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Check my Stats

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Everything posted by Check my Stats

  1. Haven't watched a single Spurs game this year, so I am just kind of curious. This was still a 50 win team last year, but right now they are dominating, so I am just wondering what has caused almost the exact same team to seemingly jump from really good to outstanding.
  2. Oh goodness me, don't put Knicks in the same post as those teams! Please! But I agree with you, 2nd round of the playoffs and beyond should be very exciting this year Thunder have proved me wrong this year, I expected them to struggle after overachieving last year (like the Bucks). However, Westbrook has been so good, way better than I ever expected him to be this year, and is the main reason they are doing so well. He has been easily as good, or better, than Durant so far this year. That Ibaka kid is playing really well too.
  3. All those things you have, other [expletive]ty teams like the Raptors have as well.
  4. I think Demar and the coaching staff need to make more of an effort to get him involved in the offense consistently. He should be the 2nd option offensively, but a lot of the time Sonny takes away from what Demar should be doing. I would like to see Julian start, this would mean more touches for Demar as long as Wright knows his role offensively, and Sonny could be the spark off the bench. Davis has been really good though, I like what I see from the kid. It is really close but Demar is still my favourite prospect of the 3, with Davis second, and Bayless third. I like them all though, and they are the only 3 players I consider the 'core' at this point.
  5. This kid is taking full advantage of the shot he is getting in Toronto. "It was embarrassing... I don't like it. I'm not used to it. It's not something I'm going to stand for" "We have a long ways to go.. (Ed Davis) does.. I do.. Demar does... Everybody does... It's not fun losing like that... It's embarrassing.. Something I'm not used to.. No one should be used to this.. We gotta get here we gotta start practicing better.. We can't do this" The kid wants to win and get better, I like him. Hopefully he can continue to improve.
  6. FBB is easily the best sim engine out there for running leagues. It's simplicity is what makes it so great and why there are so many more leagues using it. Other sim engines might be more in depth, but the extra work just isn't worth it for the commissioner. FBB is great, a patch or minor update to fix the obvious/annoying problems would be great, but I think the game is as good as you could ever really ask for, for a sim league. FBB is basic, and easy to learn. I am not in leagues like I used to be but the game is a lot of fun when you are in a league that is really active. If anyone ever wanted to join a really active league I could give them a link to one. It has 25k posts and is just beginning it's 2nd season, yeah, pretty crazy [expletive].
  7. Is there anywhere online you can watch that?
  8. He shoots better from 3 than he does from the field. That pretty much sums up JR Smith.
  9. Melo isn't leading anyone to a championship. Might as well just keep Favors.
  10. Not a very good joke. Kind of idiotic actually. It is like he tries to be like Warren but crosses the line every time.
  11. It wasn't until I saw his name typed out on the internet that I knew his last name was Bieber and not Beaver. I don't hate on the kid though, I don't like his music but I envy the fact he is like 16 and probably smashing 21 year old models.
  12. I wasn't around during those times when Magic and Larry hated each other or whatever, but I wish everyone had Kobe's (or Durant, to a lesser extent) mindset, at least the best players in the league. The Heat basically sum up the current state of the NBA's competitive flame. I mean I don't blame the players though, you would probably get fined 25k for getting in someone's grill these days.
  13. What Amare, Felton and co. are doing in New York deserves more recognition than some people are giving it. I've been contemplating making a topic admitting I was wrong about Amare this year but I am scared ECN might ejaculate onto his keyboard.
  14. Those things burn. A lot of people don't know how to do them properly though.
  15. Yeah, his jumper is what is helping him take his game to another level. It is nice to see a young athletic superstar in the making work on the parts of his game that aren't related to athleticism for once (*cough* LBJ/Rondo *cough*). Hopefully he becomes a better/smarter defender in the passing years as well.
  16. Hypothetically: 25 PPG, 7 RPG, 7 APG on 48% on a 60 win team.
  17. Nope. They're getting closer but we can't say after 26 games this team is what it will be at the end of the year. Not to mention they still need to figure out how they are going to incorporate Mike Miller into their system, I don't see how he can be utilized as much more than a spot up shooter, but we'll see. Christmas day will be the true test, playing Dallas will be important to, but we have to figure LA will be coming out to play like its the finals on Christmas, so will the Heat, that should be a terrific game. Also, Bosh needs to seriously step up, 8 RPG is unacceptable.
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