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Check my Stats

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Everything posted by Check my Stats

  1. Kind of ironic your 'non-allstar' basically just sealed the game only for your supposed 'robbed all-star' just did his best to blow it.
  2. I would be interested to see Durant's stats vs the elite teams opposed to his stats vs the shitty teams.
  3. I wish they had no calls like that more consistently.
  4. Thunder are gonna be dangerous once Perkins gets comfortable (healthy first) there.
  5. I'd rather be the 8th seed than have the last pick in the lotto for sure. The likelihood that pick moves up is probably worse than your team beating the first seed. 8th seed vs a mid to high lotto, now that is an entirely different debate.
  6. I see what you're trying to do, and you have a point. What Dwight is doing at this point is very similar to what LeBron was doing, leading a pretty 2nd rate cast to a high playoff seed. However in order to be in the MVP talk you have to be one of the best teams in the league. Besides unusual circumstances (Kobe's 36 PPG Smush to the playoffs year) you have to be a top team to be in the MVP talk. It's just how it is.
  7. 4/22 is not a lot.... Amir Johnson got a bigger contract than that.
  8. A sim here would work if we had a committed simmer, that really is the true battle, not finding GM's. If I had the time like I used to I could definitely help, but I just don't have the time or heart to help a sim be good again like I used to. A lot of people underestimate how much work running a sim is.
  9. Bulls should have definitely been the team to make a move. Unlike Orlando they didn't need a huge deal, they just needed a minor deal to get a wing. They failed and it could cost them in the playoffs, we'll see. Orlando doesn't really have the assets to make a move at this point, that team is kind of a cluster[expletive] right now. I don't think any top West team should have made a move, I would have said OKC if they stood pat but they didn't. Stephen Jackson isn't bringing the Mavs a title so what's the point, Spurs and LA are fine as is.
  10. Jeff Green is nothing special, he is solid at a bunch of things but also really inconsistent. Sure he has size and versatility, but when there is nothing he excels at what good is his he? Basically he is a glorified role player, while Perkins is one of the few defensive anchors in the entire NBA. The answer is pretty obvious about if they are better or not. I also don't understand why they do this when they are going to need to pay Green probably just as much as Perkins.
  11. Blessing in disguise, well, not even really in disguise. I wonder what he did to piss them off so much, the kid obviously has talent.
  12. I think they need to stop babying Harden. Throw him to the wolves and see how he responds, he really is the key/x-factor to their future at this point.
  13. OKC got it in a deal at the draft last year if I remember correctly. The deal for Bledsoe.
  14. Am I the only one who would rather pay Perkins 5 years 40M (just an example) than give Green that same number?
  15. It's been awesome. A lot of teams are really either pulling out of the playoff race or going in feet first after this deadline.
  16. Loving what OKC is doing. Looks like they are going to try and make a serious push these playoffs.
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