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Everything posted by ManOnTheMoon

  1. HOV some amazing headphones: Audio Technica Got some myself.
  2. Yea so far it seems pretty cool. Now i've seen some artists that i wanted to follow but they don't have the "verified" symbol next to their name, does that mean they are not legit even if they a grip of followers ?
  3. By the way, Verse 3 is [expletive]ing great. I love that flow. Verse 3 flow + some lines > Recovery.
  4. Who's got twitter here ? I just made one, hopefully it's as useful as it's said to be. :glasses:
  5. http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/51j0aqiPeCL._SL500_AA300_.jpg 3/10. Very disappointed after listening to Servants in Heaven, Kings in Hell which i consider a 10/10 classic, too much religion bashing.
  6. Alright cool. When registering did you use your real first/last name ?
  7. *To those who have twitter. is it worth creating an account ? Do you really get all the updates if you're following favorite rappers, artists, etc ?
  8. ^ This song is from 2008 guys.
  9. http://robertjbrooks.com/graphic/the_pretty_toney_album.jpg N/A Just couldn't get into it at all. Next up: "Jedi Mind Tricks, Visions of Ghandi"
  10. @Main how is that ablum ? & @BasX wth is that ? haha. http://www.prohiphop.com/images/graf2/pack-party.jpg 2/10 http://prettymuchamazing.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/11/ti-no-mercy.jpg 3/10. Such a disappointment, only liked "Castle Walls" really. Next up: Ghostface Killah - The Pretty Tony Album
  11. Hit the inbox yo. Def. gonna check him out from the good reviews of the album here. :glasses:
  12. http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/4177NvUG%2BVL._SL500_AA300_.jpg 4/10 http://www.albumoftheyear.org/album/covers/toxicity.jpg 9/10 http://images.uulyrics.com/cover/s/system-of-a-down/album-hypnotize.jpg 5/10 Up next: The Pack - Wolfpack Party 2010 & T.I - No Mercy
  13. http://images.uulyrics.com/cover/j/jedi-mind-tricks/album-servants-in-heaven-kings-in-hell.jpg 10/10 Classic. http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_k_WrmGFnRk8/Syjd0D0nzSI/AAAAAAAAACk/JYEy1IAPzF4/S660/Apathy+-+Eastern+Philosophy.JPG 7/10. http://www.mp3crank.com/cover-album/Kno-Death-is-Silent-300x300.jpg 10/10 [expletive]ing amazing. http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/61OycahzgyL._SL500_AA300_.jpg 5/10 http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_ok65AvZl01A/S5GF8IIiDGI/AAAAAAAAAkI/czyXFaeYEw8/s320/31N10AYD1QL._SL500_AA300_.jpg 6/10. Next up to listen: System Of A Down albums: SOAD, Toxicity, Hypnotize.
  14. Is this the show that's kind of like "The Office" or no ?
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