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Everything posted by xx.

  1. Sick song, always a fan of Murs stuff
  2. Wow man I said you were going to grow up soon about it, but I spoke too soon.
  3. Noyz best of luck to your dog definitely man
  4. Let me think about this and a real legit answer.... Buffalo.
  5. Yeah my friends are moving in tomorrow morning too.... there at Busch prob like you
  6. Actually I'm getting this, gonna pick it up tomorrow.. http://www.bestbuy.com/site/olspage.jsp?skuId=9366562&type=product&id=1218092151327#tabbed-customerreviews
  7. Weird.. I heard Rutgers is WiFi anyway.. UMass is ethernet.
  8. I dont think connecting to the internet has anything to do with the laptop it self. I like the Sony but also thinking about this Toshiba. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16834114691
  9. lez put some real starz up there, like trick daddy, soulja boy TELL EM, lil wayne, thaz right!!
  10. Lasers is going to be a sick album cant wait, the first single Shining Down is real dope
  11. I'm getting this, found a sweet Sony for only 550, damn. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16834117922 What'd you think..
  13. I'm later than everyone else, move in my dorm the 5th and start classes the 8th.
  14. Since when does the music section get its own banner?
  15. You seem like you know many people that committed suicide and heard their thoughts right before they died? How was that?
  16. All of us go through time times, does that mean we're going to kill ourselves? No... the ones that do are doing a selfish and coward move
  17. You're 14 and you probably get bullied eh? Don't worry you'll grow up soon.
  18. Looking at the VAIO notebooks website since they have deals for students like an education section I found.. https://www.sonystyle.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/CategoryDisplay?catalogId=10551&storeId=10151&langId=-1&categoryId=16154&N=4294966502
  19. I need to get a new laptop too and gotta order it today.... been looking around but now I'll read this thread. Not tooo expensive, thinking Dell, Asus or Toshiba... no Mac or anything that expensive, not one of the kids like I see many here that are "omgg I got a Mac am I cool now??"
  20. Wow.. you were right, first time everrr going on OTR saying damnnnnnnnn right away. real nice dude
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