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Check my Stats

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Everything posted by Check my Stats

  1. You have no clue what you are talking about. Vancouver is one of the nicest cities in the world. I agree with Doc, if basketball is half as big on the west coast and growing as fast as it is over here, it could be a potential gold mine. Look how [expletive] the Raptors have been the past 16 years, yet they are one of the most economically successful teams in the NBA.
  2. Exactly, pretty much took the words out of my mouth. The only thing holding Punk back is his look and size. You put Punk's mouth and wrestling skills on Randy Orton and you have one of the best of all-time. Punk would have been a borderline main eventer in any era, but his look and size would hold him back from being a consistent main event guy. It is why Batista was a huge draw, his look and size, despite Punk, and many others, being way more talented, Batista was the bigger star because of his credibility. What makes guys like Punk and Jericho so indispensable, is they can be put in a feud with anyone, or can win the title at any time, because their abilities as heels to get over maintain their credibility, despite their wins being few and far between. Anyways, I agree the talent these days is 2nd rate (I disagree with Cena being overrated though). Back in the day you needed to be the complete package to get a main event push, but now guys who can't talk like Morrison or Ziggler get by on athleticism and match quality, or guys like Miz get by because they can talk but can't wrestle, or guys like Sheamus get by because they are big. WWE needs to give guys more freedom in their promos. Guys like Morrison or Ziggler could be huge stars if they could develop their characters into something that the fans buy into, but because they sound like they're reading off a script the fans don't buy into them. Morrison I think has limitless potential if he can develop a character, his promos just suck so badly.
  3. Triple H is a top 10 performer all time without a doubt, and one of the best heels of all time. This is a guy that could get on the mic and you hated him because he seemed like a disgusting human being, but this guy was also ruthless. Unlike a lot of cowardly heels, from 2000 onward this is a guy who could get in the ring with anyone, and I mean anyone, like Rock or Austin, and come out with a win. That is hard to say for most heels, who would spend the majority of their time getting their [expletive] kicked but getting heat because of how annoying they were. Triple H was one of a kind. From late 99-02 Trips was putting on classics every time he got in the ring, whether it was a PPV or just a RAW main event. Not to mention Triple H created Randy Orton and Batista later on. I don't consider Triple H with Rock and Austin, because only Hogan is in that league with them. Triple H is a GOAT, he didn't have the drawing power of a Rock or Austin, but no one does, not even Hogan arguably. But he is easily one of the best ever, he was the complete package, he is right there with Shawn Michaels and them. Saying Triple H isn't a goat because you are measuring him to Rock and Austin, is like saying Larry Bird isn't a goat because he doesn't measure up to MJ.
  4. Pretty much of these proposed trades are horrible or make no sense for the teams involved. Stupid article.
  5. This would be a terrific pick up for them, Randolph would be a legitimate 2nd option offensively and doesn't really have a similar style to Dwight at all, and he would help on the glass a ton too for Dwight. It'd be interesting to see how he is utilized though, since Richardson should be a legit 2nd offensive option as well but doesn't seem to be doing much there. I also disagree that the Magic need another superstar, you don't need multiple superstars to win, the Lakers don't have two superstars, they have one and an all-star. Randolph is an all-star caliber player, maybe not on Pau's level (for example), but close enough. I still think Ryan Anderson and JJ Redick need some more run, especially when guys like Richardson and Arenas are bringing nothing to the table right now, since they are practically being used as spot up shooters it seems. Kind of ironic that as bad as he was, Vince has still been their 2nd most productive player after Dwight this year. Don't see what Orlando can offer though or why Memphis would move him. He is their best player and they are just about a playoff team right now. It wouldn't surprise me if they dealt him for trash just like they did Pau, since it is Memphis we are talking about here.
  6. Would love a 3rd, love the Bad Boy series. Don't see why they wouldn't do it if both Lawrence and Smith are on board, huge box office hit guaranteed.
  7. Orton would have been cut by now (he used to suck) but present day Orton would definitely be one of those guys who was in and out of the main event. Cena would be a main player, I don't care what people say he has the look, the mic skills and that is half the battle. Rock and Stone Cold weren't great technical wrestlers either but put on exciting matches, Cena also has no one to work with. No doubt he'd put on classic matches in the attitude era with the skills he has today. Everyone else would be a mid carder. Punk would be like Jericho, get by on his mic skills but his lack of size would kill him. No one would take Swagger serious in the attitude era but he can wrestle and is big so he might have a chance, Edge would be in the mid card, Sheamus might have a chance at the main event but it would be short lived. We have to remember how deep the main event was. They had Taker, Angle, Triple H, Stone Cold and the Rock all in ONE hell in a cell match, that is so much star power in the main event, there just wouldn't be room. Back then you needed to be the total package, today you can get by just on mic skills like Punk or Miz. Guys like Jericho were midcarders in the AE, but would be faces of the company today. Cena and Orton are the only legitimate superstars in the WWE right now, closest to the total package, that is why they are ALWAYS in the main event. No one else is credible enough.
