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Everything posted by s.t.a.t.

  1. IMO he waited to long to drop this, if it came out sooner he woulda sold more
  2. Drank a bottle of Robitussin today, that [expletive] [expletive]s you up hard, im still not sober all the way yet. damn
  3. If they are trying to say that he just strictly freestyles 100% of the time thats complete [expletive]. He definetly writes still and if not he has someone else write it, because to freestyle EVERY single lyric would make your songs complete garbage(but then that might be why his lyrics are getting more watered down by the song)
  4. American? lol but heritage wise I am Norwegian and German for the most part
  5. not sure what you did with the BG since that is just a plain stock photo but other than that its ok
  6. exactly dude its got that spice kick to it and tastes like jesus. If only it wasnt $10 for a large
  7. New track came out not sure if its on KOD or not but it goes hard like he always does. http://www.hiphopdx.com/index/audio/id.8670/title.tech-n9ne-f-u-n-[expletive]-you-[expletive]as
  8. Cheese Steaks are amazing. Or Prime Rib Cheesesteaks from Quiznos with this sauce stuff that they have there is great.
  9. http://www.outtakes.com/work/graphics/work.icecream.400.jpg
  10. That the only reason stuff is funny is because of the sound of an audience laughing...like try watching it and tune that out and nothing is funny at all. Also the girls they use are jailbait, so thats kinda gay haha
  11. only one from the wutang I ever listen to is Method Man haha, just never got into the Wu much
  12. never got into Raekwon really, but ill give it a listen
  13. is there some sort of threads that dont count post or something cause im pretty sure i have been at the same post count for the last 3 posts
  14. idk, I like the album alot, I just think he shoulda came up with some sort of different name. I think that would be its only downfall cause it will be compared to the other 2.
  15. I am so pumped for the KOD tour and its like a month away haha, i gotta see him.
  16. Look how completely we turned around after getting rid of McHale. Hopefully it works.
  17. hahahaaha thats funny [expletive]
  18. Yeah but this is a question to everybody and what they think... I dont like his style so therefore he is not the top 5 IMO
  19. He is a really good rapper no doubt, but I wouldnt say top5 ever... and Big Pun? lmao I just never liked the dude so I dont have him in mine
  20. i had raped the game young you could call it statutory... that line got me but a good [expletive] song, everyone came hard on it
  21. Unless you are blackout drunk you dont know your driving. Dude I have drove drunk plenty of times. Its dumb as hell and very dangerous, I dont do it anymore. You swerve and [expletive] like its retarded. I live in the uppermidwest so there were no cars out ever when im done partying but I did one time go into a ditch
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