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Everything posted by magicbalala245

  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=92s1QoHtm34&feature=player_embedded
  2. Just STFU please. This is the [expletive]ing stupidest idea I heard from someone's post hands down no one can beat this guy's post. If I were to pull a gun on you and let's say your rich and I'm poor you wouldn't be intimidated by me if I pulled a gun on you? Get the [expletive] out. Having money does affect the way you think but not in a [expletive]ing basketball game. No one goes dribbling down the court saying I got more money then him so I'm a better player then him. If that's the case Tracy will be thinking Lebron James is weak since Tracy did make more money then Lebron this year.
  3. I think Nash already has a HOF spot on lock. It's just a matter of the rings now
  4. ESPN officially picks the Los Angeles Lakers to take the title home this year with out of the 10 analysts 6 of them picking LA 4 of them picking Boston http://img339.imageshack.us/img339/8946/screenshot20100529at104e.png
  5. Should had could've, would've doesn't matter Lakers need to improve on that part of the aspect and keep their or expanding cause if not we will be in a big surprise in the NBA Finals
  6. That is indeed wishful thinking. IMO Lakers will close this out in 6. It would be sweet to win in 5 though sweeting the revenge deal by winning in the Garden.
  7. Was this it for Nash? Does he need to be traded to achieve a ring or can he do it in Phoenix? Sound off in this thread.
  8. Kobe Bryant the closet thing this league will ever see to Michael Jordan
  9. 2 more possesion of Good D and clutch shots end this game Let's Go Lakers
  10. I don't think so if KG can get away with almost breaking Dwight's arm then they should let Sasha walk. KG fore arms were more stronger then this move Sasha just pulled off.
  11. [expletive]ing Sasha why would you do this. Just let him talk and let the scoreboard do the talking.
  12. Depending how these next 2 minutes go this game can be over before the 4th even starts.
  13. wow Nash held on Bynum and Bynum get's called a foul wtf.
  14. Bull[expletive] call on Artest. Artest stole that ball clean.
  15. What makes me [expletive]ing say this is because the LA bench is outplaying the suns bench so far and our 3 pointers are going in right now.
  16. Lakers smelling blood. Take this 8pt lead to a 14 pt lead or bigger at halftime these Suns will quit.
  17. Might sound crazy but I expect Sasha to break this zone with his 3PT shooting ability.
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