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Dr. Feelgood

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Everything posted by Dr. Feelgood

  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3w_Vy0lDk_A&feature=g-all-u&context=G24b7bdaFAAAAAAAAAAA
  2. http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lynf7rk0Op1r3ltgvo1_500.gif
  3. Kendrick Perkins looks like he's contemplating suicide in that picture!!
  4. As much as I love Aldridge....team two takes this.
  5. Thanks for all the hard work Brandon, it's much appreciated.
  6. I don't like LeBron at all but I gotta give him props on that...that was pretty sick. Woww....
  7. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v249/Shorty333/1238512492_the-happening-wahlberg.gif
  8. Never got to know him but he's gotta be something special to be the first retired jersey since the hack. Congrats to him, it's obviously well deserved.
  9. I don't think dibs can be called on numbers (or shouldn't). Should be first come first serve on numbers. :-/
  10. What is this, ugly uniform night? What the actual [expletive]?!
  11. I've been here for about 2 years going on 3...I don't think I'll be getting a jersey any time soon.
  12. I assume this whole thing isn't true but if for some strange reason it is, he should have broken it off with her after that. I laughed at this though, good time.
  13. This kind of makes me want to get back into graphic making again...it's been like...2-3 years since I really put effort into a sig. I've been having other people make my past sigs (with the exception of my current one) because I'm too lazy to make my own. Hah hah.
  14. That's pretty disappointing to hear...that they don't give it their all EVERY single game of the season. But interesting stats without Wade...obviously they're still better with Wade and they shouldn't trade him.
  15. Can't believe we [expletive]ing blew this game....so frustrating...can't win on the road it seems. :/
  16. Hoping we can get this win to be the 2nd team to win a back-to-back-to-back.
  17. For some reason, I anticipate the final score will look something like... http://espn.go.com/nba/boxscore?gameId=300115013
  18. Pretty sure we'll get this win tonight. It's at the Garden.
  19. I still like Gil.... lol And yeah, someone will take a chance on Blatche...maybe New Orleans? I dunno...lol
  20. Definitely need to trade Blatche for something...while he's still worth something.
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