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Everything posted by xx.

  1. Explain this... a imam, who all Muslims look up to called the Fort Hood killer a HERO!! http://jta.org/news/article/2009/11/10/1009075/imam-calls-alleged-fort-hood-shooter-hero Explain.
  2. Wow, a rare form of leukemia, this is really bad, hope he gets better soon
  3. [laker fan] Not only would I cut a toe or finger, I would cut my weiner off to hang out with Kobe. [/laker fan]
  4. To be honest, probably none of those.
  5. You spelled guitar wrong.
  6. Anyone else get turned on by this? I personally love when I'm in bed with a girl and shes the aggressive one and crushes and squeezes my weiner all over the place
  7. Is it safe to say though that he is already one of the best rebounders in the game?
  8. I had swine flu once, felt good, I bet CDR will enjoy it as well as I did.
  9. Iowa is definitely overrated but they are known to be a 4th quarter team so I wont be one bit surprised if they come back and win. They win ugly, but they win.
  10. Your not improving very fast, to be honest, it is taking you a while however I can tell from this sig that its a step forward. Work on lighting, just dont use lens flare ever, and not just one dot of a white brush. But I see you are real dedicated so keep that up, graphics takes months to be good at.
  11. http://i35.tinypic.com/2z5u8sx.jpg
  12. I thought Islam meant peace. Hmm... weird, never thought that religion would be harmful.
  13. always works for me, you want an invite tell me
  14. The 3rd quarter kills us in every single game, whats going on..
  15. LOLOLOLOL http://www.sportsbybrooks.com/dwight-howard-shows-mary-carey-his-magic-wand-26817 Dwights a cool guy. For a month, we like talked on the phone, and he was always trying to give me prayers to get me out of porn and give me Bible verses to read. So then, I was going to go visit him when I was in Orlando, but I went over to this other guys house instead, Chris Kirkpatrick from NSync. And then Dwight started calling, and calling, and calling me, because he knew I was with Chris Kirkpatrick, so eventually at 3 in the morning, Chris was like don?t answer Dwights calls. I get a text from Dwight at 3 in the morning Im outside Chriss house. Im like oh my god, what do I do? I was like, I got Dwight here and I got Chris in the other room and Im talking to them back and forth. So finally I had to just pull Dwight in the bathroom and tell him he needs to go home. I was like Im really sorry, I really like you, but this isnt the time or place. When I pull him in the bathroom, he pulls his pants down, I was like, whooa. Yeah, and so I ran and started screaming ? “Well if it wasn’t for the Chris thing at the time, I really liked Dwight and maybe I would have furthered this. But I was at the guy’s house I was dating so it was inappropriate. So he totally thought he totally offended me. So I saved — he and I used to talk on instant messenger, on AOL — so he was apologizing; ’sorry, that was out of character for me,’ blah blah blah. I saved all the instant messages and I’ve been putting them all in a book. So I’ve got a lot of evidence. I’ve got an evidence file.” http://img40.imageshack.us/img40/6390/7be50a60ea75a8b5a3e1e59.jpg
  16. If we gave away VC for those players straight up or even Yi it would make sense but giving away Anderson right away I knew it would be a mistake, hes even starting in Orlando now, hes a good player
  17. Looks really well acted and its a Clint Eastwood film, I'll see it, probably not in the theaters though.
  18. [expletive] you Lockerz nazi let me send them invites brah
  19. I got a 8 to 10 year olds little kids Batman costume, was so tight on me and it was like spandex but it was pretty funny haha good times
  20. you guys were talkin about sleeping couple posts up friday night i drank so much at 10pm i passed out and didnt wake up till like 12 the next day, it was a legit coma ... 14-15 hours of sleep, crazy lol
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