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Everything posted by Jenneral

  1. The shoes I want don't even have a name on the shoe so I can't look them up to find them. My friend has them and all they have as far as marking is the Nike swoosh with a little + by it. They're tan/white/grey. Any help? Also the little + isn't on the side of the shoe with the swoosh... just on the bottom.
  2. So we lie about who actually killed him because...?
  3. I don't quite understand this either. If my son had schizophrenia and was living on the streets I would do everything in my power to make sure he was staying somewhere safe.
  4. It's supposed to be on your profile page but it's not showing up now. There's still a lot that needs to be fixed and added which is why we think it'll be better to rollout a totally revamped site soon.
  5. New poll up regarding shoe brands. We're probably going to release an entirely new version of the site coming up. New design, new features, etc.
  6. Love how Hawkins kept "quickpitching" to piss LaRussa off. Brewers really ran away with one today thanks to the 3-homer game from McGehee.
  7. I'd probably stop following professional basketball altogether it that was the case. In the past few years I've started watching more and more college hoops and find it to actually be more appealing anyway. This would really be crushing to the NBA's popularity.
  8. New poll up regarding cell phone providers.
  9. Alright thanks man. Lately I've been getting a lot of shoes that have like royal blue in them. Now I need a new pair that can go with everything. haha
  10. I'm looking to get tan/white/black shoes. Preferably Nike running/training styled shoes. Any suggestions?
  11. New poll has some Big Sean inspiration behind it.
  12. New poll: What search engine do you use the most?
  13. haha fair enough. I'll also be out all night/morning so yeahh.... I'll hopefully remember to get a new poll up at some point between 11 and 1. Just look for it.
  14. What have been some of your payments so far?
  15. Ill look into it. How would you feel about BestBuy as well?
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