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Dr. Feelgood

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Everything posted by Dr. Feelgood

  1. Yeah, let's not go into bashing of either sport. I think 13 pages is enough.
  2. Portland will gladly take Lee if New York doesn't want him.
  3. I've had my 360 for about 2 years now and have never had a problem with it. There was a time that during a snow storm, the power flickered on and off really quickly and my 360 started flashing 3 red rings, I turned it off and turned it back on...it was just fine.
  4. Anyways, I would not drive 7 hours to go see a baseball game. That's just me as I don't like baseball at all. Though if I did like baseball, I'd probably go with my friend as it would be better than sitting around doing nothing. I'm sure you'll make the right decision, just think of it this way...In a week after the event, will you regret going or regret not going?
  5. I would much rather watch soccer than baseball. Much more exciting.
  6. Yeah, he's a great guy. Too bad he somewhat blew his opportunity in Indiana back when half the team was suspended and he was starting.
  7. Beach Boys are ok, I actually don't have any of their songs on my iPod at all, of the 9,500+ I have...
  8. Yeah. One year I went to LeBron's school, the next TMac's, the next KG's, and then lastly Kobe's.
  9. I've got a couple from Chuck Berry and a good amount of Queen. We also have BB King, I know he's blues but he's still freaking amazing.
  10. LeBron James, Kobe Bryant, Tracy McGrady, Kevin Garnett....Oh players that went to my high school...Damn. Freddy Jones! We even retired his jersey number so no one else can use it. His nephew also went there, not nearly as good but he sure thought so. Anyone Indiana was in town playing Portland, he'd stop by the high school and visit everyone. Cool guy.
  11. Rondo got lucky with being on the Celtics to play with KG, Allen, and Pierce. If you were to put Jarret Jack in place of Rondo, I'd imagine he could do something similar to what Rondo did. Rondo was a nobody at the time the big three came to be. I mean, I like Rondo, don't get me wrong but LaMarcus is a much better player of the two (of the three if you add in Gay). He'll also have the better career of the three as well. Maybe I'm just a really biased Blazer fan, but I honestly would take LaMarcus any day of the year over Rondo or Gay.
  12. Dr. Feelgood

    The Ramones

    Yeah, they were good but not my cup of coffee. I have to really be in the mood to listen to the Ramones. Good band though.
  13. Keith Moon was an amazing drummer. So talented. I love his playing style.
  14. Hah! No, they didn't. That was George Thorogood.
  15. If this guy was supposed to be jailed for one year for not paying child support...I wonder how long my dad should be in jail for? I've seen him once and that was when I was less then a year old. I have no idea what he looks like and don't care to know. He's never paid a penny for child support for me ever. Anyways, it's good to hear this guy got out because that is very stupid in my opinion.
  16. They're going to be coming to Washington on August 30th, I was planning on going but as I was going to order the tickets, I realized that's when my family camping trip is that we've had planned for the last 8 months or so. So I'll be hitting up the Aerosmith and ZZ Top concert.
  17. I've always liked May, mainly during his college days when he was a good player. I've always felt bad for the guy because he had so much potential to be a pretty good start (not an all star but a good starter) and he just got plauged with injuries. I wouldn't mind May here in Portland, but obviously I'd rather have Milsap.
  18. For some reason, when I saw the topic title, I was thinking Raul Lopez...Until I read that he got 16 boards too, then it clicked... Robin Lopez. I don't know why I thought Raul...
  19. Translation please!! Seriously people, how hard is it to type out a sentence that makes sense? Who the hell types like that anymore? Honestly.
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