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About Agent_28

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  • Fav Player
    Kobe Bryant

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  1. Yea I take alot of naps too, mostly b/c I dont get alot of sleep when im suppose to lol.
  2. Lol has WWE really resorted to Tweet battles? yea wat the douche above me said, wrestling sucks now. Rock and Stone Cold need to come back.
  3. That was a pretty good movie. There are alot of underrated movies to me, b/c I like just about every movie I watch and I watch alot of movies.
  4. Bout to start my senior year in high school and really have no idea where I want to go =/
  5. Not much pisses me off, but people who talk a lot or stupid people irritate me at times.
  6. I liked to play the mini rink thing on NHL 09. I sucked at everything else.
  7. Kim K got a donk. Fox is fake to me, iunno just dont like something about her.
  8. They are covering up her nips in that pic, looks dumb. 21-17 in favor of Kim K.
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