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Check my Stats

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Everything posted by Check my Stats

  1. Punk will bury Cena on the mic so it doesn't even matter, as long as Punk wins at least once, Cena will ultimately get the final win of course though. Awesome feud if they actually go full throttle, Punk will call Cena out on all the characteristics we hate about him and they should put on some classic bouts. Hopefully this is Punk's chance to reestablish himself as a main event player. It will be interesting to see if this is just a short feud or if it will go into Wrestlemania, and also what role Ziggler will have, if any. Also how great was that match between Ziggler and Cena last night? PPV quality, that Ziggler kid has some serious potential, sucks that his name lacks credibility as does his finisher, he is a great wrestler though. Also the heat on Vickie was amazing last night, them making fun of her weight made me feel bad though. How about Cena no-selling that chair shot last night after a 15 minute match? What a douche, honest to god.
  2. Malkin can't hold Crosby's jock strap. I don't care about talent, Crosby is way more effective. Malkin floats too much when he doesn't have the puck (similar to Ovechkin), isn't as physical as he should be, and is way too inconsistent, not to mention Crosby is a terrific 2 way player now, and the better faceoff man. You might have had an argument a few years ago when Crosby wasn't a capable 50 goal scorer, but now? No.
  3. Sidney Crosby showing no signs of slowing down.
  4. Well something huge has to happen on RAW tonight, like Barrett breaking Cena's neck in a one on one match. Still annoyed at what Cena did last night. I have defended him and will always be the first one to, but he stood nothing to gain from that match, and Barrett winning wouldn't have hurt Cena at all on a PPV like that. I mean, if it was Wrestlemania, ok, give Cena the win, but at TLC? Come on. Hopefully tonight gets the ball rolling on the road to wrestlemania. We saw a bunch of good matches last night (best Diva match I've seen since watching again), even the main event was decent story telling wise, just a [expletive] ending.
  5. Congratulations to the WWE for ruining one of the most promising angles in the past half a decade. There was no point in Barrett losing, no point whatsoever - it basically ruins the angle and makes Barrett looks horrible. Hopefully Barrett can bounce back, he just screams main event heel, he is way too good to be in the mid card. I supported this feud for so long, it was such a long time coming, and this is the payoff we get? Cena gets rehired and beats Barrett all within a week? Lazy is the best way to describe this on WWE's part in my opinion. Hardly any build to the actual match itself, just horrible this entire 6 months has been a waste. I just don't understand what Cena stands to gain from burying possibly the best new star on the roster. I don't use the term bury often, but that is exactly what Cena's done. It is such a shame.
  6. Oh God Punk is here! Hope he gets involved.
  7. Surprised Edge won, good call on that one. Hopefully this means Christian will be feuding with Edge when he gets back (should be any time shouldn't it?) and gets that title he deserves. Edge-Christian is one of the few big money feuds left imo that has potential to be sweet.
  8. This PPV had so much potential, maybe it is just because I am so tired but this has been so damn boring. Hopefully Barrett-Cena is good.
  9. He said I don't know because he is being a big [expletive]. I wish the Nets would just forget about him.
  10. You guys really think Kane will lose? I'm not sure, i haven't been watching Smackdown at all in the past 8 months but it seems like Kane-Taker will be built up for Wrestlemania. The only way that we build that up, and make it seem like Kane has a chance, is if he still has the belt and has a 230 day reign (or whatever the number would be).
  11. How does LA always wind up in these conversations of where superstars will go? It isn't going to happen, they have so much salary committed to the core they have, and no one wants Bynum for their superstar.
  12. 9 months from now the Wizards could have the brightest future in the league depending how this season goes record wise and the draft/lotto.
  13. The problem with what people expect from Bosh is that he isn't at his best playing off others and finishing off the screen and roll or pop, which is something that Amare, for example, is terrific at. People thought he is a different player than he is I guess, which kind of skewed their expectations. Bosh is at his best when he gets it on the block and takes it to the hole, that opens up his jumper and so on, maybe that isn't ideal but it is what it is. If LBJ doesn't go to Miami Bosh is probably averaging around 23-24 PPG on 50% and his name is not dropped in a thread like this. He is still getting 18 PPG on a shade over 50% which is pretty good for a guy who is the 3rd option offensively. I will agree though that his rebounding has been absolutely unacceptable this year. I don't know what it is, since I haven't watched them much, but his rebounding numbers are pathetic. To call Bosh overrated is kind of crazy unless you thought he was a superstar, he is still playing at pretty much an all-star level as the 3rd option offensively which is pretty solid.
  14. What Demar was able to do in the 3rd is why the offense needs to run through him more often, he keeps showing glimpses but he just gets lost in the mix too often. The team as a whole needs to look for him more, he needs to be allowed to chuck and play through misses. When he has confidence he is pretty fun to watch. We have too many guys we're trying to get minutes, our rotations are wack as hell and Demar keeps getting lost in the mix.
  15. Pretty cool PPV, almost all the matches have a solid story/feud going on for once and isn't just a random match. Sheamus and Morrison should be another good match and could really propel Morrison into the main event. The triple threat ladder match should be fun too, good wrestlers in it though I don't watch SD so no idea what's going on in terms of the actual feud. The fatal 4-way will probably be the worst match but the spots should make up for it. My guess is Sheamus/Morrison steals the show while Cena-Barrett is my favourite match. Hopefully they get 20 minutes for that match so they can really tell a story. It is imperative Barrett looks strong in this match, even if he doesn't win (he should but you never know with WWE). Also Bryan isn't on the card? Kind of crazy, he is usually good for a **** match, only 6 matches on the card so far so maybe they'll add it on late. Hopefully there is some sort of huge swerve to kick off the royal rumble/wrestlemania road.
  16. Howard gets help now, gets change. Hedo had nothing left in Toronto, and even less in Phoenix. “They wanted to trade him halfway through training camp,” one league executive said. Either Hedo or Arenas are going to be relegated to a spot up shooter, one of them will be underutilized. Also does Arenas start at the 2? I just see too many scorers on this roster and not enough role players/defenders. Nice job by Phoenix dumping Hedo's contract though, hopefully Nash is dealt to a contender. Vince will definitely be a 20 point scorer again though playing with Nash.
  17. What? I don't hate the Thunder or Durant at all. But Durant isn't a superstar (yet) like everyone claims/claimed him to be.
  18. I like their logo and team colours, not sure why they will/need to be changed.
  19. It is all relative. McDonalds is obviously bad in comparison to a lot other foods. Anyways, this woman should be slapped. Seriously, the happy meal has been around for 30+ years and this [expletive] is just figuring this out now? Of course the happy meal is marketed with the toy, it is a genius marketing ploy really.
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