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Everything posted by xx.

  1. What? Hes a rookie that didnt even play at a competitive college.
  2. Nice, I played again today and went 22-12 one game.. only third day ever playing this game and already doing it up (never played other COD's), pretty sure my roommate got mad because I unlocked everything for him and might be just as good as him lol and he been playing for over a year lol prob not but lol
  3. Played COD once like a year ago at a buds friend but wasnt used to it so did bad didnt like it. But my roommate here plays so I played warfare 1 like twice or so and now he got the new one and I was just playing for like 2 hours haha its great. He has it for xbox and my buddy across the hall got it for ps3. This can break me because its real great, shooting games always got to me. First Socom then counter strike now this but I dont think I'll get addicted, was only addicted when I was little to socom. But yeah ill play with people from here though, I suck but doing a lot better already going 500 in my games
  4. xx.

    Jay Z

    Only thing is, its real weird that my first intention is looking at the text and background picture before looking at the main render of Jay-Z
  5. They did this because when Benson went down Sunday there was absolutely no one to back him up besides the rookie Scott. Benson will definitely still start, hes doing amazing this year
  6. Yeah I had this idea in the summer where I can host a trivia contest like this and no one wanted to do it or everyone just bashed it so it never happened
  7. Nah dude it was 10 o clock and I was like why not and go, none of my friends even heard of the movie because its limited and I rode one of my friends bikes she had a nice Trek lol. No one would wanna go probably but in the summer always took the girl I was with to the movies... and Slaven your a virgin so chill and proof you are, you never leave the house.
  8. I think Nelson will become a fan of Raja Bell because of his defense but all in all definitely a good trade for the Bobcats, a 2-2 swap that they definitely won in.
  9. The latest Coen brothers film and once again they strike with an amazing dark comedy and the film is so unique. I do believe they are the best directors of all time in the dark comedy genre. I saw the movie at the local arthouse here in the town of my college at the 10PM showing and I was the only one in the theater haha it was pretty sick
  10. LOL nah shes a legit OTR veteran, the newer guys around here wont really know her.
  11. I knew this guy was going to be a star in the league personally when I watched him in high school and especially during the McDonalds game, he was so crafty with the ball it was insane. Also, whats so remarkable during his 55 point game is that he had 0 points in the 1st quarter.
  12. How do you become a Z-lister?
  13. Shaq will play a cop who pulls Gasol over, haha http://i.cdn.turner.com/nba/nba/2009/news/features/11/13/gasol.csi/1113gasol1608.jpg http://www.nba.com/2009/news/features/11/13/gasol.csi/
  14. Honestly, why isnt Don Nelson fired already, hes the one that is single handed bringing the organization down.
  15. Work on text, it ruins the sig usually for you
  16. No way man, we're going to get a great pick it seems like, wouldn't pick him with a top 5 pick.
  17. Not going to lie, every single time I watched the Hornets this season so far, they looked very poor out there. Who knows maybe it was CP3's call, like it was with Jason Kidd.
  18. Search Can I get aids ... and look at the 5th one lollolol and just do black people or do white people
  19. I checked out a lot how hard or easy it is to get into a school then looked at the money of course and the size I wanted to go to a big public school. School I'm at currently is actually the last one I applied to but I got in, visited it, liked it a lot and made a great choice.
  20. I got 98 out of 150.. damn missed some really easy ones but got some real tough ones too though. But missed some current league best in there. Nice find that was cool though
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