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Everything posted by ManOnTheMoon

  1. Well i have a chance of getting picked by them if im really good though ^.^
  2. So being a PG i would have a higher chance?
  3. You guys think i would be picked by Lakers if im a SG?
  4. Alright thanks, im sure a lot of people would use the feautre. B)
  5. Nah, im pretty sure he just does that manually.
  6. My desktop, still searching for a good wallpaper with the westcoast legends. http://i27.tinypic.com/1z4ig3n.png
  7. Nice man, pg or sg? Also what is he overall or a scorer.
  8. Whats your guy overall now gil? Still 38?
  9. Yea, you buy it on the Xbox store or Playstation Store for 5 bucks and download it.
  10. Damn, can't wait for it to come to the Playstation Store.
  11. I was wondering if there is a mod/plugin for IPB where you can have a default font/font color, so when you post if your default color for ex. is blue then you're post would be that color, and you wouldn't need to change it. I know vBulletin has this, but im not aware if IPB does.
  12. Guys these post-padding topics are pointless, im sure Real Deal will close this as soon as he sees it. There is a reason for the Random Thread, to post random things... just post gnite there.
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