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Everything posted by ManOnTheMoon

  1. Alright thanks man. Also i can't follow the nutrition guide with p90x so can you give me some good advice on what my diet should be? Im thinking this but idk if it's enough for such tough p90x workouts. Breakfast - Oatmeal + Fruit Snack - Protein Bar Lunch - Chicken + Steamed Veggies Snack - Fruits Workout Recovery Drink - Chocolate Milk Dinner - Turkey Sandwich, + fruits Snack - Protein Bar
  2. Yea i did the pushup workouts, dumbbbells and also ab ripper x is part of day 1...so should i just continue or restart the whole thing? Im getting a pullup bar tomorrow.
  3. So i did day 1 of p90x and boy was that a [expletive]ing workout..but i pulled through. The only issue is that i didn't have the pull-up bar which i am buying tomorrow morning so should i just continue or restart teh whole thing?
  4. That's it? Just a pull-up bar? No fancy equipment or any of that other crazy [expletive]?
  5. Does anyone know what items you need to buy before starting p90x? like the equipment needed.
  6. ^ Eminem - Almost Famous > Anything you said is better than Recovery this year. Rhyming
  7. Like Fish said 150 is superrrr serious haha. We usually play 25 buy ins, 5 dollar re-buys.
  8. Alright, downloading the P90x now...should get started on it tomorrow. Do any of you know if theres a much less-strenuous workout program that i can do before the p90x to warm up and get ready for it, i haven't truly worked out in about 2 months.
  9. I play with my friends, sometimes online but only for "play" money.
  10. Im not saying it wasn't boring to watch, not at all..im saying there were a lot of sloppy passes..one which led to a Cameroon goal because of a player's sloppy pass on Denmark. Great game to watch though.
  11. There's all diff. kinds of files, idk which one to choose bro.
  12. So much chances for Cameroon, good game with 8 minutes left 2-1 Denmark is up. Both teams are playing sloppy on o though.
  13. That's def. true but he also talked about random [expletive] [expletive]. The metaphors on this album are crazzy.
  14. 1-0 what a penalty kick...woo!
  15. I don't get the hate on Relapse? LYRICALLY it was one of his most genius albums and on par with any of his greatest, accents just make it automatically horrible?
  16. Infinite over TES, MMLP, & Recovery!?? Are you serious?
  17. For me, MMLP>SSLP=Recovery>TES>Relapse
  18. Actually a lot of the popular rappers and the ones that get all the fame these days rap about those stupid types of subjects...and when the subject matter is so close and personal that it relates to many it does make it special.
  19. Exactly, i hate those rappers who just [expletive]ing brack about their "[expletive]es" and their stacks of money. True rap.
  20. Sick album, i can listen to every song (Besides WBD & W.T.P) over and over. Crazy replay value and it's truly lyricism at its best, full of metaphors and similies. Eminem came [expletive]ing hard on this. By the way, there's supposedly 2 Bonus Tracks..can't wait.
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