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Everything posted by reno

  1. I like the idea of having some kind of football during bye week, but the probowl itself is a joke. Its just a good status symbol for the player who makes it, but only if they made the all pro team.
  2. IDK personally I like the sudden death feeling of overtime, keep it how it is.
  3. lol saints dont deserve anything, and to be honest they are very lucky that they are in the superbowl. Personally I cannot stand the saints headcoach and some of there players such as reggie bush. Also the saints fans blow, always are whining about something. I see the colts winning easily this game, Saints defense will be no match for peytons high octane offense. Peyton understands the meaning of this game, and will probably be playing his best ball. Saints are going to have to play near perfect to keep it respectful.
  4. Anyone else excited for this game? Its already receiving high reviews, ign gave it a 9.6. I really enjoyed the first one, though the side missions all felt a bit too similar, they fixed that in me2. http://image.com.com/gamespot/images/2009/351/944907_20091218_790screen003.jpg
  5. I don't think favre wants to come back to that offensive line, he took a real beating and its only gonna be worse next season.
  7. Saints need a td... No matter how close cbs rigged the saints kickerrrrrr
  8. This game will go into OT, or Darren sharper picks it for 6
  9. This game has had the worst officiating since the seahawks/steelers sb.
  10. How the hell is that pass interference? Good job to cheat the game
  11. This is like a dream come true lmao
  12. Another fumble, the way of the Minnesota vikings.
  13. Brett favre still smiling.... PICKED OFF VILMA rofl
  14. WTF that was not roughing the passser wow
  15. I love AP, 2bad the saints cannot recover the fumbles.
  16. If it makes you feel better, I hate favre too.
  17. I'm sorry, maybe I have missed something, but to shutup what critics? Seems like the media has been on favres jock all season long.
  18. Jets are playing some incredible defense, great game for rex ryan.
  19. I may be wrong, but Didnt hitler also have this type of problem? Side note, my right hand tends to shake late at night but I dont know why.
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