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Check my Stats

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Everything posted by Check my Stats

  1. Gerald Wallace was an NBA all-star last year. If they are willing to trade him even for FREE, a team like Cleveland or Toronto should be jumping at that (or any team with exp or a TPE), there is absolutely no reason for Charlotte to add a pick.
  2. I think the blue head bands have something to do with the warm ups they are wearing as well. I don't know what it is, but yeah. I really hope we can deal Barbosa though. I know he had a great game, and helped us stay in it, but I would rather see Demar shoot 4/17 than see him stop shooting after 11 shots. I missed the game, but I was told he had all 9 pts in the first quarter then never scored again, so annoying. Also our late game plays are so bad lol. I almost think Triano IS tanking this year with some of the plays he draws up at the end of games. Normally he draws up really solid plays when he gets a timeout.
  3. How do you suggest Mike Miller be used 'properly'? I still don't see him having a role much beyond a spot up shooter.
  4. Toronto hasn't had a playoff team move past the first round of the playoffs (and has won a combined 3 playoff games I think it is) since 03-04, yes, approaching a decade with no change in the foreseeable future lol. Toronto fans have a lot more to be depressed about my friend. At least you have John Wall and the Capitals.
  5. Yeah Melo handcuffing the Nuggets and holding the franchise hostage is so much better. EDIT: Lol at Nitro about to give another lecture to this kid. It is fruitless.
  6. Stern is still celebrating somewhere hot since LBJ announced he was going to be the Hollywood Hogan of the NBA.
  7. Hey I'm not sitting here judging anyone (it seems like I struck a nerve unintentionally), I can tell the difference between a frontrunner and a fan. I just don't understand it personally, I guess it's just me, I feel obligated to cheer for the Leafs/Raptors, but that obligation makes me feel like the day when these teams finally do start winning, it will really be that much sweeter, as a fan. I don't care if people choose their team. I don't think I really chose the teams I cheer for, but if other people do that's fine. I just find it annoying, as do most, people that are somehow Laker, Yankee and Patriot fans, or something stupid like that. As long as you support your team unconditionally long-term, I'm not saying [expletive].
  8. Brook Lopez is definitely one for me. JJ Hickson has been a personal disappointment as well for me, he looked awesome in the summer league but looks like an absolute scrub in the NBA so far. Chris Bosh has been a disappointment as well, I felt like Miami was his chance to shine and show the world how good he has been, but he has just really become a glorified role player and doesn't even rebound anymore.
  9. So, who has seen this movie? I watched it online last night and loved it. Christian Bale is amazing.
  10. It's only tampering if it doesn't involve a team Stern wants to be successful.
  11. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_fm2WxX6vtw&feature=player_embedded#! Atrocious
  12. He is right. The Cavaliers are getting what they deserve, it just sucks for their fans.
  13. I don't know how anyone can be emotionally invested/attached to an out of state team unless they were born there. It's why I've never been a huge football fan, I just can't become emotionally invested in some random team.
  14. Over his last 10 games: 21 PPG, 1.1 SPG, 2.2 APG, 52.2 FG% and 82.75% from the FT line. 15.5 shots per game and 5.8 FTPG Up to 14.8 PPG on the season, I love what we are seeing from this kid lately. Love his attitude too, you can just tell he wants to keep getting better and help this team (until 6 years from now lol).
  15. Sooo am I the only one who got too drunk first night back to make it to their first class of the semester next day?
  16. This is ridiculous. Raptors got 2 firsts and a TPE. Cavs got 2 firsts and a TPE. Suns got a TPE. Are the Nuggets just delusional? Take Favors and run with it.
  17. They absolutely need Carmelo Anthony if they want to contend for a championship. Amare has been nothing short of stellar this year though, and even if Melo came, I still think the Knicks would be viewed as his team since he is the initial one who saved the team. I don't think they need Chris Paul though if they get Melo. I think he is right that they don't really need that much though, at least to be a 50 win team or so. Probably just another solid defensive big man would do it, Chandler and Felton have both been superb this year and deserve as much credit as Amare does. I also still don't think you win big with D'Antoni as your coach though, not in the playoffs. The Knicks should not be 28th in opponent PPG, they have decent defenders on this team.
  18. I agree. The kid definitely has talent though, he was abusing us in the post at will on certain occasions, he just seemed almost disinterested for a lot of the game. Demar was fantastic though. I honestly had my doubts about how good Demar could be for us after last year when he was basically just an athlete, but where he is at right now, his performances in the past 20 days, this is what I hoped to see from him in his 4th year or so. He just keeps getting better every month, it's so important that we run plays for him, he can't get lost in the shuffle. He also needs to remain assertive, he needs a bit of that Sonny Weems swagger lol. He is almost up to 15 PPG already though, I would still like to see his MPG up around 36, though a lot of that has to do with all the wings we have.
  19. They are still a treadmill team until they bring in Melo (hey this is not necessarily a bad thing don't get mad). Also to the dude loling at the Bulls being better, you are off your rocker if you think the Knicks can hold a candle to the Bulls.
  20. Just got back home and Demar is playing terrific still. I love what he has done in the last bunch of games.
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