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Everything posted by magicbalala245

  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mmEhHOQgK_Y&feature=player_embedded http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ynWb34L-Qn8&feature=player_embedded http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BIAulVgVQLM&feature=player_embedded http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kw3_KEDf4ls&feature=player_embedded http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UdVGSqR673Y&feature=player_embedded
  2. I know there are others hard working but to say afflalo is up their with the elite's is ridiculous. If he was that much of a hard worker he would've been more of a contributor to his team beside a 3 pt shooter and a very good defender.
  3. This guy again making no damn sense. Wade is a gym rat. Haven't you heard the stories of him just to get back in the top 3 conversation how hard he had to work to over come his injuries and shake off all that rust? And what about LeBron is it me or that dude seems to get better every year? That's because I constantly read that LeBron is always in the gym working on his game. In fact you should read on this then Snake http://www.dwyanewade3.com/news/81-behind-the-scenes-of-dwyane-wades-offseason-workout-regimen.html I'm not saying afflalo doesn't work hard but to put him up there with the elite's is ridiculous.
  4. Is this a joke? Only match by Kobe. It's not even close. Kobe is the hardest working guy in the NBA that guy name afflalo is not even in the same training shoes as Kobe. Shoot I can name more people who work harder then this afflalo guy. Lebron James, Dwayne Wade, Kevin Durant, Kevin Garnett, Deron Williams, Chris Paul the list keeps going on. Compare what afflalo does to these guys is just warm-up.
  5. Your a Celtic fan now? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RUti8Ol4_lg&feature=player_embedded
  6. Actually second he was on last year championship team as well.
  8. Just look at the team rep http://i36.photobucket.com/albums/e8/aj245/CHAMPIONSHIP/kobe-finals-2-2.jpg
  9. http://img687.imageshack.us/img687/4258/97527594.jpg
  10. Hopefully we get this so I can attended the parade on Saturday.
  11. The Detroit Lions & the Cleveland Browns
  12. You still don't think it would matter as far I was concerned Bynum was the only one able to box out Perkins for some boards. Did you see how much of an impact Perkins had on the Celtics as far as rebounds go? Perkins was dearly missed for the Celtics today. If he can't go like this is being reported by Yahoo! It can be another long game for the Celtics as for as rebounding goes.
  13. But no with Perkins out there is not a big body to bang with Bynum, and this could help Gasol open his game since he (well I hope) has got his rhythm back after seeing today's performance
  14. Knowing this do Lakers now have the upper hand in Game 7 this Thrusday
  15. Doesn't look for good Boston now. Winning a game 7 in Staples against a Laker team led by Kobe Bryant will be the tallest mountain to climb maybe in franchise history as so far they have went through Wade, James, Howard, & now Kobe stands in the way for the title. Odds seems against Boston to beat LA in LA.
  16. And what waste 4-6 seconds and the game is basically a wraps for the Celtics? GTFO I rather live and die by Kobe taking that shot and Fisher was not open on that Kobe 3. Check the replay Rondo was on Fisher and Ray ran off Artest to help Pierce contest that Kobe 3. And you tell me Ron Artest shooting a wide open 3 is basically the same percentage as Kobe taking a contested 3.
  17. WTF do you want the man to do with 8.9 seconds left it's basically catch and shoot when down by 6.
  18. There still some hope come on Lakers play some defense
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