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Check my Stats

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Everything posted by Check my Stats

  1. http://www.otrbasketball.com/forums/topic/21384-nba-looking-into-modifying-the-draft/ Still think it's a ridiculous idea.
  2. It feels like Raw imploded after the 2/21/11 countdown stopped. I have to admit the HHH/Taker segment was awesome. A lot of people are saying it's the same old shit, but it's not. HHH is going after the man who retired his best friend, it has an iconic feel to it and should have a great buildup.
  3. I don't think it's really fair to see he CAN'T or is UNABLE to play 36 minutes a game. Duncan has been able to log around 34 minutes each year until last year while only missing a handful of games. The reason he doesn't play the minutes, I believe, is because he doesn't have to. Would the Celtics play Allen and Pierce 35 minutes if they had a player like Rip on the bench? I am sure if the Spurs were hovering around .500, Duncan would be playing more minutes because he'd have to. People thought Duncan fell off last year, then he averaged 20 and 10 on 50% and we were realizing he is still one of the best bigs around, he also logged 37 minutes a game, kind of debunking the fact he is unable to log those minutes, he just doesn't. Also in reference to Shaq, per 36 he would be averaging 5.8 fouls a game, and less than 10 boards. I don't typically like using the per 36, but for a player like Duncan who plays less as a result of his coach, I am okay with it holding some weight.
  4. P and Allen are dying to be playing Tim Duncan type minutes i Bet lol.
  5. 13? Kinda random, should be fun though.
  6. I liked Demar's the best, watch that in slow motion just awesome. The double dunk was bananas too. There were a ton of great dunks so you can't really go wrong.
  7. I feel like if this was his true plan that at least a Knicks blogger or something would have at least suggested it, if not reported it.
  8. I am more interested what this means for the bigger scheme of things, specifically with the CBA. No doubt for at least 20 other NBA teams looking at Melo forcing his way to New York to play with Amare and *2012 FA here* and wanting a hard cap to prevent it from happening.
  9. Quality>Quantity. Knicks make out of this deal like thieves, but at least Denver gets SOMETHING for him, so in a sense they win too, just not as much as New York does. Knicks will remain competitive with Chauncey and set themselves up nicely to get CP3 or Deron now.
  10. If you want to run a good sim league sim every day, whether it is 10 every day, 10-5-10-5, or something, you have to sim every day or people get bored
  11. Am I the only one who feels like even if it is Sting, a lot of the current fans won't even know who he really is? I know he has a natural aura and will probably get a huge pop (positive or negative) for whatever he does if he does, but I don't think it will be absolutely crazy. Anyways, hopefully some good stuff happens, they need to crank up the heat wrestlemania is so soon and nothing good looking is on the horizon.
  12. It is pretty disgusting how some people are acting like Duncan is playing like a scrub this year. He isn't 28 anymore, he can't log those huge minutes (while he probably can, but why would you make him?). How about the fact that his per 36 numbers are still 17 PPG, 11.5 RPG and 2.5 BPG and just under 4 APG, which overall demolishes a player like Pau Gasol especially considering he is on the team with the best record in the NBA. Are his stats down? Yeah, of course they are, he's shooting the ball 11 times a game now instead of 15 and is playing 1 more minute than GEORGE HILL . Tim Duncan isn't as effective as he was 10 years ago, of course not, but he is still an all-star caliber big man, it's not like he is Jermaine O'Neal or something crazy shooting 43% of something, his entire career save a couple years, he has shot nearly 50% give or take either way just like now. If Kevin Garnett is a shoe in all-star, then so is Tim Duncan. I have no problem giving a player like Duncan, who is still effective in the time he is on the floor. I also have no problem letting all-time greats still get recognition even in their decline. Anyways, this conversation begins and ends (again) with Kevin Durant. Chris Bosh is overrated? He is what he is, if you thought he was a superstar that's your own fault. He was a 24-11 big man last year and we were a playoff team until he goes down (5th seed pretty sure), and our cast was nothing to write home about. He is not overrated, if anything, at this point, he is underrated.
  13. Taker vs Trips with HBK as special guest ref? Money match for sure. Missed the show but heres hoping Christian will be in on the match between ADR and Edge!
  14. LA should have made the move of Bynum and whatever for Kidd/JO/KG or whoever it was at the time. They were getting a potential all-star, a player, that best case scenario Bynum would become comparable to, not to mention how it would have appeased Kobe. They gambled big time holding onto Odom/Bynum, and it paid off, but I still think they were crazy for not pulling the trigger on those deals.
  15. I probably averaged somewhere from 2-4 [expletive] per posts so this will benefit me lol.
  16. Reggie for a 2nd or late first which is doubtful, Barbosa for a late 1st or even a couple of 2nds, Jose dealt for a shorter contract. Bargnani's legs broken off, use injury exception to alleviate his salary from our cap. These are my hopes/dreams for the deadline.
  17. Only time I can see him using it is at the draft or some time before FA (you get 365 days right?), no point in acquiring a guy to win them more games right now.
  18. He looks really annoyed answering these questions, don't really blame him either.
  19. Shaping up to be the worst PPV I've seen in a long time, no Bryan match, no Ziggler potentially, there might not be a single good match tonight. I'll probably have it on in case something big happens to kick off the road to WM, but damn this PPV looks so bad. Like Punk isn't even in the chamber? I don't even know what's going on right now but thank God they got Rock for Wrestlemania because there are no good feuds right now at all. Like just look how crappy that SD chamber match looks lol.
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