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Everything posted by ManOnTheMoon

  1. Wow, i just did horrible :nah: Usually around 115 is my wpm...
  2. Him and his former coach back together, im exicted to see what they can bring to the table.
  3. Beasley, come on.. are you serious? :nah:
  4. Although i am a Charger fan, i think that he is way overpaid for that contract. He pisses me off every time he steps on the field.
  5. Haha, that's true. I liked the 365 update, which was everyday, but other than that... 2k was always my favorite.
  6. True that, but they seem like they have really tried to bring up live 10'. Either way, im still getting NBA 2k10.
  7. Going to watch it tonight, very excited.
  8. 2k won't, i believe Live will be good aswell.
  9. Close arguement, for now a no, but i see a possibility. Other than Kobe, i see no one coming close.
  10. Name: Big L Year You Became A Lakers Fan: 1997 Favorite Lakers Moment: .04 shot Favorite Current Lakers Player: Kobe Favorite All-Time Lakers Player: Kobe Anything Else: 09 Champs, soon to be 2010 champs.
  11. Get him right now! What a great energy booster off the bench, please LA!
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