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Everything posted by ManOnTheMoon

  1. Yo, so im going on a long drive roadtrip soon, and i need to get some movies to watch on the way. I like movies like Superbad, Harold and Kumar, Pineapple express, etc. So any movies you guys can recommend for me to get would be coo... B)
  2. Terrible movie, the ending was crappy.
  3. Good idea, i'll start doing that until there is a plugin like that. B)
  4. So how are you're guys progressing, those who played the combine?
  5. Ya, this font is a lot cleaner and more organized. Did you read my suggestion i left on your profile?
  6. Snow Leopard came out today!! Can't wait to pick it up!
  7. Snoop Dogg ft. The Game - Gangbangin 101
  8. Good job Brandon, the flow and colors are sick. You did it again bro. B)
  9. LOL " Im just reversing the car" Ty, omg.
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