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Everything posted by Jenneral

  1. Haha this guy is so awesome. What the league fails to realize is that he makes them the money. This $5,000 is nothing to him and I doubt he really cares. He breaks some of the dumbest rules in the book and makes it into some great comedy.
  2. I'm not hating. Just saying he's not exactly a great role model. You'd only have to listen to one of his songs (if you can call them that) to figure that out.
  3. They're going to use Wayne as the bad example. "Don't take school seriously and this is what could happen to you... *point to Wayne who happens to be high*"
  4. I kind of like the arrow effect.
  5. I mostly agree with you. But it's selfish because now you're putting all your loved ones in pain and hurt.
  6. This game looks awesome. I'm not really into hockey games but I have a feeling I'll be picking this one up.
  7. At least he's probably going to get the trade he's wanting. They just won't get much in return for him at this point.
  8. Looking really good RD. Keep it up!
  9. He really needs to avoid injury this year. That's his biggest problem. If he can stay 100% healthy all year I see him averaging something close to 15 ppg and 8.5 rpg.
  10. I've listened to it. I never mentioned his accent. I just don't think he was his old self in it and I didn't enjoy it as much as his older music. Aren't we all entitled to our own opinions?
  11. I could of sworn you did. Maybe only on the old OTR? I don't know...
  12. Agreed. It definitely wasn't the classic Em we're used to.
  13. I can't stand spray. It doesn't really do anything.
  14. What a joke. If you don't intend to play, don't enter the draft. He essentially [expletive]ed Minnesota over as they could've taken someone willing to play now, not in a few years.
  15. New youtube link since the other was taken down: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EMT64PQMngM I really thought Drake was good, not really feeling Em as much as everyone else although I still think it was good.
  16. This is my 500th post on the "new" OTR. B)
  17. Please have Alexander or Bogut as the Bucks "star" if you can call them that. Anyone but Redd and Jennings please.
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