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Dr. Feelgood

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Everything posted by Dr. Feelgood

  1. I've always wondered this as well. I think it'd be cool to sort users by rep.
  2. http://img401.imageshack.us/img401/4969/mjlebron.jpg Found on Tumblr, I laughed out loud.
  3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gGtW4AFyLyM&ob=av2n
  4. By a [expletive]ing field goal too. I was pulling for them to win.
  5. Yeah, I felt the same way a day after I made my post. Too bad.
  6. You do realize, that Andre Miller led the league last year in ally oop passes, right? He's actually a fantastic passer, as someone who has watched every game he's played for the last two years, I can definitely say I'm going to miss Miller. I was very angry when we traded him for Felton too...I've never liked Felton but I'm hoping for the best.
  7. I thought I'd give this some thought as well. I'm a HUGE Andre Miller fan, freaking love the guy. He's one of my top favorite players in the league. So I was very disappointed when we traded him away for Felton, who I've never been fond of in the past. Though, I'm intrigued by him now because he should be hitting his prime years in his career. Your thoughts?
  8. Wes works out constantly as well, he's got great work ethic and is always hitting the gym.
  9. Discuss who you guys is better right now, who you'd rather have on your team, and who has more upside. Please vote in all three polls.
  10. http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lrsmyfPuO01qeiblho1_400.jpg
  11. I definitely would, but I listen to my music 90% of the time at work and youtube is blocked at work.
  12. http://www.oregonlive.com/blazers/index.ssf/2011/09/report_arvydas_sabonis_suffers.html Hope everything is okay for him, though I heard he's in serious condition.
  13. Welcome kid, hope you have a good one.
  14. Happy birthday man, hope you have a great one.
  15. A small bowl of frosted flakes, a small thing of milk, 2 bottles of Aquafina water, and cheese noodles. EDIT - Oh, and one dollar on a lottery ticket, Powerball.
  16. Were talking about the World Series though. Typically, when a team goes up 3 game to 0, they are able to win just one more game. I don't think there are many teams in the history of baseball that has won 4 games in a row during the World Series while being down 3-0. So yes, I consider that a choke.
  17. Wouldn't you call the Yankees losing against the Red Sox in the World Series being up 3-0 and losing the next 4 games a choke?
  18. Octavarium - Dream Theater (24 minutes long)
  19. Anyway You Want It (cover) - Rise Against
  20. It rarely happens for me but it does. And when it does, I always seem to jam it really good to it hurts for a good 2-3 days after playing ball. For me, it's always my knees that are sore as hell after I'm done playing for 3-4 hours.
  21. http://29.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lr2i4zHJDq1qai2nwo1_500.gif
  22. http://espn.go.com/nba/story/_/id/7004982/marcus-camby-portland-trail-blazers-arrested-marijuana-possession
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