuff, and just focus on the game itself?
  15. Show is getting kind of stale anyways and I've always though Charlie Sheen was a pretty bad actor anyways.
  16. I don't think you win with a player like David West, unless, like mentioned before, you have a big like Dwight alongside him. Brook+loads of picks and taking on Arenas' contract or something should be enough to pry Dwight away after what will probably disappointing playoff run this year for Dwight and the Magic. Like the Knicks, you get Deron and Dwight on the same roster, then worry about everything else after.
  17. How long/how well do you know this girl? You gotta know what kinda stuff she is interested in, inside jokes or shit like that the two of you share or some shit is better than just something material imo. If you really do like this girl it shouldn't be that difficult to figure out something she would like, don't go buying earings or perfume or something crazy lol.
  18. What the [expletive] did Wade think would happen? When a superior player was coming to play with you, you better expect to take a back seat. This was the problem from the start, the top players should be going head to head, not alongside one another. I had a feeling we might see issues with this sort of issue, Wade wanting to be the man, but I thought it would take a couple of years. You have to wonder if either of them are considering opting out after their 3rd year.
  19. Didn't he hit a big one vs Orlando last year too? Or two years ago whenever it was? Maybe I'm mistaken.
  20. No thanks. LA vs Boston 3.0. Rubber match. If not that give me Miami, if not that then I don't really give a [expletive]. Chicago is not winning a championship, not yet anyways.
  21. Wade's pouty attitude is getting pretty annoying I must admit. Step up.
  22. I wasn't really paying attention but I think he was calling Novak the greatest shooter of all time or something.
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