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About Dave

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  1. Thanks. I do all of my work from home, as a computer technician, so I'm in front of a computer all day. Gives me room to run a couple of sites, haha.

  2. Damn thats pretty impressive man

  3. Yep, I added their message board in the summer of 2008, haha.

  4. yo do you run lakers nation too?

  5. I never care about any of that, when a new site comes up and steals attention for a while. I've ran into a TON of them over the years, including one that bought out 12-13 different sports sites (and purchased my biggest rival, JustBBall), and all of them are inactive now. Just have to let people do their thing, as long as I stick to my plan.

  6. Yea you got to to do something about them man, they are a powerhouse.

  7. Yeah, a lot of disgruntled members from here ran over to HN, and they spammed us pretty bad around that time (although Tony didn't encourage it, and he was pissed that it happened).

  8. Im a pretty cool dude, im not corrupt. Ive been on forums for quite abit and pretty well known I guess. You aware of HN?

  9. My interest always starts with ownership, for the simple fact that I've ran into a lot of spammers over time (and corrupt owners)...but I don't affiliate with anyone in that position, and the fact that I don't know any bad things about you makes it okay, haha. Enjoy the game.

  10. We have two owners, Wrigley is a admin. Ill be on later tonight if you want to talk more. Im going to the Knicks Celtics preseason game

  11. Same to you. I was under the impression that Wrigley was the owner, but I'm assuming you're sole owner, and he's admin?

  12. Yo glad to be affiliated with here man.

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