  8. Meh, I'm fine with it. He deserves a chance to build a team of his own rather than try and appease Chris Bosh. He hasn't been great but he hasn't been much worse than this franchise's pathetic history. Worst case we just fire him after the 3rd year, I am sick enough of hiring rookie coaches all the time, I don't want a rookie GM here too. The only thing I would for a new GM is that the new GM wouldn't be so biased towards his golden child Andrea Bargnani, who needs to be dealt.
  9. Maybe MLSE has finally realized they have basically unconditional support from their fans and are going to finally focus on putting a competent product on showcase for their fans eventually. I don't know if I believe that one about the vets though, it feels like we've been committed to a rebuild since day one, or not necessarily a rebuild, but to this core, and you can even see that in the off-season moves that were made/tried to be made to shed salary. I know i was scared we might make a move for a vet, but since the season got going it felt like that was a real long shot. The Burke deal just made no sense to me, Leafs have no pick of their own to fall back on so why they're dealing quality players makes no sense to me. For the Raptors to deal Reggie Evans (for example) at the deadline makes sense, since we can at least afford to lose. Burke dug his own grave as far as I am concerned, now I have no clue what he is doing.
  10. Glen Davis is husky, Artest is just a big strong dude.
  11. It's weird because normally I absolutely love Martin Lawrence, I was pretty tired the night I watched it though so that might be why. Anyways I watched the Black Swan last night, movie was kinda crazy, was not what I was expecting lol. Good enough movie though probably 8/10 from me.
  12. I don't get it, Burke decides to accumulate picks now?
  13. What this promo demonstrated: -promos are obviously better when they aren't being delivered word for word from a script -when the wrestler shows some passion for what he is saying and actually believes what he is saying, makes the promo more effective -working a crowd 101 - take notes everyone except Punk and Cena -how to utilize cheap pops -using the word damn, @ss or sh1t, not bad swear words, but words that can make your promo just seem more real, and effective, and won't really compromise the PG rating as long as it isn't excessive -interacting with the crowd makes them more engaged in the product! who'd a thunk it? Rock pretty much exposed the WWE tonight, his promo wasn't even that great, but he demonstrated how you can work a crowd and get them behind you. That was the best promo I've seen in a very long time based on crowd reaction alone, the actual promo itself wasn't great, but Rock's fire and ability to work the crowd is just unmatched. It was awesome to see a crowd that engaged, gave me goosebumps seeing Rocky back in a WWE ring. EDIT: Also, if there is a Rock-Cena angle, this completely excuses how [expletive]tily the Nexus angle ended.
  14. If Rock trolled us all tonight I'll be rattled. Surely it will be him, it will be interesting, if it is, to see what sort of involvement he will have. Hopefully he is featured in a match as a ref or something like that.
  15. I don't know, it's hard to say. I always thought Bosh was the better individual scorer, but Amare is doing well this year, though he has Felton who is far better than any point Bosh played with. I still think Bosh is better, despite the down year he is having, especially on the glass. Amare and Wade/LBJ on the pick and roll could be devastating, but Bosh's mid range jumper at this point is just as useful/dangerous. I think they both fit perfectly, just in different ways offensively. I like Bosh more i guess because I think he has a better jumper, and I still think he is the better defender/rebounder.
  16. http://img717.imageshack.us/img717/2166/dwaynez.jpg I'll buy the damn PPV if he is involved enough. The host is being announced tonight, so it can't just be a coincidence can it? http://www.facebook.com/DwayneJohnson In case the picture gets taken down, his FB won't load for me. Kinda crazy, this would be a huge draw for the WWE if they involve him in some sort of angle, even if it isn't in a wrestling capacity, just a promo with him and Cena. Sucks I probably won't be home for RAW tonight.
  17. http://www.ifilmdb.com/Video/Memento/Memento_poster.jpg 9/10. Heard good things about this, took me a while to finally watch it, but definitely glad I did. Such a dope movie.
  18. The accent makes it hard to take his song seriously, pretty much like all of Relapse, but his flow and rhymes are still dope, like most of Relapse was, the content is just wacky like Relapse.
  19. http://pardonmybias.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/11/blake-griffin-and-eric-gordon.jpg Or.... http://www.shattertheglass.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/12/Kevin-Durant-Russell-Westbrook1.jpg
  20. All things considered I like Gordon more than I like Carmelo.
  21. In basketball it will always be quality over quantity, and it isn't even really about getting better right now for New York. The Knicks aren't winning anything this year realistically no matter who is on the team, so they are better off going into next year with Amare and Melo than they are with their current team. Of course in a perfect world they keep all their players right now and sign Melo, but that is not certain, and even at that point they will have to surrender Wilson's rights to sign him. Right now we're talking about whether or not that Knicks should part with ROLE players (and how many) for a SUPERSTAR, which to me is just ridiculous.
  22. He would have been better off going to Chicago probably. Though, it would have been fun to watch him steal LA from Kobe.
  23. Derozan is playing so well lately, let's not forget about him for the rest of the game Toronto! That mid range jimmy is working right now.
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