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Everything posted by Jenneral

  1. Well you didn't say that in your original post. But if that's the case it almost seems like she's craving attention. It's not everyday you post something like that on MySpace.
  2. There arms all look the same... That's the one thing I hate about sports games, the players usually all have the same body figure. Example, Prince Fielder is just as skinny as Ryan Braun in MLB 2k9. That type of stuff just pisses me off.
  3. QFT. I bought NCAA 10 a few weeks ago. I highly doubt I'm going to buy Madden as it's essentially the same thing as years past with just new player names.
  4. Exactly. Reading some of her comments and looking at her pics won't exactly tell a story. She could be better than ever before and then you'd really seem like a douche if you intervened.
  5. Ryan Braun signed baseball Tony Gwynn Jr. signed baseball Greg Jennings signed giant bobblehead with him and Favre for 421 TD's Reggie Bush signed pennant at Rose Bowl vs Texas
  6. I don't think I'd want to live in anywhere that's just East of Cali. It would be depressing knowing you were so close, yet so far.
  7. I wish the Bucks would go after him now that CV is gone!
  8. What is up with all these players who haven't proven themselves yet in their professional sport demanding so much and then threatening to go somewhere else (Rubio, now Crabtree) if they don't get exactly what they want? Prove something, then you earn the right to [expletive] and moan.
  9. I agree. Way too many of them are getting contracts they don't deserve and haven't earned.
  10. Chances are Mota and Torre will also be getting fines/suspensions if it's decided to have been intentional.
  11. I've been getting into the 2k series more and more each year. D-League is going to be awesome! The Live series is just complete garbage.
  12. Don't you realize ECN, this country will never be out of debt. We will always just keep digging a deeper hole. So don't worry, you won't be paying for this program at any point in your life... our country's debt will not be fixed.
  13. I know right! Is it just me, or at the end of the vid did someone say to the police something along the lines of, "Don'e leave yet". lmao
  14. There aren't any good Bucks or Brewers ones.
  15. I've been talking/hearing about this all day. He has a right to be mad, but this is hilarious. It's hard not to laugh at. Imagine if he would have charged the mound instead of this. Mota would have [expletive] his pants watching Fielder plow straight for him!
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