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Lone Wolf

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Everything posted by Lone Wolf

  1. People can create maps and make the objectives different. The game came out a few weeks ago, so I'm sure more custom games will come out. I really don't like how people are stuck on one server, either. I have a few WC3 buddies from the Netherlands.
  2. Watch out. The Twins are marching in. I hope their pitching stops sucking, though.
  3. He had time on the field. He makes terrible decisions and he cannot throw down the field. All he could do was short passes, screens and hand-offs.
  4. He's not a problem, though. Plus, we don't have a Rodgers-type guy on our roster.
  5. My sleeping habits are [expletive]ed up, lmao. During non-work days, I'll be up until 3 am.. but for work days, I have to be in bed by 8 pm latest.
  6. Well, the addition of his ankle not healing as fast as he expected is a factor.
  7. Yeah, but why should he get blamed for that? I was hoping people would understand that he wants to skip camp. Pretty obvious.
  8. I'm not trying to compare him to Romo. I'm just saying all the players make mistakes. Of course, I don't really expect any thing different from you, since you don't like the Titans nor Young..
  9. So, he changed his mind? What? I never heard him say he's retiring from his own face.
  10. Oh man, the good ole stat argument! You really got me. It's pretty fun watching Romo throw the ball into double/triple coverage.. Edit: It also helps that the Cowboys receivers are better than the Titans receivers..
  11. http://www.usatoday.com/sports/football/nfl/2009-11-29-cardinals-titans_N.htm I guess Romo doesn't make dumb plays himself?
  12. I like to stare at the dot, even after it changes. It's pretty cool.
  13. So you're going to call him terrible because of that? May I remind you of the drive he did last year?
  14. ESPN is saying that he hasn't said if he's returning or not. I really think that he wants to skip camp.
  15. I hate it when the Twins are off on days I don't work.
  16. Pretty sure he's asking that due to the fact that Jones gets injured a lot.
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